The Kill Call. Stephen Booth
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Название: The Kill Call

Автор: Stephen Booth

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Полицейские детективы


isbn: 9780007290611


СКАЧАТЬ cold air.

      ‘What’s the problem, Inspector?’

      ‘This is Detective Sergeant Fry,’ said Redfearn. ‘She’s investigating a suspicious death in this area.’

      ‘I saw the activity across the way. Thought your people had just got lost.’

      ‘This is Mrs Forbes,’ Redfearn told Fry. ‘Joint master of the Eden Valley Hunt.’

      Fry didn’t think she’d ever been quite so near to a horse before. She knew absolutely nothing about them, except that they bit at one end and kicked at the other.

      She explained to Mrs Forbes what she wanted. As she spoke, the rider looked down at her with an expression she’d seen on the faces of the hunt supporters when the saboteurs got too close. An unmistakable hint of contempt, probably just the instinct of the mounted person looking down from a great height on the lowly pedestrian.

      ‘You think any of our members might know something about this?’ said Mrs Forbes. ‘What nonsense.’

      ‘If we could just speak to the people –’

      ‘I can’t allow you to speak to anyone. It’s just some mad story made up by those antis.’

      Fry could feel the horse’s breath blowing from its nostrils in warm jets. She suspected that the animal regarded him with much more benevolence than its owner did.

      ‘One way or another, I’ll speak to your huntsman, and anyone else who was in this area at around eight thirty this morning,’ said Fry. ‘If you prefer, we can stop the hunt altogether while we do that.’

      Beside her, Redfearn cleared his throat nervously, but said nothing. Mrs Forbes stared from one to the other, her hands gripping the reins tightly, as if it was her horse that was on the verge of getting out of control, rather than her own reactions.

      ‘Do what you like,’ she said finally. ‘Who is this person who got himself killed?’

      ‘We don’t know yet.’

      Mrs Forbes snorted, and pulled at her reins. ‘I’ll give Widdowson instructions.’

      Fry watched her go, the mare’s tail flicking from side to side as if bothered by invisible flies.

      ‘Widdowson?’ she said.

      ‘The huntsman,’ said Redfearn.

      The inspector’s radio crackled, and he listened for a moment.

      ‘This body of yours, Sergeant,’ he said. ‘Did I understand that he died some time this morning?’

      ‘About eight thirty. Why?’

      ‘Funny thing, that’s all. One of my officers is reporting that some of the sabs got a bit over-excited. They said they heard three long, wavering notes on a hunting horn. It sounded to them like the signal that calls in the hounds to kill the fox, or the terrier men to dig him out. That got them all worked up. But it was too early, the hunt hadn’t even moved off. So I think they must have been mistaken.’

      Fry had lost interest, but tried to appear polite. ‘Well, thank you for your co-operation, Inspector.’

      Redfearn looked offended. ‘Well, I just thought you should know. In case it was relevant that some of the sabs say they heard the kill call.’

      Fry turned back. ‘The what?’

      ‘That’s the name of it,’ said the inspector. ‘Three long, wavering notes. It’s known as the kill call.’


      A few minutes later, Diane Fry was sitting in her car and fuming. She had gone barely a few yards out of the gateway before she met the entire hunt coming back from the direction of Birchlow. Horses, dogs, people in Land Rovers and vans, others trailing behind on foot. It was a complete carnival.

      Traffic was brought to a halt at a crossroads on the A623 while the hunt went by. As the horses passed, the sudden clattering of hooves on tarmac was uncomfortably loud inside the Peugeot. For a few minutes it completely drowned out the mutter of her idling engine and even the efforts of Annie Lennox, who was hurling Songs of Mass Destruction at her from the CD player. As the hunt pressed around the car, a powerful whiff of sweating horse crept in through the driver’s window, followed by a rich aroma of saddles, cotton jodhpurs and manure.

      Many of the mounted hunt supporters seemed to be young girls, wearing their hard hats and pony-club complexions, bright-eyed and eager for a twenty-mile hack. What was really amazing, though, was that there were still so many middle-aged businessmen who sat comfortably on horseback. Surely most members of the business community had never been nearer to a horse than the grandstand at Uttoxeter race course, or the counter of the betting shop in Clappergate, depending on their degree of commercial success.

      But the joint master, Mrs Forbes, looked confident and well in control of her mount as she led the main body of the hunt. A long tail of riders was still making its way across a field from the direction of Foolow, kicking up clods of dirt as they cantered towards the road.

      One particularly large horse came a little too close to the Peugeot for comfort. Its rear end swung round and it began to prance sideways, edging nearer to the car until the muscles of its haunches were almost pressed against the window, twitching and glistening in the rain. The sweating hindquarters were level with Fry’s face, and she could see quite clearly that it was an ungelded stallion.

      Fry closed her eyes, waiting for an impact, the crunch of hooves on metal. But no collision came. When she opened her eyes again, the horses were disappearing beyond the next bend, the clatter of hooves growing quieter.

      So the motley bunch of people tagging along in a little group at the back must be the saboteurs. Some of them looked like students, glittering with piercings and tattoos, and one even had a red mohican, which was exactly how she would have pictured them, if asked. But a few of the protestors were middle-aged women, positively respectable looking, wearing walking boots with thick socks rolled over their ankles, and carrying little rucksacks. They reminded her of the Greenham Common women who had impressed her when she was a small child, because they always seemed to be on the TV news.

      A couple of the sabs were carrying video cameras, others had mobile phones they were using to take photographs. Maybe they were also keeping in touch with another group somewhere, with a person in charge of co-ordination. Or perhaps they really were just a disorganized rabble letting off a bit of steam.

      On the other hand, she could see now that video cameras and mobile phones weren’t the only equipment the protestors were carrying.

      She saw Inspector Redfearn, and wound her window down.

      ‘Inspector, do you know some of those animal rights people are carrying whips?’

      ‘Yes, it’s usual. Its one of their tactics for confusing the hounds.’

      ‘Shouldn’t you seize them? Wouldn’t you consider them offensive weapons?’

      ‘Ah, but look at the huntsman, and half of the riders. They СКАЧАТЬ