Armed Resistance. Don Pendleton
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Название: Armed Resistance

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472084354


СКАЧАТЬ men, women and children trafficked internally for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation. It’s also a transit and destination country for Ethiopian women who are sent abroad as domestic servants. The Lord’s Resistance Army is one of the chief entrepreneurs in this business and they harbor a good number of children from both Sudan and Uganda for forced labor, sex slavery and myriad other atrocities. Often they have integrated themselves with militia groups in Darfur and abduct young women and girls for every kind of perversion you can imagine.”

       Calvin James made a show of cracking his knuckles and said, “Sounds just like the kind of group we specialize in eradicating.”

       “While I’d love to tell you to go forth and conquer all, I’m afraid that there’s a significant U.S. interest in this,” Brognola said. “While some of General Kiir’s men were hitting this village, they killed a number of LRA terrorists who, as it turns out, were carrying military-grade weapons. Those weapons were stamped with markings naming them as property of the United States Army.”

       “How do we know they’re real?” Manning asked.

       “Oh, they’re real,” Price said. “The serial numbers have already been verified and we have positive photographic identification from our CIA contact. There’s just one problem and that’s where the President decided it was time to involve Phoenix Force. In fact, even Able Team is going to have a hand in this one.”

       “I can already see I’m not going to like this,” McCarter said.

       “You’re too ugly to live forever anyway,” Hawkins ribbed him.

       As the men responded with laughter, Price dimmed the lights and directed their attention to the screen at one end of the War Room. The image of a young, good-looking man in a suit materialized and the room fell quiet.

       “Here’s complication one,” Price said. “This is a case file photo from the dossier of one Jodi Leighton, a CIA case officer who up until two days ago was serving as General Kiir’s contact and feeding information back to his higher-ups in Washington. Now Leighton has disappeared along with the evidence recently given to him by Kiir’s men.”

       “Before you ask and because I know you will, we have no idea what happened to Leighton,” Brognola said. “He’s just disappeared into thin air and his friend and contact who acts as liaison between him and Kiir has been unable to find out anything.”

       “I hate to bring it up, but have we considered the possibility this chap’s gone rogue?” McCarter asked.

       “It’s not an unfair question but our general feeling is that it’s not Leighton’s style,” Price said. “First of all, the guy didn’t have any reason to suddenly pack it in and split. If anything, his efforts here would have won him a commendation and possibly even a ticket out of that place. Naturally when a CIA officer comes into information of this nature it automatically puts him in a dangerous situation. The world of espionage is filled with double agents, deception and betrayal.”

       “Okay, fine,” Encizo said. “But it’s also not unlike a CIA spook to simply walk away if they think their identity has been compromised. Six months later they turn up in the Bahamas wearing a Hawaiian shirt and a bad dye job.”

       “That’s true, but we’re still not convinced that’s the case here,” Brognola said. “Tell them about Able Team, Barb.”

       “And so complication two,” Price said. “A few hours ago we called Able Team off of vacation and sent them to Camp Shelby.”

       “In Mississippi,” Hawkins said.

       “That’s the place,” Brognola replied.

       “As I mentioned before, we were able to trace the serial numbers of those weapons to determine their authenticity,” Price said. “But we were also able to determine the place of origin right on down to the actual armory from which they were stolen. The numbers fell on Camp Shelby and recently the chief Army officer who oversees the S1 facility there, a career supply man by the name of Colonel Jordan Scott, has no explanation.”

       “Okay, I’m with you guys now,” Manning said. “This is no damn coincidence.”

       “We thought you’d see it our way,” Price replied sweetly. “The fact is the appearance of these weapons in Sudan coupled with the disappearance of two high-ranking officials has the Man’s skin crawling. The President wants to see action and he wants to see it in the next twenty-four hours. Tops. We have a very short time to accomplish our mission objectives.”

       “Which are?” McCarter asked.

       “Your job is to meet up with Leighton’s contact in the Sudanese government,” Brognola said. “From there, he will take you to General Kiir’s team, who discovered the weapons. We’ve had a personal request from Kiir and that is to help them retrieve the some fifty women and children who were taken from this camp.”

       “Begging your pardon here,” James said. “I’m not sure I understand why you’re sending us to rescue these Sudanese villagers. I mean, I have absolutely no problem doing this but it seems a departure from the normal mission objectives. We typically are asked to run away from the problems internal to countries, avoid any sort of press, as it were. Now you’re asking us to do just the opposite? Help me out here.”

       “Well, first, we’ve obtained a lot of good information from General Kiir over the years and we’ve tried to support him every chance we get,” Price said. “Second, we believe that if you follow the trail of the Lord’s Resistance Army and find the people they’ve kidnapped, chances are good you will find Leighton, as well. Nothing else makes sense in lieu of the fact that these weapons were found on deceased members of the LRA.”

       “Not to mention the fact that the Lord’s Resistance Army was categorized as a terrorist organization many years ago by U.S. authorities,” Brognola added. “If you can take a few of the bastards down while you’re at it, I’m sure nobody on this end of the world is going to lose much sleep.”

       James nodded and with a firm tone replied, “That works for me.”

       “I assume you’ll be coordinating our information with Ironman and friends?” Encizo asked, referring to Able Team’s hot-tempered leader, Carl Lyons.

       “Absolutely,” Price said. “It will be the status quo and we’ll make sure any information they come upon will get into your hands ASAP.”

       “And what about this Leighton bloke?” McCarter asked. “What happens if we find him dead or, dare I think about it, we don’t find him at all? I would think that will pretty much end the trail and kill any further chance of accomplishing mission objectives.”

       “If you find him dead, then there’s a pretty good chance that whoever killed him will have left a trail,” Brognola said. “But even if they didn’t, the main objective is to retrieve the Sudanese hostages and get those weapons back. Failing that, see to it that they’re destroyed. If the United States Army can’t use them, we’re certainly not going to let a band of terrorists have their way with them.”

       “The other thing to remember is that you won’t be able to trust a soul on this one,” Price said.

       “I wouldn’t have it any other way, love,” McCarter replied.

       “We have to assume that nobody can be trusted with this outside of our own teams,” СКАЧАТЬ