Just Desserts. Ashley Lister
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Название: Just Desserts

Автор: Ashley Lister

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эротика, Секс


isbn: 9780007579570


СКАЧАТЬ wouldn’t even be a snack, she told herself. She could look on it as an exercise in quality control, ensuring that the products Sweet Temptation supplied were up to the high standard she wanted to maintain. Almost won over by the argument, Trudy slipped out of her chair and started moving slyly towards the door.

      Charlotte burst into the room. She was grinning and brandishing a bottle of champagne in one hand and a trio of crystal flutes in the other.

      Trudy checked her watch. It was only just eleven in the morning. Champagne at this time of the day seemed positively decadent. Or deviant. She eyed the bottle suspiciously. ‘What are we celebrating?’

      Charlotte checked the door before responding. ‘I’ve called Daryl up here too,’ she said. ‘She needs to know this as well. But I wanted to tell you first.’ She stepped close and lowered her voice as though sharing a secret. ‘Harvey proposed.’

      Trudy hugged her friend. The rush of happiness was so intense that it was almost a strain keeping back the tears. Charlotte and Harvey were a beautiful couple. Yes, there was an age difference. But age differences weren’t necessarily a bad thing for some couples. And they hadn’t known each other a year. But they made each other happy and Trudy didn’t think anything else mattered in a relationship.

      ‘Congratulations,’ Trudy whispered. ‘That’s wonderful. What did you say?’

      ‘What do you think I said?’

      It was, Trudy knew, a ridiculous question. But it gave Charlotte an excuse to break their embrace and display the huge diamond she now wore on her ring finger: a princess-cut oblong set on a white gold mount. Trudy admired it and grinned and congratulated her friend again.

      ‘Did this come out of the blue?’ Trudy asked.

      Charlotte popped the cork on the champagne and filled all three flutes.

      ‘Obviously the subject of marriage has been bandied around a lot recently.’ She had the courtesy to blush. ‘What with Harvey being Bill’s best man and with Bill…I mean…’ Her voice trailed off into an embarrassed, apologetic murmur.

      ‘It’s no big deal,’ Trudy said, squeezing her friend’s hand. ‘You know I’m excited for you.’

      Charlotte regarded her suspiciously.

      ‘For both of you,’ Trudy promised. She raised her flute of champagne and tilted it against Charlotte’s drink. ‘To your happiness,’ she said. ‘May there be lots of it filling your days.’

      ‘To happiness,’ Charlotte echoed. ‘And there’s something I need to ask you.’ Her blushes deepened as she added, ‘Except it’s a little awkward.’

      ‘Awkward?’ Trudy raised an eyebrow. ‘Go on.’

      Before Charlotte could speak, Daryl opened the door and stepped into the office. Her face looked like thunder. Her eyes were the pained red of promised tears. Her upper lip trembled as though she was struggling to contain her misery.

      ‘Daryl?’ Trudy began.

      ‘Hon?’ Charlotte asked.

      Daryl shook her head and pressed her lips tight together.

      ‘What’s the matter?’ Trudy asked. ‘Who’s upset you?’

      Daryl slumped into an office chair. Her shoulders trembled and her eyes blinked constantly.

      ‘Who is it?’ Trudy repeated.

      ‘What’s happened?’ Charlotte pressed.

      ‘It’s Donny,’ Daryl said eventually.

      ‘What the fuck has he done now?’ Charlotte demanded.

      She was pulling her mobile from her pocket. Whatever the awkward question she had been about to ask when they were alone, it was now clearly off the agenda for the day. Charlotte was focused on resolving Daryl’s issue.

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