Highland Sinner. Hannah Howell
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Название: Highland Sinner

Автор: Hannah Howell

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: The Murrays

isbn: 9781420107982


СКАЧАТЬ said Tormand, thinking it a poor start to the conversation, but not sure how else to broach the subject of why they were there.

      Fear of the consequences of admitting such a thing made her hesitate, but then Morainn recalled Sir Tormand’s defense of her before the angry crowd. “Aye, sometimes,” she replied. “Visions, dreams, call them what ye will.”

      “They make her scream in the night,” said Walin.

      “Ah, weel, nay always.” Morainn handed Walin an oatcake in the hope that it would keep him silent for a while. “I cannae have a vision just because someone needs one, however. They come to me when they wish to. They are nay always clear in what they try to tell me, either.”

      Hearing the hesitancy in her voice, Tormand said, “Dinnae fear to speak of it to us. The Murray clan is littered with people who have such gifts. Mostly the lassies.” He heard his kinsmen murmur their agreement to that claim. “We dinnae think ye are truly a witch simply because ye have these dreams. We Murrays call them gifts for a reason.”

      It was difficult not to gape at the man. She glanced around at the other men, but saw no sign that Tormand was lying. They all just watched her silently, a hint of compassion in their eyes as though they understood exactly how difficult it was to have such a gift as hers. Morainn knew some people who thought of her gift as God-given, and not of the devil, but she had never met anyone who freely admitted to having such things in their bloodlines. There was even the hint of pride in Sir Tormand’s voice as he spoke of it.

      “Then, wouldnae ye prefer going to them?” she asked.

      “If one of them had seen anything, then I would have been sent word of it. Several of them sensed there was some trouble coming my way, that I could be in danger, but nay more than that. ’Tis why these fools are here.”

      It was difficult not to press him for more information about his family and the gifts he said they had, but Morainn resisted the urge. “If they have sensed that then, why do ye nay leave here?”

      “Because that would look too much like fleeing out of guilt and the killer might follow me anyway. I wouldnae be ending the murders, only taking them to a new place, to new victims.”

      She nodded. “Aye, I have, er, dreamed that ye are connected to this in some way, but that ye arenae the killer. Nay, ye may stand in pools of blood in my dreams, but there is none on your hands. Unfortunately, my telling anyone that willnae be enough to help ye fend off any accusations.”

      “We ken that, Mistress Ross,” said Sir Simon. “We dinnae plan to make ye speak of such things before those who are too quick to see the devil’s hand in anything they dinnae understand. We but hoped that ye may be able to help us find this killer. Three women are dead and we have no idea of the who or the why, only supposition. We desperately need some sort of trail to follow.”

      “Ye want me to tell ye of my dreams? I saw no trail in them, sir. The face of this monster has ne’er appeared to me, if that is what ye are seeking.”

      “Nay, we come here hoping that ye have a certain gift that many in town say ye have.”

      “And what would that be?”

      “The ability to touch something and see the truth.”

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