Life in Lakes and Rivers. T. Macan T.
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Название: Life in Lakes and Rivers

Автор: T. Macan T.

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Природа и животные


isbn: 9780007406135


СКАЧАТЬ trout flourished in this, the last freshwater reach of the Tees, not uncommonly attaining a size of 1–11/2 lb. (.45–.75 kg.). Coarse fish, chiefly dace and chub, were abundant, and fishing was a popular pastime.

      Fig. 12 Longitudinal section of the Tees estuary showing the salinity at high and low tide

      In the estuary, surveyed by Alexander, Southgate and Bas-sindale (1935), the most important natural phenomenon is the salinity. The fresh water tends to float on the sea-water and the result is a marked stratification. Figure 12 shows the average conditions at high tide and at low tide, but it gives rather a distorted picture because it is necessary to use such different scales. Horizontally an inch represents about three miles, but vertically it represents only about fifty feet. The surface current of fresh water draws up some water of higher salinity from below it, and to replace this there is an upstream creep of water of high salinity along the bottom. The whole mass moves up and down with the tide as shown in the figure. It is estimated that the mean time for all layers of a body of water to pass through the estuary is about six days in dry weather, decreasing to about two and a half under average winter conditions.

      The estuary has been much changed by the hand of man, and it must be admitted with regret that the Tees is typical rather than otherwise of larger British estuaries. From about midway nearly to the sea there is an extensive industrial conurbation. This requires a navigable channel so that its products may be removed by sea, and accordingly the natural tendency of the river to drop silt where it is checked by its meeting with the sea is counteracted by the continual activities of dredgers. The river is a convenient main drain and, at the time of the survey, the sewage from rather more than a quarter of a million people was discharged into it untreated. So were a variety of industrial waste products, of which the most important were tar acids and cyanides. Both these decompose gradually in the water.

      Much water is taken in to cool condensers and machinery, and this results in a slight rise in the temperature of the estuary. Oxygen, it need hardly be said, is not plentiful in solution in the water. The amount used up depends on the temperature and also on the salinity, being greatest at salinities of between 15 and 25 parts per thousand. The lowest concentration of dissolved oxygen recorded during the survey was 9% of saturation.

      The curly pondweed, Potamogeton crispus, the starwort, Callitriche stagnalis, and the two mosses, Fontinalis antipyretica and Eurhynchium rusciforme, which are abundant throughout almost the whole length of the freshwater part of the river, penetrate a little way into the brackish water. A few seaweeds penetrate a short distance from the sea but only four extend beyond the fringe of the brackish water region. Fucus vesiculosus, one of the brown bladder wracks, extends to beyond the middle point of the estuary, growing on wharves and piles between tidemarks; and three species of filamentous green algae occur throughout the brackish region.

      It is difficult to determine exactly which fish dwell permanently in the estuary, as so many of the species recorded are migrants passing through, or casual invaders, but the threespined stickleback appears to be a regular inhabitant, extending down to at least the upper reaches of the polluted part. The effect of the pollution on the fish, particularly the regular migrants, and on the lower animals is described in Chapter 14.

      Reviewing the River Tees in the light of the classifications put forward at the beginning of the chapter, we find that it includes all of Carpenter’s classes, for the lowest reach, immediately above the estuary, is dominated by coarse fish. On the other hand the last two classes, numbers 4 and 5, of Butcher’s botanical classification are not represented, for the current is nowhere so sluggish that the water crowfoot ceases to be the dominant plant.

      A contrast to the Tees is provided by the south country rivers rising in the chalk downs. Butcher has surveyed the plants of the Itchen, and there was a fisheries research station on the nearby Avon for several years before the war. Much of the gathering ground is chalk down. Rain falling on this sinks in and percolates relatively slowly so that it may not reach a hill-foot spring for months. The effect of heavy rain is, therefore, dissipated and it will not produce a marked flood wave as in the Tees. The other effect of the chalk is, of course, to render the water highly calcareous, and Butcher quotes a figure of 92 parts per million of calcium in the River Itchen.

      Then the slope is not so steep. Moon and Green (1940) give a profile of the Avon and show that between Christchurch, which is at the mouth, and Salisbury the fall is about 150 feet in 39 miles, which is a little less than 4 feet per mile (0.075%). The river rises some 20 miles from Salisbury at an altitude of about 350 feet, so this upper reach, for which we have not been able to find accurate data, is somewhat steeper, and the figure for the whole river will be greater, but still far below that of 30 feet per mile (0.57%) for the Tees.

      The springs giving rise to the Avon headwaters are usually at the foot of the chalk and often flow in wide valleys floored with gravel. Sometimes the streams have been broadened so that they flow over wide areas in which water-cress is cultivated. In dry weather the water-table often sinks below the surface of the gravel covering the impermeable stratum which is the true valley floor and the stream disappears. Sometimes, owing to the time which rain takes to seep through the chalk, there may be a long interval before the effect of a dry spell or a wet spell is manifest in the river.

      Below Salisbury the Avon has been put to a variety of uses by man. One of the characteristic features is water meadows, although the method of farming under which they were engineered is now obsolete. The principle is to take water from the river in a main canal, which can be filled by the manipulation of sluices across its mouth and a barrage across the river. From this main canal the water is led into many subsidiary channels, from which it eventually runs over the land. It is gathered up in a complementary series of collecting channels and led back to the river at a lower level. The advantage of this system was that the grass could be watered at certain critical times of the year, and the farmer was independent of the capricious rainfall of this country. The significance of water meadows in the economy of the river today is that a great deal of flood-water finds its way on to them and runs back to the river slowly. This is a second reason why the effect of flooding is much less fierce in the Avon than in the Tees.

      Dams and weirs are thrown across the Avon not only to deflect water for irrigation purposes but also to pen up a head of water to provide power for mills. Weirs and side channels to take excess water when the level of the river is high are usually to be found in connection with mills, and the result is that the river does not flow in a simple single channel but in a maze of anastomosing channels.

      The water is rich in nutrient salts and, since there is no great scouring by floods, the rivers flowing from the chalk are heavily overgrown with a variety of aquatic plants. Butcher records that the commonest plants of the River Itchen are: Ranunculus pseudofluitans, water crowfoot, Sium erectum, the lesser water parsnip, and Apium nodiflorum, where the current is fastest; Hippuris vulgaris, the marestail and Sparganium simplex, the simple bur-reed, where it is somewhat less rapid; and Elodea canadensis, the Canadian pondweed, and Calli-triche stagnalis, starwort, in the slowest reaches. The vegetation forms such thick beds that it has to be cut and removed to let the water pass, and also to make fishing possible.

      Besides the game fish, for which these rivers are famous, there is a plentiful and varied population of coarse fish.

      The Avon has no torrential head-stream region nor a typical meandering lowland reach. The whole river occupies a place somewhere in between these two, but it cannot be made to fit exactly into any of the various schemes of classification. There is no steady loss of gradient from source to mouth, as there is in the theoretical river, but a mosaic of faster and slower reaches due to the various artificial obstructions which man has thrown across the river.

      A third river worthy of notice is the Lark, СКАЧАТЬ