Nocturnal Whispers. Caridad Pineiro
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Название: Nocturnal Whispers

Автор: Caridad Pineiro

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408980903


СКАЧАТЬ she repeated with a soft sigh, relinquishing her normally logical self to the visceral feelings swamping her.

      He groaned then like a man in pain, but immediately said, “Say it again. Say my name.”

      She wondered at the need in his voice, which went far beyond the physical, but did as he asked, while tossing her suit jacket onto her desk. She wanted her hands free for other things. “Alec.”

      A shudder shook his body before he took a final step, bringing that hard muscular body flush against hers. The long and very hard ridge of his erection pressed into her belly, leaving no doubt about the desire he was feeling.

      Alec knew the mummy’s curse was at work here, creating the attraction that gripped them both in its spell, yet he was powerless to prevent his reaction. In the past he had been able to control his response, in part because he knew that his partner would inevitably suffer a visit from the mummy’s spirit if they made love. But there was something about Kate, something in that both wounded and wanton gaze, that had touched him. That made him want to touch her, both physically and emotionally.

      “You feel it too, don’t you, Kate?” He nuzzled his nose along hers, avoiding the full lips he wished to taste. Fisting his hands to keep from cupping her lush breasts.

      “I do,” she replied, slightly breathless as she returned his simple caress, her probing gaze locked with his the entire time.

      It scared him, the intensity of her examination. For the first time in his life, he wanted her to see a man different from the one he had been for so long–a reckless, selfish man who had brought ruin upon himself. He wanted to think he was a better man now, one who was trying to make things right. And yet to do so, he had to lie to her. Maybe even cheat her. That fact twisted his gut into knots, but couldn’t drive away the need he was feeling. A need that went far beyond the physical.

      Dragging his gaze from hers, he focused on her lips for the barest moment before he closed his eyes and unerringly found her mouth.

      It was soft as rose petals against his, and warm. With a soft sigh she gave herself over to his tentative kiss. For long moments he explored the contours of that fullness, savoring her response. Trembling, she slipped her tongue out to taste his lips, and then opened her mouth to allow him entry.

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