Crystal. Aimee Harper
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Название: Crystal

Автор: Aimee Harper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Природа и животные


isbn: 9780007382293


СКАЧАТЬ to meet Amber on the beach at eleven?”

      “Hmm?” said Bella dreamily. She was lost in a daydream where her mum became Mimi Taylor’s best friend and she, Bella, got invited round to try on all of Mimi’s clothes while her mum and Mimi drank coffee.

      “Amber?” Suzi repeated.

      Bella dropped the shower head into the bath. She’d completely forgotten. Amber was always on time when they met up. She was going to be well mad.

      “Gotta go!” she gasped, before grabbing a fleece off the peg by the door and charging out of the salon. “Come on, Pepper. Walkies!”

       Three Surprise at the Salon

      It was twenty past eleven before Bella arrived at the place where she and Amber had arranged to meet.

      “What time do you call this?” Amber said, folding her arms.

      “Sorry,” Bella panted. She was out of breath.

      Pepper frisked down to the water’s edge and started barking merrily at the waves. “But there’s been the most amazing news, Amber. You won’t believe it, but—”

      “Idaho Taylor’s going to play for the Hornets, I know,” Amber interrupted. “My brother’s a Hornets fan too, remember?”

      Bella stopped. The girl in the shop had been right. Nothing stayed a secret in Sandmouth for long.

      “So you know about Mimi too then?” she said, disappointed. “Mum thinks she’ll bring Crystal to the salon! How cool is that?”

      Amber shrugged. “Whatever,” she said. “Listen, now you’re here can we talk about the party?”

      “What party?” said Bella absently.

      “MY party,” said Amber. She frowned. “That’s why we’re meeting, remember?”

      Oops. Bella’s head was so full of Mimi Taylor that she’d actually forgotten about Amber’s party. “Oh yes, of course,” she said quickly. “I just bought the best top for the party, Amber.

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