Sasha. Aimee Harper
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Название: Sasha

Автор: Aimee Harper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Природа и животные


isbn: 9780007382262


СКАЧАТЬ she said nervously. “We’ll do our best. But I really don’t think—”

      “I’ll bring my dog in at six o’clock,” Brian Boswell interrupted. “It can be your last appointment of the day. I’ll make it worth your while. Goodbye.”

      The receiver buzzed in Bella’s ear as Brian Boswell hung up. Bella stared at it. He hadn’t left his number, so her mum couldn’t call him back. Bella checked the phone’s screen. Number withheld.

      The last appointment? Mrs Lockett had asked for the last appointment. And Mrs Lockett was booked in at five. Bella had a really bad feeling about this!

       Three Mrs Lockett

      The West Highland terrier’s owner was an elderly lady called Miss Waldicott. Miss Waldicott was delighted when she came to collect her dog.

      “You’ve done a lovely job with Angus, Suzi, dear,” she said to Bella’s mum.

      “Thanks, Miss Waldicott,” said Suzi, raising her voice over the noise of the dryer as she worked on Snowy. “Bella and Amber dried him for you. I’ve never been so busy!”

      Miss Waldicott patted her Westie on the head. “Will you be at the show tonight?” she asked Bella.

      “We’ve entered Pepper in the Obedience class,” Bella said.

      “I’ve entered Angus for that as well,” Miss Waldicott said, sounding pleased. “He’s such a good little fellow. Aren’t you, Angus? Show the nice people how you shake my hand.”

      The Westie sat obediently and lifted his little white paw into the air.

      “Aah,” said Amber as Miss Waldicott gave her dog a little treat.

      Bella smiled bravely. Pepper didn’t do that. Pepper didn’t do anything you told him, really. He just liked to cuddle her by wrapping his paws round her neck. And chase white vans. She had a feeling they wouldn’t count.

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