Strip. Delta Dupree
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Название: Strip

Автор: Delta Dupree

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эротическая литература


isbn: 9780758237323


СКАЧАТЬ alert, most of all, capable.

      And, scared, on the verge of panicking.

      Bryce stepped around the corner. “Rio?” The letter opener clanged on the wooden floor. “Are you all right?”

      Her eyes were huge, clear and vivid gold with wild fear.

      “My God.”

      He crossed the floor of the small office in a few long strides and gathered her into his arms. Holding her rigid body tightly against his, she trembled almost violently while he stroked her satin-smooth hair, bare back and arms. Her breathing sounded as ragged as if she’d run a mile, but her hot breath caressed his neck like a dove’s soft feather.

      When he climbed the stairs, he’d wanted to ensure she’d heard him coming. He’d stopped to take a calming breath and ebb his heart rate before he faced her, certain she was upset after seeing the silly fiasco with Shannon.

      He’d scared the shit out of Rio instead.

      Soothing her was easy. Her supple body molded perfectly to his. He could stand here for hours, holding her, caressing, inhaling her intoxicating scent, filling himself with her. But containing the rapacious lust screaming through his veins presented a problem and his pulse rate strummed a new beat.

      Now, his cock was at attention. Potent, hard and throbbing, flagrantly pressed against this luscious woman, poised and needy as they come.

      Relaxation forced the tension in her body to seep away slowly. Bryce leaned down and brushed a kiss over her earlobe, then to a place behind her ear he remembered was sensitive.

      She responded with a shiver, accompanied by an audible gasp.

      Oh, yes, she liked that. And he pressed a lengthy kiss to the very same place as his hand traveled down her back, splaying his fingers over the tight muscles, kneading. He stopped the forward progress at the base of her spine. He wasn’t foolish enough to push her too far or rush too soon after a traumatic episode. He’d simply hold her as long as necessary.

      “Don’t,” Rio whispered, but her arms lifted, fingers curling into his shirtfront. She held him in place, held him immobile.

      He’d heard the unsteadiness in her voice, felt the subtle movement of her body. She was fighting him, warring within herself. Cupping her chin, he forced her to meet his gaze. “Tell me to stop and I will. I’d never force you into anything you don’t want.” Studying the bewilderment in her beautiful eyes, he cupped her chin, ran his thumb over her unpainted, silky lips.

      “But I want you, Rio,” Bryce said softly. She didn’t move out of his embrace. “I want to kiss you everywhere, caress every inch of your body. Chase the fear away.”

      “I…you can’t,” she stammered, breathless, trembling. “We can’t.”

      “Why?” When she frowned, he smoothed the furrows away with a tender kiss. “Why?”

      “You’re…you’re,” Her mind raced for words, looking for a satisfying reason. “Too young. Too…we’re different.”

      Damn it. “Different how? We’re both adults.” Sliding his hands farther down, he gripped her behind, pressed her more firmly against his ripened erection. He strained toward her, gritting his teeth from the sweet torture.

      Somehow, he had to relieve an unjustified apprehension. An unimportant number separated their ages. Need for one another meant everything. At this moment, he needed her.

      And he knew Rio felt a similar need for him. Earlier, she’d passionately responded to his kiss, allowing herself complete freedom, and she’d dissolved in his arms with free-flowing ease. Alone and secluded, they could chase the stars across the sky and capture the universe together.

      She huffed, broke bodily contact and shoved his hands away. She was more upset about age than he thought.

      “I’m…I’m,” Rio stammered. “You’re…you’re…Caucasian.”

      “Son of a bitch.”

      What the devil did that have to do with anything? The entire club had watched while he’d kissed her. The entire club had watched while they’d dry fucked. The entire club was all black except for him and very few ladies. He still didn’t feel like the Lone Ranger.

      With one hand, Bryce raked a vicious path through his hair. When he moved closer to Rio, she tried to sidestep, tried to circle around him, but he boxed her into the corner, hands flat against the walls. “What we do is our business. I don’t care about our backgrounds. I don’t care what other people do or think or say. I live my life the way I want.”

      “An understatement, Mr. Sullivan. Remember Shannon a few hours ago? Ring a bell?”

      He cursed under his breath. He had expected resentment, but not biting sarcasm. The dagger went deep. Still, Bryce was determined to win her over.

      Catching her hands with his own, he squeezed lightly. “It meant nothing. She meant nothing to me. Never did. I just handled the situation way stupid and imma…silly. From anger.”

      He stepped closer. As her breasts brushed against his chest, nipples peaked and hardened, he remembered the first time today she’d reacted to his nearness. He’d seen the telltale signs.

      “And jealousy,” he added. A streak of uncertainty crossed her face. “It’s true. Seeing you hug Cockroach, right after we’d finished dancing, I lost my cool.” He wound her hands behind her back, pinned them in a bracelet hold without her slightest resistance.

      Confessing inner turmoil or discontent to a woman had been the furthest admission from his mind, but Rio was like no other woman he’d ever met. Kissing her now would certainly prove how much he wanted her. He’d make sure she would never regret a moment of their joining if she’d allow him to pleasure her.

      Bryce leaned toward her, but he left the last inch separating their lips up to Rio.

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