Scientific Healing Affirmations. Paramahansa Yogananda
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Название: Scientific Healing Affirmations

Автор: Paramahansa Yogananda

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781420969610


СКАЧАТЬ of Psychology,” similarly he can understand the power of the mind to cure disease. If the mind can produce ill health it can also produce good health.

      Auto-suggestion is also powerless to act on the type of man characterized by strong will power. He needs stimulation of his will power instead of his imagination if he wants to be cured of his ailment.

      A case is recorded of an emotional person who had lost his power of speech, and received it back when running out of a burning house. The sudden shock produced by the sight of fire stimulated his feeling so much that he shouted out “Fire! Fire!” not remembering that hitherto he had been unable to speak. A strong emotion overcomes the power of the subconscious mental disease habit. This story illustrates the power of intense attention, which should be used in connection with affirmations for curing bodily sickness.

      During my first steamer trip from India to Colombo, I was taken unawares suddenly by a spell of sea-sickness and lost the valuable contents of my stomach. I resented the experience very much because it was sprung on me without my willing permission to accept it and at a time when I was enjoying my first experience of a floating room (the cabin) and a swimming village. I determined never to be tricked again like that. I advanced my foot and planted it firmly on the floor of the cabin and commanded my will to never accept again the sea-sick experience. Later, though I was on the water for fifty days coming from Calcutta to Boston, and for a month going to Japan, and twenty-six days from Seattle to Alaska and back, I was never sea-sick again, in spite of a very rough sea which caused almost everyone else on board to be sick.

      Will, or imagination, or reason, or feeling, cannot of themselves effect a physical cure.

      They only act as different agents which, according to the different temperaments of different individuals, can stimulate the life energy to awaken and cure a certain ailment. In a case of paralysis of the arm, if the will or imagination is continuously stimulated, then the life energy will suddenly rush to the diseased nervous channels, curing the tissues and the paralyzed arm. The repetition of affirmations ought to be firm and continuous so that the strength of the will and imagination might be sufficient to stimulate the uncontrolled or inactive life energy.

      Yogoda teaches by its art of concentration and meditation, and control of will, how to use this Life Current directly for healing one’s self and others. No one should ever minimize the importance of repeated, ever deeper efforts of will or imagination affirmations as given in this book to effect the cure of bad habits, or mental or bodily troubles.

      Two Factors in Healing

      In planting a tree two things are to be considered—the proper seed, and good ground. So also in healing diseases, two factors are to be taken into account—the power of the healer and the receptivity of the patient, who must respond to the healer’s vibrations.

      “Virtue (i.e., healing power) has gone out of me,” and “Thy faith has made the whole”—such sayings of Jesus show that in healing both the power of the healer and the faith of the person to be healed are required.

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