Ice Lake: A gripping crime debut that keeps you guessing until the final page. John Lenahan A
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СКАЧАТЬ they’re doing it up at the old stone quarry.”

      “You seen it?”

      “Tried to but they got shitloads of security up there. They’re worried some hippy treehuggers will sabotage it. I hope they do.”

      “Not a fracking fan?” Harry said.

      “Something that causes earthquakes can’t be a good thing.”

      “You think fracking causes earthquakes?”

      “I fucking know so. Never had one here until that shit started. I’ve felt two since.”

      “You sure it was an earthquake? There’s a train track nearby, could have been a heavy freight train.”

      “I grew up in California, Philly boy. I know what a fucking tremor feels like.”

      “Did you hear about them planning to open up a fracking well at the Horseshoe?”

      Todd placed his coffee cup back on the counter harder than he meant to. “No. Where’d you hear that?”

      “A hippy tree-hugger told me.”

      The door of the store opened and Mayor Boyce walked in.

      Todd saw him and said: “More bad news.”

      “Hiya, Mr Cull, you enjoying the cottage?”

      “Very much so, Mayor.”

      “Please call me Charlie.” The mayor sat and placed two dollars in the chamber pot and helped himself to a coffee and a donut. Todd didn’t wait on this customer. “So what’s the other bad news, Todd?”

      “Did you know about fracking up at the Horseshoe?”

      If the mayor tried to hide his surprise at the question, he didn’t do it fast enough. “Where did you hear that?”

      Todd pointed at Harry.

      “Mr Cull, how did you hear about this?”

      “Big Bill told some of the local kids the night before he was killed. You knew about it?”

      “I can’t comment,” the mayor said.

      “Confidentiality clause?” Harry asked.

      “Something like that,” the mayor said.

      “So are you the broker?”

      “Again,” the mayor said, “I really can’t—”

      “Of course he’s the fucking broker,” Todd interrupted. “Charlie here’d sell a blind man’s dog if it’d make him a buck.”

      The mayor, who usually seemed amused by Todd’s animosity, shot the old man a look that could kill.

      “Can you at least tell me who owns the land the Horseshoe is on?” Harry said.

      Before the mayor could answer, Todd said: “Shit, I can tell you that for free. All that land was bought up by old man Thomson.”

      “Big Bill’s father?”

      “Grandfather,” Todd said.

      The mayor stood. “I really must excuse myself from this conversation.” He picked up his donut and began to walk out of the store.

      “You mean you have to call your oil company buddies and tell them that the cat’s out of the bag?” Todd called after him. When the door closed the old guy added, “Two-faced political corporate fuck puppet.”

      “You know, Todd,” Harry said, “you really shouldn’t hold your feelings inside so much. You should say what you mean.”

      Todd then did something that surprised Harry – he smiled, a perfect white-denture smile. “How about I fry us up some Spam sandwiches?” he said.

      * * *

      Harry walked back to the cottage. MK drove up behind him in her pickup truck. She was wearing her nurse’s uniform.

      “Aren’t you supposed to be running if you are dressed like that?” she called from the driver’s window.

      “Just had one of Todd’s McSpam sandwiches. Thought maybe running was a bad idea.”

      “Wow, you got Todd to cook for you? He only does that for pretty girls. He must be sweet on you.”

      “Yeah, but he’s not my type.”

      “And what is your type, Mr Cull?”

      “I like nurses.”

      “And here is me thinking you liked strippers.”

      “Only the ones dressed like nurses.”

      “You boys find any of those last night?”

      “Trooper Ed and I didn’t have much fun last night – trust me.”

      “Yeah right.”

      As she put her truck into gear Harry quickly asked: “Can I buy you clams at the Hillside tonight?”

      MK crinkled her nose and said: “What day is it?”


      “It’s chicken wing night.”

      “Well, can I buy you some wings?”

      She smiled, and Harry’s heart beat just a tad faster. “I’ll meet you there at seven.”

      * * *

      The lake was icy but the shock was quicker than the slow pain of the cold shower Harry felt he needed. He didn’t stay in long and was dressed and towelling his hair dry when Cirba walked into the house.

      “Don’t you need a warrant to just barge in like that?”

      “The Big Hat allows me to do anything.”

      “I’m pretty sure that’s not true.” Harry poured two cups of tea from the pot and passed one over to the trooper.

      “Don’t you have coffee?”

      “Tea is the drink of kings.”

      “Didn’t we fight a war to get rid of kings?”

      “All is forgiven – didn’t you watch the royal wedding?”

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