Naked Sushi. Jina Bacarr
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Название: Naked Sushi

Автор: Jina Bacarr

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472041999


СКАЧАТЬ Sims babbling on about how she’d come back to the office to get her cell phone. When she heard the alarm go off, she ran to the copy room. A tall man wearing a baseball cap and black sweats knocked her down and rushed past her. When she opened the door and found me with my jeans down, she assumed I had invited him in.

      I tried to explain to her what happened, but she wouldn’t listen to me. That didn’t surprise me. She had this thing against hiring girls who wrote code.

      That was just the excuse she needed.

      She fired me.

      The bitch.

      * * *

      FBI Special Agent Steve Raines had a plan for this evening’s mission—pick the old-fashioned lock on the back door of the Victorian mansion with the skills he’d learned as a kid from his older brother and then sneak upstairs and copy the documents he’d been angling to get his hands on for months.

      After he got what he came for, he’d scram out of there before the spiders knew he’d disturbed their sticky webs.

      It should have been routine.

      It wasn’t.

      He never expected to meet up with a sexy redhead who had a come-hither look about her that steamed up her glasses and made him hard. At first, he wasn’t bothered by her intrusion. If anything, he was turned-on by her unexpected appearance. In his line of business he spent many lonely nights camped out in the wet and the cold, doing surveillance. Strip-searching her was an entirely pleasant experience and one he’d enjoy doing again.

      He doubted he’d ever have the chance.

      Things got sticky when she came on to him like gangbusters. She’d given him no choice but to have sex with her or blow his cover.

      The question was, how was he going to explain his indiscretion to his boss?

      “Did you get the docs from Briggs’s office?” Jordan asked him, her fingers tapping on the phone at the other end. Patience was not her virtue. Never had been, though she knew how to hold ’em when the target was in sight but not close enough for a sure kill.

      This was not one of those times.

      She wanted answers. Now.

      Steve had stopped at the drive-through for coffee and then pulled into a dark alley and parked his old Buick behind a large trash Dumpster. For several long minutes, he studied the copies he’d made with a pen flashlight before dialing her on his cell. Special Agent in Charge Jordan Parks played hardball with her agents the same way other women picked out shoes: she liked the ones that dazzled her eye.

      Still, she was tough and ran her operations lean and mean. She got the job done or she never would have lasted in this business. He admired her for that, but he wouldn’t let her tell him how to run his mission. As long as he came through with the intel, he knew she’d let him play ball his way.

      Except that tonight he’d scored in one way and fouled out in another.

      “Well, Steven, I’m waiting,” she purred. Or was it more of a growl? “Did you get the documents?”

      “Not exactly—”

      “Exactly what do you mean?”

      “I had them in my hand, when she showed up.”


      “This redhead. She works there and caught me copying the docs.”

      “Night crew?”

      “You could say that,” Steve said evasively. He wasn’t sure who she was, but he’d sure as hell find out.

      “You’re losing your touch, old boy.” He heard her smirk. “What happened? Did she suck you up with her vacuum cleaner?”

      She emphasized suck. Steve said nothing. He was used to her bad jokes.

      “No. She’s funny and very pretty—”

      She cut him off. “Did you get rid of her?”

      “I...well, you see...” He stalled, remembering how surprised he was to find black lace covering her bra when the buttons popped off her shirt. His hands ached to unhook her bra and cup her big breasts, but he was a man in a hurry. He’d frisked her to make sure she wasn’t private security packing heat. “I made love to her.”

      “I imagine she couldn’t resist your charm,” she snarled.

      “It works on you every time.”

      “Can it, Steven. You’re the best-looking field agent I have, but the FBI didn’t hire you for your looks.”

      He let that pass.

      “Believe me, Jordan, you haven’t seen this girl.” He whistled under his breath. “She’s sensational.”

      He’d never forget how she’d ground her butt into his groin, teasing him, making him crazy. Dry humping him until he couldn’t take it any longer. To knock him off balance? He had to find out. He’d slid her jeans down over her smooth skin and grabbed her ass. A more perfect ass he’d never seen. And one that gave a guy all kinds of sinful thoughts. Damn, he was going ballistic over this chick.

      Why? Because she’d touched a nerve in him.

      For all her brave talk, he swore she wasn’t as easy a lay as she made out.

      Maybe it was the glasses, which he found sexy, that gave her the innocent air. In the end it was his job to make sure she wasn’t a threat to him.

      “Listen up, Steven,” Jordan was saying, “we’ve been trying to bring in this corporate sleazeball for months and get him to talk.” She paused, no doubt to gulp down her coffee. Black. Always. “And now you’re telling me when you get the chance to get the goods on him, you let your dick do the talking.”

      “You’ll have my full report in the morning, Jordan,” Steve promised, knowing he faced another sleepless night. He hadn’t copied the whole file, but what he had seen didn’t advance the investigation. Frustrated, he downed the last of his coffee. This case was keeping them both up late. Briggs had drawn the attention of the FBI when his bank reported that he split up large financial transactions into smaller ones and then tried unsuccessfully to take his name off them. They needed evidence to prove he was structuring the transfers to evade reporting them. It didn’t stop there. It was the why that had them baffled. According to their sources, Briggs had made several unexplained overseas trips. Not to mention extravagant dinners at posh hotels, yet Pepper said her boss was cheap.

      Steve’s gut told him something bigger was at stake than tax evasion. He’d put out feelers on the street and had a few nibbles. What he’d learned so far wasn’t pretty. He suspected Briggs was involved in money laundering. All he needed was proof.

      “I want to see you in my office first thing in the morning,” Jordan finished with a yawn. “Is that clear?”

      “Anything you say, ma’am,” Steve said, signing off, knowing she hated him calling her ma’am.

      “Seven СКАЧАТЬ