Indeterminacy. Группа авторов
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Название: Indeterminacy

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Культурология

Серия: WYSE Series in Social Anthropology

isbn: 9781789200102


СКАЧАТЬ Sarah Green’s (2005) account of the Balkans that describes external discourse that insists “the region is fluidity and indeterminacy personified, right on the surface, a completely explicit fog, as it were” (2005: 12). It challenges modernist accounts of statist drives to clarity, but are also partly reproduced locally, and, as Green suggests, partly constitute lived experience. Both Green’s book and Matei Candea’s (2010) on Corsican identity, which also works through external and internal insistence on indeterminacy and partiality, are themselves presented as provisional, open-ended, and fragmentary.


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