Peril’s Gate: Third Book of The Alliance of Light. Janny Wurts
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Название: Peril’s Gate: Third Book of The Alliance of Light

Автор: Janny Wurts

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Книги о войне


isbn: 9780007318087


СКАЧАТЬ always too harried to air, Sethvir lay like a wax effigy. His slack hands stayed crossed, his pixie-boned frame unmoved since the hour his colleague, Asandir, had laid him in repose before his pressured departure. Overtaken by crisis without precedent, Sethvir languished, his mind savaged by bursts of mental imagery, torn without order from the fragmented stream of his tie to the wounded earth.

      While the magnetic lanes of the planet were skewed, the broad-ranging gift the departed Paravians had bestowed upon Althain’s Warden remained whipped by the roiled flux. His earth-sense stayed deranged, a wildfire that raged and burned like loose rope snapped through his slackened grasp. Sethvir wrestled through sick, spinning senses to snatch the barrage of images back into cohesion.

      Fleeting bursts showed him glimpses of Jaelot’s armed guardsmen, riding head down against rising storm; in close haloes of candlelight, he saw Koriani seniors in purple robes and red-banded sleeves gathered in deep consultation. Lately given the news of the late Prime’s succession, they would not yet know that Morriel’s plot had upset the lane forces, a move aimed to cripple Fellowship resources and drive the first wedge through the compact.

      Caught at the crux, while damaged wardspells came unraveled across Mirthlvain Swamp, and packs of venomous methspawn stirred in their roiling thousands, Sethvir fretted behind his sealed eyelids. Predatory fish and venomed serpents might prey upon innocent lives; yet worse perils threatened. The most troubling could not be seen or touched, but lurked beyond the airless void that hung between distant stars.

      Racked by sharp worry, Sethvir forced his innermind through a swift survey of the barrier ward raised to warn against an invasion of free wraiths from the dead planet of Marak. Left unguarded, the grand interstices of the construct glowed soft blue in quiescence. Yet the calm bought him no reassurance. Sethvir had no source for his gnawing concern. The circling fear chafed him, that the more evolved body of the Mistwraith left cut off beyond Southgate might move in and prey on the vulnerable world while Fellowship resources were engaged elsewhere.

      Other fragmentary views showed winter’s palette of snowfall and frost, and wild animals denned in hibernation. The events displayed no discernible hierarchy. The raging snarl of upset lane force had overstressed the tuned concentration Sethvir needed to refine broadscale vision, and sort the array of ongoing event that influenced the fate of Athera.

      Since Morriel Prime’s insidious machinations to mask her irregular succession, his Warden’s perception had been whirled like a moth in a downdraft amid the spiraling disarray of the lane flux. Sethvir did not dissociate from the event, though he could have; too many guardian ward rings stood vulnerable to the effects of a magnetic imbalance. The most dangerous of these he held bound in check by direct, personal intervention. The drain of such effort bled his faculties without mercy, until tactile awareness of his body thinned to cobwebs. Moment to moment, he existed as a spark of naked will adrift on a scattered stream of imagery.

      If a colleague now stood in support at his bedside, Sethvir held only the vague recognition that he was no longer alone. Words whirled between the smashed links of identity, the sound of struck consonants like flurried sparks whose meaning touched him in snatches.

      ‘… no, he’s not sleeping, but drawn inward.’ The gusty, lecturing tone was Luhaine’s, the discorporate colleague first to arrive when disaster broke the past evening. ‘His sighted vision made him the only one of our Fellowship with the resource at hand to map the full scope of the damage on the hour the lanes went unstable.’

      Again, Luhaine qualified with a stone’s endless patience. ‘Yes, the lanes are retuned, now, except for the sixth, which sustains a remedial spell to guide it back to alignment. Since that stay should suffice, Sethvir’s engaged elsewhere. He’s bridging the seals that keep critical wards from unraveling…’

      As though spurred by suggestion, a flicker of sight framed the fortress at Methisle, where tumbledown walls no longer contained the migration of venomous creatures unsettled by shifting magnetics. Through snatched views of roiled waters, and the rustle of disturbed reeds, Luhaine’s measured phrases resumed…

      ‘His earth-sense is undamaged, but wielded without his full cognizance. What you ask is not possible. No other among us can track the threads of meaning and significance.’ On a whiplash note of testy frustration, the Sorcerer responded to someone else present, ‘Yes, in hard truth, the facts are discouraging. No. Please don’t try. The Warden can’t speak. His powers are spent past wise limits. The most accomplished adept in your Brotherhood could not grasp the scope of the problems he’s stemming from minute to minute. Make no mistake! To disturb him at all could cast all of this world to disaster.’

      Someone proffered a gentler reply, phrasing drowned under another cascade of disturbingly fragmented imagery. Sethvir and the rest of the Fellowship understood, the lynchpin of the world yet rested on the life of the last Teir’s’Ffalenn.

      Nor was that spirit safe, but driven to harried flight cross-country, with an armed pack of guards at his heels. Sethvir’s vision splintered through the branchings of parallel event. He saw Jaelot’s mayor ranting in targetless anger for the fact that the Shadow Master had slipped through his cordon. Then, in tied linkage, another view arose from north Tysan, of an ominous, damp stain that blackened the frost-silvered grasses where a stone basin had been recently emptied…

      A chill swept Sethvir, even through trance, for the tangle of energies left in dissonant imprint bespoke traces of unclean acts. In the free wilds of Camris, his sight showed him spilled water, paned over with crystalline ice and the sick, phosphor haze of spent blood magic…

      The extreme sensitivity of Sethvir’s earth-sense traced down that wisped remnant of energy.

      ‘Lysaer,’ he gasped in a tortured whisper. Unbidden vision expanded the connection. He beheld the fair coloring and chisel-cut face of the s’Ilessid prince. But the clean symmetry of Lysaer’s features appeared subtly recast, hardened to the blind fervor of the Mistwraith’s curse, which drove his headlong quest to destroy his half brother, Arithon.

      ‘… without doubt,’ Luhaine was saying in reassurance. ‘The s’Ilessid is still in Camris. From there, he can scarcely pose a direct threat to his half brother on the east coast of Rathain.’

      But that balance would change. Sethvir’s earth-sense bore witness. Cloaked under darkness, Lysaer s’Ilessid mounted a cream charger. His urgent, clipped speech exhorted an elite party of officers to ride eastward during the night.

      The man named Divine Prince by Tysan’s misled masses planned to cross the Camris plain to the coast, then make rendezvous with a fast galley. Once over the narrow inlet to Atainia, he would rejoin the road to Instrell Bay and board a trader bound for Rathain as early as the next fortnight.

      ‘We are called to serve!’ Arms raised in impassioned appeal, the Prince of the Light addressed his veteran officers. ‘I have received visions! Evil moves abroad as we speak! The Spinner of Darkness has returned to the continent. In Jaelot, innocent people have already suffered and died, victimized by his sorceries. I am charged by the Light to stand in defense. Ride with me! Lend your swords to bring down this minion of darkness, and be blessed in name for all time!’

      ‘The Prince of the Light goes to muster his eastern allies,’ Sethvir gasped, the words blurred into his caught breath, too faint to be understood. Against a blazing maelstrom of imagery foretelling blood and disaster, he cried tortured warning against the haze of raised voices around him. ‘Master of Shadow… endangered…’

      ‘Hush! СКАЧАТЬ