Название: Roma Activism
Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Культурология
Серия: Romani Studies
isbn: 9781785339493
Danielle V. Schoon
Chapter 9. “Be Young, Be Roma”: Modern Roma Youth Activism in the Current Panorama of Romani Affairs
Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka
Figure 0.1. Nicolae Gheorghe interviewing a Romungro in 1979
Figure 3.1. Nicolae Gheorghe during the event organized by the RIRNM in January 2011
Map 3.1. The locations of the events described in the chapter
ACDR | The Civic Democratic Alliance of the Roma (Romania) |
AKP | Justice and Development Party (Turkey) |
ANR | Romanian National Agency for the Roma |
CBO | Community-Based Organization |
CEE | Central and Eastern Europe |
CHP | Republican Peoples’ Party (Turkey) |
CoE | Council of Europe |
CSO | Civil Society Organization |
DAHR | Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania |
EANRS | European Academic Network of Romani Studies |
EC | European Commission |
ECtHR | European Court of Human Rights |
EdRom | Edirne Roman Association |
ERGO | European Roma Grassroots Organizations (Network) |
ERIAC | European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture |
ERPC | European Roma Policy Coalition |
ERRC | European Roma Rights Centre |
ERTF | European Roma and Travellers Forum |
ESF | European Social Funds |
EU | European Union |
EUJS | European Union of Jewish Students |
EVS | European Voluntary Service |
FBO | Faith-Based Organization |
FER | Ethnic Roma Federation |
FLAS | Foreign Language and Area Studies |
FSG | Fundación Secretariado Gitano |
GLS | Gypsy Lore Society |
FERYP | Forum of European Roma Young People |
GRO | Grassroots Organization |
HDP | Peoples’ Democratic Party (Turkey) |
HVIM | Hungarian Sixty-Four Counties Youth Movement |
IDP | Internally Displaced Persons |
IGO | International Governing Organization |
IPA | Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance |
IREX | International Research and Exchanges Board |
IRU | International Romani Union |
IST | Institute of Turkish Studies |
LGBTQ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer |
MHP | Nationalist Movement Party (Turkey) |
MS | Member State(s) |
NCCD | National Council for Combating Discrimination (Romania) |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
NISR | Netherlands Institute for Sinti and Roma |
NRIS | National Roma Integration Strategies |
ODIHR | Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights |
OMC | Open Method of Coordination |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
OSI | Open Society Institute |
PKK | Kurdistan Worker’s Party |
QUANGO | Quasi-autonomous Non-Governmental Organization |
REF | Roma Education Fund |
RIRNM | Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities |
TOKI | Turkey’s Housing Administration |
UK | United Kingdom |
UN | United Nations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
Sam Beck