Force Lines. Don Pendleton
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Название: Force Lines

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781474023924


СКАЧАТЬ to play the diplomatic charade in accord with the agreement they’d signed with the Russians and their other allies many years back.

      Was he now, thus, an ultimate dupe of what was an ultimate lie?

      Where is everybody? he heard his mind scream. Was there anybody out there?

      Was that a shadow at the deep south end?

      “Hello? Help…me…”

      He struggled to stay on his feet, saw the shadow grow, a figure slowly materializing around the corner. He wasn’t sure what he saw at first, blinking away the sweat burning into his eyes, then…

      The scream was on the tip of his tongue as he recognized the HAZMAT suit, the silver hose in its hand for what it was. The human, safe in his white cocoon, strode straight for him, moving with purpose, he believed was the common military jargon. And the moment was somehow made even more horrifying by the fact he couldn’t see the face hidden by the black shield, as if by eye contact he could communicate the plea for mercy he heard building to a raging crescendo in the furnace of his brain. The distance was ten feet and closing when Dekel felt his eyes bulge in shock and horror, aware of what was coming.

      And the shriek ripped from his mouth an instant before the silver hose burst forth its cleansing fire.


      “The Black Wizards. And that would be ‘called them.’”

      Mark Drobbler shot a sideways glance at what he privately called his tour guide. Despite his cryptic tone, the encrypted e-mails that had detailed their rendezvous and the night’s subsequent jaunt in the Black Hawk helicopters—the first stop less than an hour ago to deal with a local rabble-rouser—the man in black hood and matching one-piece combat suit he knew openly as Infinity wasn’t as much an enigma as the operative wanted him to believe. Drobbler was one of the few recruits of his organization who was a former U.S. government employee—what they called Storm Trackers—for the Department of Defense, but he had a feeling Infinity knew as much, if not more.

      For nearly a decade, before putting in for early retirement following the collapse of his second marriage, he had a sizable hand in collecting and sorting out critical intelligence regarding homegrown terrorists operating under the guise of militias, and international terror cells that had established roots in the Continental United States.

      Another lifetime, that was, without question. These days…

      Well, these days it was a whole different game, a different outlook, an ideology that was in lockstep with the good fight against the signs of the times he and the others believed were leading to the Apocalypse.

      Looking away from Infinity’s penetrating stare, Drobbler felt a moment’s gratitude he was both armed with a shoulder-holstered Glock .40, and was accompanied by two of his own people, but who were right then on-board one of the other four Black Hawks that had descended on the compound. As he had requested an aerial view of the clean-up task, he stood in the open doorway, the gunship hovering about a hundred feet up and to the south of the cyclone fencing.

      It wasn’t much, as far as classified compounds went. The compound sat on about five to six acres, with the squat one-story concrete block grabbing up an area about the size of a football field, the heart of the base tucked back in the dense pine forest of rolling hills. Over those hills, Lake Pend Oreille was the site of longstanding rumors, he knew, about a top secret Navy project named Cutthroat. In the recent past, he had seen from a distance the silver boxes that were set in a triangulation pattern around the second largest lake west of the Mississippi. They were called Horizontal Control Stations and Electronic Sites. The public had been told they were permanent lookout stations for the local forest rangers, but the whispers around these parts was that they were, supposedly, testing the kind of cutting edge satellite and electronic communications equipment that had spawned rumors all over the Panhandle. They ranged from UFO landing sites to technology that could harness and control lightning, which, in recent years, was believed to have been the cause of sudden and inexplicable wildfires that had devastated much of northern Idaho.

      Which left him wondering, being as they were in such close proximity to another classified government facility, how they intended to hide the mess they were in the process of creating.

      Infinity had referred to the night’s outing as an invisible program of confirmation and cooperation, and Drobbler went back to watching what he couldn’t see but had been told was happening inside the walls of the germ factory. There were no vehicles, now that the black GMCs had rolled through the main gate with their cargo of nylon bags, evidence seized, he suspected, that wouldn’t leave behind any trace of what the Dormitory—as Infinity called the bio-chem compound—was all about. The small helipad was already chocked to capacity by the Black Hawks, and the men in spacesuits who had disgorged from those gunships had been inside for twenty-some minutes by his reckoning.

      “I know what you’re thinking.”

      Drobbler threw the man a sideways look. If Infinity did, then he might want to pull the HK MP-5 SD 3 subgun off his shoulder. Now that he knew what was happening down there, he wasn’t sure he was all that keen on going the full distance. His attitudes, opinions, in short, his whole point of view about the dreadful and rapidly deteriorating state of affairs in the Western World were anarchist, to put it kindly, but he was a few short hours away from…

      “Even with full cleansing of the Dormitory and the kind of plausible deniability we are able to erect around ourselves, we cannot safely determine at what point and how this will all warrant a closer investigation.”

      “Which is why the green light…”

      “Further, it does not help our cause on two specific fronts. One, that your vaunted leader deemed it necessary to make himself a national television star. Attention is the last and most dreaded area we need to concern ourselves with at this late juncture. Two, that your organization was infiltrated.”

      Drobbler grimaced. “I thought you said you took care of that?”

      “Be all that as it may, we still do not have absolute control over the United States Department of Justice, even from the deep shadows, even with all of our resources.”

      “The attention thing, right?”

      “Very astute.”

      Drobbler fought to keep the scowl off his face, as he spotted a sarcastic twinkle in those blue eyes. He turned away from Infinity’s laughing stare, just as he heard the wail ripping from the east edge of the main building. An icy shiver walked down his spine an instant before he saw the dancing shadows come flailing into the aura of spilled light. Infinity had the tactical radio in hand before the horror fully registered in Drobbler’s mind.

      “Infinity to Dragon leader!”

      Drobbler heard the order barked for the door in question to be sealed, but it was too late. The human comet streaked onto open ground, ran on for a few feet, thrashing inside the fireball, as if it could somehow escape from that hellish cocoon. Then it seemed to wilt inside the shroud of fire, toppling in a slow-motion buckling of the legs. Drobbler had seen more than enough. But, even as he turned away and fell back into the fuselage, the screams of a man being burned alive—an employee of the United States government—echoed in his ears. He felt sick to his stomach. Suddenly, had it all been up to him…

      But it wasn’t. And, even if he could refuse to move forward, what he’d just witnessed, he was sure, was meant to serve as a warning.

      He СКАЧАТЬ