Pleasure Island. Lorie O'Clare
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Название: Pleasure Island

Автор: Lorie O'Clare

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эротическая литература


isbn: 9780758245403


СКАЧАТЬ don’t work.” Tomas gently wrapped his fingers around my arm, just above my elbow.

      “Good answer,” I conceded. If he acknowledged any of this as work, it would fall under the line of prostitution. The handbook must have been looked over by a fleet of lawyers before being published. Nothing in it could be construed as illegal. “I guess I should ask if you like it here.”

      “Trust me, this is paradise. Your room is this way.”

      The stairs ended and the men led me along a path surrounded by beautiful gardens on either side.

      “You’re right about that.” I breathed in the thick perfume coming from the variety of flowers. Maybe touching on a lighter subject would force the men to sway from their scripted answers. “I’m not an expert, but aren’t those orchids?”

      “Among other things, the island is known for its gardens.” Nicolas’s hand was so warm when he pressed it between my shoulder blades. “Those are oncidium orchids,” he informed me, pointing at bright yellow flowers that grew in a thick patch to our left. “And the lavender ones over here are dendrobium orchids.”

      “You know a lot more about flowers than I do,” I offered, laughing easily at my ignorance.

      The men chuckled but they weren’t laughing at me. Years of analyzing people taught me when someone was relaxed or not. And Tomas and Nicholas were perfectly at ease as they escorted me along the wide sidewalk with the vibrant flowers and ivy bordering either side.

      “Feel free to ask anything,” Tomas said. “I know more about some things than others.”

      It was on the tip of my tongue to ask what he knew more about. Gorgeous was putting it mildly with him. His dark sandy blond hair waved naturally around his face and curled at his neck. There was a roguish look about him. The way he held himself, walked with such confidence wearing next to nothing, was enough to know that very little would embarrass him. I’d always wished that I could move through life with such self-assurance that every emotion I had wasn’t obvious on my face.

      “What do you know most about?” I had to ask.

      Tomas grinned and my heart kicked in to overdrive.

      “Sex, my dear,” he said without hesitating.



       I t was a damned good thing that Nicolas stepped in front of me at that moment. If he hadn’t, I probably would have walked into the glass doors. Nicolas pulled open the door and held it for me while Tomas kept his hand on my arm and escorted me through a huge foyer.

      “I guess that makes sense,” I said quietly, my mouth suddenly dryer than sandpaper.

      “We also know how to make you very comfortable,” Tomas offered. “In no time, you’ll be convinced you’ve lived here forever. We’re going to show you pleasures that will make you forget you ever had another life before arriving here.”

      His tone was dark, and rushed over my skin, giving me goose bumps and making my nipples hard and aching for attention. At this rate, I’d be an over-sensitive, sex starved babbling idiot before we got to my room. Which, when I thought about it, might be Rose’s plan of attack. Get the clients so worked up that any sex would be good sex by the time they got it. Although a quick look at my two escorts and I knew beyond any doubt that sex with them would be extraordinary.

      My sandals slapped against my feet and echoed throughout the large room. I glanced up and saw a balcony that disappeared into several hallways. The foyer was two-stories tall. The walls were all glass, which showed off the incredible gardens outside. The place was stunning, captivating, and absolutely breathtaking. Walking between these two gods, wearing my shorts and tank top, I felt anything but pretty. They, on the other hand, were the perfect addition to this incredible mansion.

      “The architecture is as amazing as the gardens,” I murmured, looking up at a smoothly carved archway as we walked under it.

      “Is that your area of expertise?” Nicolas asked.

      I didn’t mean to laugh. “Hardly. I’m a lawyer.”

      Nicolas’s expression didn’t change, which probably meant he’d never had to experience getting a lawyer. I was going to be with these two men every minute for the next two weeks, and although I’d planned on living out a fantasy and not dwelling on the real world, they were both making it easy to talk. And like I had anyone to talk about other than myself.

      “You two already have me pulled out of my world enough that I didn’t give my standard answer.” For some reason, I wanted to impress them. Neither man batted an eye at my profession, and although I didn’t do a damned thing all day, the office I worked in was known nationwide.

      “Good,” Tomas said quickly. “No standard answers required.”

      “I’m a junior partner with the office of Green, Green and Albert.”

      “Junior partner?” Tomas sounded confused and intrigued.

      “Green and Green? Isn’t your last name Green?” Nicolas rubbed his thumb over my bare arm and smiled down at me.

      Apparently neither one of them had heard of Green, Green and Albert.

      “Yes, it is. But I’m not either one of those Greens. My grandfather and father are partners with my uncle in the practice. And I don’t feel I do much to earn my paycheck. I know it sounds terribly childish of me to complain, and I’m sure many would kill for my position, but I’d love a bit of the action. Unfortunately, my father and uncle take all the good cases, and I get to sit pretty in an even prettier office. My father feels he’s done his duty in providing for me by employing me, although I know he wishes I would marry someone with a background that he approves of and throw lavish parties like my mother does.” I realized I’d been rambling and quit talking, sucking in a breath and wondering if I’d just bored both of them to death.

      “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to pull your own weight.” Nicolas nodded like he understood.

      “Elevator or stairs?” Tomas asked when we reached a huge living room.

      There were couches and overstuffed chairs everywhere, but there wasn’t anyone else around. It seemed such a huge place to be so empty.

      “Elevator,” I decided, more than willing to change the subject. After all, this was my vacation. And if I was going to spend it with these two men, I didn’t want them thinking of me as some boring stuffed shirt. That’s what everyone else in my world was, not me.

      “Good choice,” Nicolas whispered from just behind me.

      I couldn’t help wonder why he liked my decision. Both men were in incredible shape. Maybe they saw that I was a bit on the pudgy side, and agreed with my mental decision that it would take every bit of stamina I possessed to take on two men. Or maybe he simply didn’t want to climb the stairs. Shit. Maybe I needed to relax and quit trying to second-guess everything they said.

      God. What had I been thinking? How long had it been since I’d had sex with one man? And I’d never had sex with two guys at once. Hell I’d never even dared imagine such a thing. Well…maybe I had imagined it once or twice. Acknowledging my own daydreams СКАЧАТЬ