The Sleepover Club Sleep Out. Narinder Dhami
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Название: The Sleepover Club Sleep Out

Автор: Narinder Dhami

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007400492


СКАЧАТЬ still can’t believe they did it,” Lyndz said. “I mean, the M&Ms are so goody-goody and all that.”

      “Yeah, I would’ve thought they’d be scared of getting caught,” Rosie agreed.

      “Well, there wasn’t much chance of that, was there?” Frankie pointed out. “Mrs Weaver was in the book cupboard, and everyone else was watching Ryan and Danny fighting with the metre sticks.”

      “And Emma was so close to the computer, she wouldn’t even have had to get out of her chair,” I said. “You know what I was really worried about? I thought Mrs Weaver might say I couldn’t come to the museum sleepover.”

      “Yeah, you were lucky to get away with just a detention,” agreed Frankie.

      We all sat gloomily looking down at our pizzas. Not even the thought of the museum sleepover could cheer us up at the moment.

      “You should have told Mrs Weaver it wasn’t you, Kenny,” Fliss said, also for the zillionth time.

      “I did, and she didn’t believe me,” I said impatiently.

      “You could have told her it was the M&Ms,” Fliss persisted. That girl never knows when to give up. I glared at her.

      “I’m not a snitcher!”

      “Anyway, Mrs Weaver wouldn’t have believed you,” Frankie cut in quickly. Just in time to stop me throwing a half-eaten slice of pizza at Fliss.

      After what had happened, I wouldn’t have got through the rest of the day if it hadn’t been for the others. The M&Ms were real pigs. They kept staring at me and giggling, and looking really smug and pleased with themselves, and they made me so angry, I could have gone over there and knocked their heads together. I think Frankie and the others were a bit worried I might actually do it, because they’d stuck to my side like glue all day.

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