The Sleepover Girls Go Spice. Lorna Read
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Название: The Sleepover Girls Go Spice

Автор: Lorna Read

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Детская проза


isbn: 9780007400997


СКАЧАТЬ gave a big gulp and licked her crumby lips.

      “Stars in Their Eyes,” she replied. “School version, of course. Why don’t we go in for it as the Spice Girls?”

      “Yeah! Fantastic! Can I be Baby Spice?” yelled Fliss.

      She took a flying leap off the end of the bed. There was a squelchy sound. Then silence. Then an awful scream. She’d landed right in Molly’s carrot cake and squashed it all over the carpet. Fliss is very fussy, just like her mother. She absolutely hates getting in a mess. When we saw bits of creamy orange sponge squidging between her bare toes, we all collapsed.

      “Oh no, oh no, I think I’m going to wet myself,” giggled Rosie, which made us all laugh even more.

      Then I heard Mum coming up the stairs.

      “Girls, girls, what’s going on up here? Is everything all right?” she called out.

      “Yes, yes,” I panted, between hoots of laughter. “Fliss just put her foot in it, that’s all!”

      Luckily for us, the doorbell rang. Mum dashed down the stairs to answer it, giving me a chance to get a sponge from the bathroom and do some cleaning up.

      When we’d all calmed down, we got down to some serious snacking and talking.

      “Who’s going to be who, then?” asked Kenny.

      “I think you should be Sporty Spice,” Frankie told her.

      Although we all like sports and all play netball, Kenny is seriously sports mad. She never wears anything but jeans and sportswear. Tonight, she was wearing jeans and a Leicester City Football Club sweatshirt. They’re her favourite team. My dad and grandad are mad about them, too, and sometimes we all go to matches together.

      We all agreed that Kenny was perfect for Sporty Spice and, to save arguments, we agreed that Fliss could be Baby Spice. She has the right colour of hair, after all.

      It was a bit difficult choosing Ginger Spice, because none of us has got ginger hair. But my mum has a big trunk full of dressing up clothes, amongst which is a red wig she bought to wear at a fancy dress party. I felt sure she’d let me borrow it. So I became Ginger Spice.

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