Killer Couples. Tammy Cohen
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Название: Killer Couples

Автор: Tammy Cohen

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары


isbn: 9781857827378


СКАЧАТЬ it was with a warrant for her arrest.

      On 2 April 2007, after just two and a half hours, the jury of eight women and four men announced to a packed Swansea Crown Court that they had reached a unanimous verdict in the case of Stephen Marsh.

      Over the past seventeen days, the twelve jurors had heard evidence from Rebecca Harris describing how she’d murdered Jaspal Marsh while acting on direct instructions from the victim’s husband. They’d heard from police who had a record of the large volume of texts between Rebecca and Stephen on the night of the murder. They’d heard from Stephen’s girlfriends, one of whom claimed to have talked to him about murdering his wife. And they’d viewed shocking footage from Stephen’s mobile phone of Rebecca Harris writhing on a bed while being sliced with a knife.

      On the other hand, they’d also heard Stephen express his deep, abiding love for murdered Jaspal. ‘She was going to be my wife forever,’ he’d told the court, assembling his handsome features into an appropriate expression for a grieving widower. He’d always managed to get women to agree to anything he asked. Now, with a jury where women outnumbered men two to one, he was putting his charm to the ultimate test.

      Rebecca Harris and the other women had been silly mistakes, he confessed, holding his hands up like a naughty boy caught smoking behind the bike shed. They hadn’t meant anything. In fact, he had ‘no opinion’ of Rebecca now and was trying to block her out of his mind.

      The jury also heard Stephen blame alcohol for the ‘catastrophic memory loss’ that caused him to blank out the texts he’d received from Rebecca Harris on the night of the murder. As for those he’d sent her, well, she’d just misinterpreted them.

      Stephen Marsh held up his hands to being an alcoholic, he admitted being a womaniser with a penchant for very rough sex, but he flat-out denied being a murderer.

      Whatever way the verdict went, it was all over for Rebecca Harris. Already she had confessed to murdering Jaspal and she knew she was going to prison for a very long time. She’d done it all for love, only to have the man of her dreams throw her to the lions in the most public and humiliating way.

      She wanted revenge. And when the jury returned its verdict on Stephen Marsh, she got it.


      In May 2007, Rebecca Harris and Stephen Marsh were back in court to be sentenced for the murder of Jaspal Marsh. Stephen Marsh, who’d tried so hard to wriggle out of any blame, was sentenced to eighteen years in prison for masterminding the murder, while Rebecca Harris received twelve years for carrying it out.

      Anyone in court during that trial would be left with one abiding, haunting image - of a woman, tied to a bed while a knife sliced through her flesh.

      A relationship rooted in power and in pain carries within it from the start the seed of its own self-destruction. Unfortunately, in the case of Stephen Marsh and Rebecca Harris, it was someone else who would eventually pay the ultimate price for a twisted desire, gone out of control.

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