The Heat of the Night. Amy Andrews
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Название: The Heat of the Night

Автор: Amy Andrews

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472017758


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       How many times had she fantasised about kissing that mouth? Too many to count.

      And there it was, right in front of her.

      Her pulse kicked up another notch as the devil whispered, Kiss him, and she contemplated doing just that.

      That would definitely wake him up.

      But what if he rejected her advances? It would be embarrassing and awkward. For a very long time. It would probably even kill her. She’d probably die of mortification on the spot.

      It would certainly be hard to come back from.

      Another sinful whisper. But what if he doesn’t?

      In a few short months Luke would be heading back to London, and the thought that she might never get another opportunity to show him how she felt suddenly scared her a hell of a lot more.

       Screw it.

      And the devil smiled.

      The Heat of

       the Night

       Amy Andrews

      When my editor approached me with the idea of doing a duet with Ally Blake last February my first reaction was, Hell, yeah! I adore Ally’s writing, and she’s just all-round fun to work with! Throw in some glorious Australian sunshine, a tropical resort and some bikinis and how could I resist? But let me tell you Ally got the raw end of the deal. I had a hectic schedule last year, and while she was planning her book for the duet—which is, OMG, knock-you-out-of-the-park fabulous!—I still had another three books to finish …

      But her enthusiasm for the project and her love affair with Pinterest kept drawing me into the world of the Tropicana. When I’d finally cleared my decks I was all fired up to start.

      I absolutely adored creating the world of the Tropicana Nights—an old-fashioned resort from yesteryear, when families holidayed together and entertainment was simple—with Ally. Creating Luke and Claudia was fabulous also. Two people who grew up together with the Tropicana as their playground, who both love the resort in their own ways but who clash over their polar opposite visions for its future.

      I love the title of this book. THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT is very apt because—trust me—things soon get pretty fired up between these two childhood friends. They might not be able to agree on what’s good for the Tropicana, but their bodies are perilously in sync.

      Ahh … those summer nights …

      I hope you enjoy their tumultuous tumble into love. And if you haven’t read Ally Blake’s HER HOTTEST SUMMER YET then run out and get it! You won’t be sorry!



      Those Summer Nights In Crescent Cove find sun, sea and steamy nights …

      Read the first book in this sultry duet:


       by Ally Blake!

      AMY ANDREWS has always loved writing, and still can’t quite believe that she gets to do it for a living. Creating wonderful heroines and gorgeous heroes and telling their stories is an amazing way to pass the day. Sometimes they don’t always act as she’d like them to—but then neither do her kids, so she’s kind of used to it. Amy lives in the very beautiful Samford Valley, with her husband and aforementioned children, along with six brown chooks and two black dogs.

      She loves to hear from her readers. Drop her a line at

       Other Modern Tempted™ titles by Amy Andrews:



      This and other titles by Amy Andrews are available in eBook format. Check out

      To Ally Blake for her indefatigable enthusiasm and getting this duet off to an incredible start with two wonderful characters in Jonah and Avery.

      And for getting me hooked on Pinterest.




       Title Page

       About the Author


       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten
