Kissed by a Vampire. Caridad Pineiro
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Название: Kissed by a Vampire

Автор: Caridad Pineiro

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472005717


СКАЧАТЬ neighborhood police department and speak to those LEOs. Maybe the Sheik had crossed paths with them and they could provide some background information on the man and his associates.

      But not tonight.

      Tonight he had to scope out the clubs one more time.

      He owed it to Dan to find the Sheik and hopefully Andrea.

      He owed it to himself to find the mystery woman from his dreams. For too long he had lived without allowing himself the pleasure of a woman’s company. First because of his heartache over losing his ex-lover, Diana, to her vampire lover and more recently because of his commitment to his work.

      There had been a challenge in his mystery woman’s eyes, almost daring him to come and play for a while. It reminded him of the demon in his dreams as she bent to taste his blood. Maybe accepting her dare would allow him a respite from the prison he had created for himself with his obligations to his job.

      Alex decided to take up that challenge, if only for a short break from the duties he took so seriously. He knew his heartache would not be so easy to forget.

      Stacia smoothed the slick bloodred fabric across the flat lines of her belly. The color was a shock against the paleness of her skin and the nearly ebony shade of her hair and eyes. The bright hue was unfamiliar. She usually favored black and leather.

      The Miami humidity factored against the latter, and something about the locale had her tossing aside all the New York black. Appropriate since the reason for coming to Miami had been to exact a change in the tedium of her eternal life.

      Satisfied with her appearance, Stacia left her room and exited hastily onto the veranda of the hotel.

      The nighttime activity had picked up and dozens of people streamed by in front of the hotel. Dressed in their finery, they were like peacocks on display. She honed in on the energy of their life forces. Savored the differences she detected in their powers: young; not quite old; strong; stronger still.

      This was no place for imperfection in this crowd.

      A slightly familiar energy came near and she smiled, recognizing a man from the night before. While she had been trolling for last night’s catch, she had implanted a suggestion in him to return to this spot since he hadn’t been quite what she wanted but had possessed possibilities. Not as many possibilities as the other intriguing Cubano, but for now he would do.

      The man approached. Tall and sleek. Broad shoulders covered in a jacket of expensive raw linen, creamy against the darker tones of his skin and hair. The man smiled as he took note of Stacia up on the veranda and slowed his pace.

      He would be such a fine repast, Stacia thought, detecting the vibrant pulse of his life force. Imagining how she would sink her teeth into the long, elegant line of the stranger’s neck.

      Stacia strengthened the push of her elder power, calling to the man to come to her. As he neared, their gazes converged but something there sent a jolt through Stacia.

      The man’s eyes were so dark as to appear black, reminding her of Cassius’s gaze, the deceiving, empty gaze that had stolen so much from her millennia ago.

      Stacia released her control over him and he shook his head as if suddenly awakening.

      He did an about-face and relief washed over her. Funny, really. There were few things that could scare an elder of her age and power, and yet …

      She had her own demons.

      Demons she had kept hidden for incredibly long to avoid displaying her weaknesses.

      In a world as difficult as the vampire realm, any hint of debility made her vulnerable to attack. Something she had avoided successfully for centuries.

      Until New York City.

      Until the wannabe humans in that vampire underworld had reminded her of her one weakness. Of the single need she had kept buried deep within her for centuries.

      To be loved once again.

      Driving those thoughts away, Stacia slinked down the steps of the hotel, intending to savor the coming of a Miami night.

      She ambled across the street to Lummus Park, slowly making her way along the winding cement walkway that separated the gardens from the beach. The walkway was relatively quiet, although she passed a few couples meandering beneath the palms and sea-grape trees. An in-line skater whizzed past her, lithe leg muscles propelling him to his destination.

      She admired his lean buttocks and broad upper body for only a moment before he skated out of sight.

      Peering toward the ocean, the moonlight silvered the crests of the negligible waves washing against the shore. Illuminated the occasional human strolling along the Atlantic’s edge. She considered grabbing a snack down along the oceanfront, but the possibility of a chase through the sand would be too much effort tonight. Maybe some other night when she had to release some excess energy and would actually welcome a challenging hunt.

      Stacia continued until the end of the path and then crossed the street once more, all the time checking out the offerings, both human and not, in the restaurants along the strip. The food selections were varied, from the expected Cuban offerings to traditional Italian and an assortment of Asian-fusion choices.

      She’d had her taste of Cuban last night. The murderous happenings in Manhattan before she had left had her swearing off Asian. That cuisine would remind her too much of the Kiang-shi vampire that had killed a number of the undead and nearly revealed their vampire underworld to the humans.

      Italian possibly? she thought, noticing a fine-looking specimen lingering near one establishment. Tall and lean, the young man was dressed in tailored black slacks and a designer shirt that caressed the elegant lines of his body. A mop of artfully highlighted dark blond hair shifted as he bent to review the restaurant menu, straining the cloth of his pants against a lovely rounded bottom.

      She approached, the thrum of her vampire desire riding high, and he lifted his head and swiveled it slowly in her direction. His blue-eyed gaze brightened, welcoming her.

      Success, Stacia thought.

       Chapter 4

      She’s here, Alex realized, catching a glimpse of her through the crowd in the Widget.

      The captivating woman from the night before.

      As he moved to the edge of the dance floor, he finally had a moment to see all of her. All mouthwatering woman in a sexy red dress that displayed her lusciously curved body. A petite body, he realized as he neared.

      Up until then, there had been something so larger-than-life about her that he hadn’t appreciated that she barely reached midchest.

      He walked the few steps until he stood before her, tilting his head down to meet her inquiring gaze. A deep, almost fathomless gaze, and this close, he confirmed his earlier suspicions that she looked totally like the demon in his dreams. That realization was so powerful that he almost reeled back as if struck, but somehow he controlled his reaction.

      Her gaze narrowed and skipped across his face before the ghost of a smile came to her lips.

      “Do we know each other?” СКАЧАТЬ