Sleepover Girls on Horseback. Fiona Cummings
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Название: Sleepover Girls on Horseback

Автор: Fiona Cummings

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007400577


СКАЧАТЬ the lane leading to the practice ring. Rosie was standing there, waving at me like a crazy woman. I started walking towards her. Suddenly, thud! Kenny leapt on to my back.

      “Hiya, Lyndz! Have I missed anything? I would’ve got here earlier, but my stupid sister wanted to come too. I had to bribe her to stay away. She took all my chocolate and made me promise to help with the washing up for a week!” Kenny was all out of breath and red in the face. And so was I, with such a great lump on top of me!

      “Gerroff!” I yelled and threw her off.

      “Girls! That’s not very lady-like behaviour!” said a loud voice behind us. It sounded just like Mrs Poole, our headmistress. I turned round in a panic, but it was only Frankie. She’s dead good at voices.

      “What are you doing? I thought we were supposed to be asking Mrs McAllister how we could help,” said Frankie. She can be too serious sometimes. She’d probably chill out a bit more if she had brothers and sisters to deal with. I’m always telling her that she can have my brothers any time!

      “I don’t think she’d like us disturbing her now. She’s taking a ride with Adam and his friends,” said Rosie.

      We had walked back down the path and were standing by the field, looking at Alfie.

      “All that stuff in the ring is so boring!” said Kenny. “You see Alfie? I bet I could make him jump over that fence – no problem!”

      “Oh yeah!” Frankie and Rosie said, laughing.

      I don’t trust Kenny sometimes. She has a wild streak in her and you just don’t know what she’s going to do next. I could tell that she was in Grand National mode and I had to get her away from Alfie – fast! Fortunately, just then Stuart walked past, wearing his big wellies and smelling of pigs.

      “You’re not frightening the horses are you?” he shouted.

      “Ha, ha, ha!” we said together.

      “Actually,” he said, coming over to us, “what exactly are you doing here? You’re not planning anything are you, Lyndz? I have to work here, remember. I don’t want you causing any trouble.”

      “As if!” I said. He snorted and walked off.

      We climbed on to the fence and sat looking at Alfie as he munched away at the grass.

      “Did you know that horses graze between sixteen and twenty hours a day?” I asked.

      “That sounds nice. I could manage that myself!” laughed Kenny.

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