Platinum Grooms: Pregnant at the Wedding. Sara Orwig
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Название: Platinum Grooms: Pregnant at the Wedding

Автор: Sara Orwig

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472008206


СКАЧАТЬ pronounce us man and wife.”

      “I heard that,” Ashley said solemnly.

      Ryan looked at her features and her hair. “You look stunning today. I”ll remember you forever the way you look now.”

      She smiled, and he smiled in return. “Let’s give each other half a chance,” he added. “I expect us to fall in love.”

      “I hope you’re right.”

      “Did you hear him say, ‘You may kiss the bride’?” Ryan asked, his desire spiraling as he looked at her full, soft mouth.

      “Yes, I did,” she answered, with that sultry quality in her voice that excited him even more. He leaned the last few inches to kiss her, and her mouth opened to him as she wrapped her arms around him. Her kiss aroused him, and he longed to be alone with her. He wanted her naked in his arms, in his bed.

      A pounding on the door got through to him dimly above the roaring of his pulse, while Ashley pushed against his chest and wiggled away. “Ryan!” a deep voice called.

      “That’s Brett.” Ryan reached around her to open the door, and his brother stepped inside.

      “Sorry,” he said apologetically to Ashley. “They’re searching for both of you for pictures. You’re holding up the works.”

      “Yeah, yeah, we’re coming,” Ryan answered, wishing he could pick her up and run out the back with her, sweeping her away right now. He took her arm and they started to follow Brett, then stopped again.

      “Everything okay now?”

      “Yes,” she said, smiling at him. Yet there was still a wary look in her eyes, and he wondered how much damage Kayla had done.

      “Where’s the necklace I gave you?” he asked.

      Her expression was stricken and her hand flew to her throat.

      “Ryan, it’s—” She bit her lip and blinked. “I’m so sorry. I threw it on the floor of the room where I dressed. Let me go get it.”

      He shook his head. “I’ll have Cal or Brett find it. Don’t worry. The necklace isn’t what’s important here.” He received a warm look at that, and felt better, hoping they’d cleared the air between them.

      During the picture taking Ryan kept his arm around Ashley’s waist as much as possible, wanting her close at his side. The minute they reached the club for the reception, he was separated from her by crowds of friends and relatives, who congratulated him and wished him well. Often, he could spot Ashley across the room, and occasionally, she would look around and make eye contact. He could feel the invisible electricity instantly generated, and fought a constant urge to glance at his watch.

      Finally she was at his side and it was time for the first dance. He took her hand as they made their way to the dance floor. She had shed the train of her dress, and followed his lead easily.

      “I want to take down your hair and peel you out of that gown and kiss you all night long,” he said, knowing he ought to avoid the erotic images of her that he had thought about so much today. “You’re in my whole being, like a heady wine, Ashley.”

      “Ryan, everyone is watching us now. I hope they can’t hear you.”

      “You know they can’t. You’re beautiful, and I dream about having you in my arms. This is torture, and it’ll go on how many more hours?”

      She laughed. “Most of the afternoon. We just got started. According to you, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event, so relax and enjoy it.”

      “There are some other things I would rather be doing,” he said tersely. “The first minute we can feasibly get out of here, let me know and we’re off.”

      “So you said you’d surprise me about where we’ll go for our honeymoon. When are you going to tell me?”

      “Not until we’re on our way.”

      “Which we won’t be for hours,” she said, and her tone had lightened, which cheered him.

      Ryan drew Ashley close, wanting to wrap her in his embrace, but she pushed against his chest. “Everyone is watching, so show a little more propriety.”

      “Propriety isn’t my strong suit,” he said with amusement as they circled the dance floor.

      She danced with him, wondering about their future. Would they fall in love? Would Ryan be able to settle into marriage and give up his playboy lifestyle and beautiful women? The last was a question that constantly nagged at Ashley. Marriage was an abrupt alteration for him, even more than the disruption to her own life. Kayla’s accusations had unsettled her, and she couldn’t dismiss them with the cavalier nonchalance that Ryan had. And was she being foolishly gullible by believing him instead of Kayla?

      Ashley realized then that to feel that strongly about him with Kayla, she must be in love with Ryan. How had love for him engulfed her so swiftly? She had her answer in memories, as well as when she looked at him.

      Searchingly, she met his gaze. She guessed he would be a wonderful father, but she couldn’t imagine him being a devoted husband when there was no love, at least on his part, and he was accustomed to women and freedom.

      She looked at her hand in his. Hers was pale, smaller, her fingers slender next to his. Her ring sparkled in the bright lights of the ballroom.

      She remembered Jake and Emily’s wedding. When Emily had confided that it was purely a marriage of convenience, Ashley had wondered how her friend could bear to go into such a union. Yet here she was, locked in one almost like that herself. All the reassurances she had poured out for Emily seemed hollow and empty now.

      Yet as she danced, hope grew. Now that Ryan had insisted she should ignore Kayla, the future once again held possibilities.

      He was watching her, and she tilted her head and smiled up at him.

      “So you’re happy now?” he asked.

      “Ryan Warner, you made me marry you. Well, I’m going to make you fall in love with me. Hopelessly in love.”

      Excitement flashed in the depths of his gaze and his dark eyebrows arched. “That’s a promise I look forward to. It makes my day even more than the wedding.”

      “You’ll see,” she said, smiling at him and meaning what she said.

      In minutes the dance ended and he led her back to the sidelines, where her father claimed her and Ryan turned to ask Laura to dance.

      “I’m worried about you, Ashley,” Ben said when they were on the dance floor. “It’s good to have Ryan’s financial support, but that’s not enough for marriage. Just remember, I’m always here for you, day or night.”

      “I know, Dad. I’m fine. There was something disturbing this morning, but it’s all right now.”

      “Good. I’m glad to hear it. I wish you all the happiness in the world,” he said, and she smiled up at him.

      “Thanks. I love you,” she said. Her gaze went past him to Ryan, СКАЧАТЬ