Start & Run a Tour Guiding Business. Barbara Braidwood, Susan Boyce & Richard Cropp
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      The first and currently the only school in North America devoted entirely to training professional tour directors and guides is the San Francisco-based International Tour Management Institute (ITMI). Modeled after training schools in Europe, ITMI was established in 1976 and now has training facilities in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Boston. Of the more than 250 tour directors and guides ITMI trains each year, approximately 80 percent find work in the industry. As one successful and now employed graduate put it, “The contacts you make there are something you can’t buy at any price.”

      For further information contact:

       International Tour Management Institute

      Administrative Headquarters

      #810 - 625 Market Street

      San Francisco, CA 94105

      Tel: (415) 957-9489

      3. The Importance of Language

      One of the most important assets you can have as a tour guide or director is fluency in a second, third, or even sixth language. When you start talking to tour operators, directors, and guides, you will discover that, almost inevitably, the first thing they mention is “second language.”

      Even if you can’t visualize yourself sharing a bowl of pasta and chitchat in a small, nonEnglish-speaking Italian village or trekking through the Himalayas with only Tibetan-speaking monks for company, the number of tourists traveling into North America is enormous and growing. Although we often believe everyone speaks English, many of these guests do not. As a result, sometimes the language requirements of an area are not what you would expect at first glance. Certain destinations may be popular with a particular country even though the area itself has few local residents of that nationality. For example, Canada’s West Coast and Rocky Mountains are extremely popular with German tourists; a fact which has sent the demand for German-speaking tour guides skyrocketing.

      3.1 Learning a language

      Language studies come in many formats. For starters, you could try a night school course. Most community colleges, universities, and continuing education programs offer some form of basic instruction to get you going.

      Many good computer stores offer a variety of language courses on CD-ROM. We have not heard any first-hand reports about the usability of these learning tools, but if you have a computer already, this is an option worth investigating.

      If you are really serious about becoming multilingual and are willing to invest the time and money, look into the schools that specialize in language instruction. Berlitz Language Schools have facilities in most major centers throughout North America and have long been regarded as one of the best language institutes available. Other popular immersion courses are offered by Dartmouth College’s summer

      Accelerated Learning Programs (Contact: Dartmouth College, 6071 Wentworth Hall, Hanover, NH 13755-3525. Tel: (603) 646-2922 <\~rassias>) and the Language Immersion Institute at the State University of New York (Contact: College at New Paltz, JF916, New Paltz, NY 12561. Tel: (914) 257-3500).

      For a comprehensive list of language instruction options, check out Smart Vacations: The Traveler’s Guide to Learning Adventures Abroad, compiled by the nonprofit Council on International Educational Exchange and published by St. Martin’s Press.

      If you can’t speak the language of a country you are visiting, a willingness to attempt some basic phrases will usually win approval (and often a broad smile at the accent) from the local people. A pocket dictionary/phrase book should be part of your standard equipment — especially if you are anything less than totally fluent in that language.

      3.2 Body language

      Don’t forget that language is not made up only of words. Every culture has idioms, gestures, and other nonverbal language. Here is a sample of some unusual customs and body language you may experience:

      (a) In Portugal you may discuss business over lunch but never at dinner.

      (b) Do not send flowers to thank your Chinese host. Except when brought to the hospital, a bouquet is believed to bring misfortune to the recipient.

      (c) In Australia, the thumbs-up sign we use in North America to say “great” is more vulgar than the middle finger — something former US president George Bush learned to his lasting embarrassment while on a diplomatic trip Down Under.

      (d) In Malaysia, pointing at an object with your index finger is rude. Use your thumb instead.

      (e) In Israel, Singapore, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, crossing your legs so someone can see the sole of your shoe is an insult.

      (f) Fijians consider it a sign of respect for a person to talk with arms crossed over his or her chest.

      (g) A smile is universal. Show yours frequently!

      Cross-cultural faux pas can be embarrassing for both host and guest, so prepare before you go. Talk to other guides or make friends with someone who was born in the country. You might want to take a look at books in the series The Simple Guide to Customs & Etiquette in..., published by Global Books.

      4. Your Résumé

      Résumé writing is a skill all on its own, and there are dozens of books on the subject. The following very basic list will help you catch the eye of a potential employer, but if you are at all uncomfortable about your résumé-writing skills, pay a professional. The investment will be worth it!

      (a) Use plain, white paper — fancy colors, sparkles, or other gimmicks label you as an amateur in any field. Choose a type font and size that will be easy to read. Serif fonts tend to be easier on the eye than sans serif, for example, and any size less than ten point will make your reader squint. Twelve point is even better. If you do not have a laser printer, find someone who does and is willing to let you print out your résumé.

      (b) Keep it short, to the point, and, above all, accurate. A résumé should be no longer than two pages except in the most unusual circumstances. A single, well-written page is best. Be sure it is grammatically correct and completely free of typos or spelling mistakes.

      (c) Your name, address, phone number, and, if appropriate, fax number and e-mail address should appear centered at the top.

      (d) State your objectives clearly. If you want to work locally only, say so. If you are willing to travel anywhere, any time, tell them that.

      (e) Use active verbs such as developed, achieved, or organized when talking about previous experience.

      (f) Special skills should be shown prominently and early in the résumé. Languages are especially big attention grabbers for a tour operator, but be sure to list all certificates and training such as first aid, CPR, and current licenses to drive motorcoaches or other vehicles.

      (g) Volunteer work shows commitment to your goals and a willing attitude. If your neighborhood has a volunteer bureau it can save you many hours of door knocking and searching for some practical experience. While it is not as easy to find as other types of volunteer work, СКАЧАТЬ