The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation
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Название: The Urantia Book

Автор: Urantia Foundation

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9780911560060


СКАЧАТЬ (336.34) 5. Seraphim.

      30:2.88 (336.35) 6. Cherubim and Sanobim.

      30:2.89 (336.36) 7. Midwayers.

      30:2.90 (336.37) VI. THE UNIVERSE POWER DIRECTORS.

      30:2.91 (336.38) A. The Seven Supreme Power Directors.

      30:2.92 (336.39) B. Supreme Power Centers.

      30:2.93 (336.40) 1. Supreme Center Supervisors.

      30:2.94 (336.41) 2. Havona Centers.

      30:2.95 (336.42) 3. Superuniverse Centers.

      30:2.96 (336.43) 4. Local Universe Centers.

      30:2.97 (336.44) 5. Constellation Centers.

      30:2.98 (336.45) 6. System Centers.

      30:2.99 (336.46) 7. Unclassified Centers.

      30:2.100 (337.1) C. Master Physical Controllers.

      30:2.101 (337.2) 1. Associate Power Directors.

      30:2.102 (337.3) 2. Mechanical Controllers.

      30:2.103 (337.4) 3. Energy Transformers.

      30:2.104 (337.5) 4. Energy Transmitters.

      30:2.105 (337.6) 5. Primary Associators.

      30:2.106 (337.7) 6. Secondary Dissociators.

      30:2.107 (337.8) 7. Frandalanks and Chronoldeks.

      30:2.108 (337.9) D. Morontia Power Supervisors.

      30:2.109 (337.10) 1. Circuit Regulators.

      30:2.110 (337.11) 2. System Co-ordinators.

      30:2.111 (337.12) 3. Planetary Custodians.

      30:2.112 (337.13) 4. Combined Controllers.

      30:2.113 (337.14) 5. Liaison Stabilizers.

      30:2.114 (337.15) 6. Selective Assorters.

      30:2.115 (337.16) 7. Associate Registrars.


      30:2.117 (337.18) 1. The Planetary Midwayers.

      30:2.118 (337.19) 2. The Adamic Sons of the Systems.

      30:2.119 (337.20) 3. The Constellation Univitatia.

      30:2.120 (337.21) 4. The Local Universe Susatia.

      30:2.121 (337.22) 5. Spirit-fused Mortals of the Local Universes.

      30:2.122 (337.23) 6. The Superuniverse Abandonters.

      30:2.123 (337.24) 7. Son-fused Mortals of the Superuniverses.

      30:2.124 (337.25) 8. The Havona Natives.

      30:2.125 (337.26) 9. Natives of the Paradise Spheres of the Spirit.

      30:2.126 (337.27) 10. Natives of the Father’s Paradise Spheres.

      30:2.127 (337.28) 11. The Created Citizens of Paradise.

      30:2.128 (337.29) 12. Adjuster-fused Mortal Citizens of Paradise.

      30:2.129 (337.30) This is the working classification of the personalities of the universes as they are of record on the headquarters world of Uversa.

      30:2.130 (337.31) COMPOSITE PERSONALITY GROUPS. There are on Uversa the records of numerous additional groups of intelligent beings, beings that are also closely related to the organization and administration of the grand universe. Among such orders are the following three composite personality groups:

      30:2.131 (337.32) A. The Paradise Corps of the Finality.

      30:2.132 (337.33) 1. The Corps of Mortal Finaliters.

      30:2.133 (337.34) 2. The Corps of Paradise Finaliters.

      30:2.134 (337.35) 3. The Corps of Trinitized Finaliters.

      30:2.135 (337.36) 4. The Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters.

      30:2.136 (337.37) 5. The Corps of Havona Finaliters.

      30:2.137 (337.38) 6. The Corps of Transcendental Finaliters.

      30:2.138 (337.39) 7. The Corps of Unrevealed Sons of Destiny.

      30:2.139 (337.40) The Mortal Corps of the Finality is dealt with in the next and final paper of this series.

      30:2.140 (338.1) B. The Universe Aids.

      30:2.141 (338.2) 1. Bright and Morning Stars.

      30:2.142 (338.3) 2. Brilliant Evening Stars.

      30:2.143 (338.4) 3. Archangels.

      30:2.144 (338.5) 4. Most High Assistants.

      30:2.145 (338.6) 5. High Commissioners.

      30:2.146 (338.7) 6. Celestial Overseers.

      30:2.147 (338.8) 7. Mansion World Teachers.

      30:2.148 (338.9) On all headquarters worlds of both local and superuniverses, provision is made for these beings who are engaged in specific missions for the Creator Sons, the local universe rulers. We welcome these Universe Aids on Uversa, but we have no jurisdiction over them. Such emissaries prosecute their work and carry on their observations under authority of the Creator Sons. Their activities are more fully described in the narrative of your local universe.

      30:2.149 (338.10) C. The Seven Courtesy Colonies.

      30:2.150 (338.11) 1. Star Students.

      30:2.151 (338.12) 2. Celestial Artisans.

      30:2.152 (338.13) 3. Reversion Directors.

      30:2.153 (338.14) 4. Extension-school Instructors.

      30:2.154 (338.15) 5. The Various Reserve Corps.

      30:2.155 (338.16) 6. Student Visitors.

      30:2.156 (338.17) 7. Ascending Pilgrims.

      30:2.157 (338.18) These seven groups of beings will be found thus organized and governed on all headquarters worlds from the local systems up to the capitals of the superuniverses, particularly the latter. The capitals of the seven superuniverses are the meeting places for almost all classes and orders of intelligent beings. With the exception of numerous groups of Paradise-Havoners, here the will creatures of every phase of existence may be observed and studied.