Sleepover Girls Go Designer. Narinder Dhami
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Название: Sleepover Girls Go Designer

Автор: Narinder Dhami

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007400836


СКАЧАТЬ the wallpaper, and let it unroll down to the floor really fast. Unfortunately, Fliss’s foot was in the way.

      “Ow! Ow! My toe!” Fliss squealed, hopping round the room, doubled up in agony. “I’m going to kill you, Kenny!”

      “Well, I don’t care if we don’t finish it,” I said, glancing round at the mess. “It can’t look any worse than it does now!”

      You know what? I was dead wrong.


      “So what do we do first then?” I asked. No-one answered. Instead, everyone stared at Lyndz, who turned pink.

      “What are you all looking at?”

      “You! You’re the expert!” Kenny told her.

      “Oh. Well…” Lyndz frowned and looked round the room. “First we’ve got to paint the woodwork, and let that dry before we start the wallpapering.”

      Kenny pulled a face. “Oh, knickers to that! I want to wallpaper – I’m not into boring old paint!”

      “Why don’t Lyndz and Frankie paint one side of the room, and me, you and Fliss can start papering on the other?” I suggested.

      “Good one!” Kenny said immediately. “That OK with you, Flissy?”

      “What?” Fliss hadn’t heard a word because she was too busy admiring her dress and wig in my mirror.

      “I said, do you want to help me and Rosie with the wallpapering?” Kenny repeated loudly, rolling her eyes at me.

      “Yeah, OK,” Fliss nodded, parading up and down like a supermodel. “I think I look good with black hair, what do you reckon?”

      Kenny groaned, and picked up a bucket and a packet of wallpaper paste. “This isn’t a fashion show, Fliss! Come and help me mix up the paste.”

      While Kenny and Fliss went to the bathroom to get some water, Lyndz and Frankie found some brushes, and began to lever the lid off the tin of purple paint. Meanwhile, I set up the pasting table. I was beginning to get pretty excited – things were really starting to happen!

      You could say that again. When Kenny and Fliss came back from the bathroom carrying the bucket, Kenny had bits of paste in her hair, and Fliss’s wig was looking pretty sticky too.

      “I told you not to stir it so hard!” Fliss was saying crossly.

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