Start & Run a Personal History Business. Jennifer Campbell
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Название: Start & Run a Personal History Business

Автор: Jennifer Campbell

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Экономика

Серия: Start & Run Business Series

isbn: 9781770407381


СКАЧАТЬ The key is to set realistic expectations, set your priorities, tighten the household belt, and (keeping the analogy) buckle down and work hard to meet your goals.

      If you have children, explain to them what having your own business means to you and why you’re doing it. The belt-tightening might mean they don’t get the latest and greatest gadget, or that Mom or Dad has to work late. Kids are far more resilient than we give them credit for, and the lessons you teach them by building your own business will stay with them throughout their lives, long after the latest gadget gives out! Involve them in helping you set up your office or doing some simple tasks. If they’re older, you can increase their responsibilities and pay them hourly (or even a salary). Check with your tax accountant for the implications of adding any part-time employees.

      2.2a Working at home

      Get everyone to pitch in to help keep the house running smoothly. Try to set aside blocks of time when you cannot be interrupted — an office with a door is a wonderful thing!

      Working at home is, I think, the best of both worlds, especially if you have children. When your children are young, you can be there for them when they need you, and you just never know when they’re going to need you. Kids’ needs can’t be scheduled. Try as best you can to juggle things during these precious years. Ask for help when you need it. Take a break. Compartmentalize. When you’re working, focus on that and that alone. When you’re with your children, forget work.

      The drawback to working at home is that the lines get blurred between work and home life. It’s up to you to set limits.

      2.3 Times of trial and tribulation

      If you’re in the middle of a major life change, like a divorce, moving house or renovating, having a baby, coping with a medical crisis, or caring for an elderly parent or grandparent, it’s going to be very difficult to handle everything unless you have some kind of superpower. Running your own business takes an extraordinary amount of commitment, time, discipline, and sacrifice. The laundry will pile up. Friends will get brief emails instead of lengthy lunches. With some help and understanding, those things can wait. A seriously ill child or parent (or you!) cannot. Be realistic about how far you can stretch yourself at this particular time in your life.

      2.4 Lifestyle considerations

      Decide whether this is a part-time business or a full-time business. Think realistically about how many hours you want to work, realizing that much of the time you spend “working” will not yield direct income; you’ll be marketing, taking care of administrative tasks, buying supplies, etc.; all necessary for business, but you won’t get paid for them.

      Also think about how much time you can spend in the evenings and weekends for networking events and maintaining relationships that will benefit your business. Is it worth it to you? You have to take into account all the demands on your time, then prioritize.

      2.4a Say “no”

      As a small-business owner, time is your most valuable asset. You might have been an active volunteer or participant with a church group, hospital auxiliary, theater group, choir, fundraiser, or on other noble and interesting pursuits, but there are only 24 hours in the day. Do you really enjoy the weekly book club? Can you let go of either the rowing team or the hiking group? Starting and running a business takes a lot of time and you need to say “no” to activities that don’t provide you with solid networking possibilities. I can imagine you protesting, but realize that this is probably a temporary situation. Just think carefully about how you want to spend your spare time. At this juncture in your life, your priorities should be your well-being, your family, and your business. (You decide on the order!)

      2.4b Say “yes”

      Do what you have to do to do what you love. If you love this work, don’t let anything or anyone stop you from doing it. You hate sales meetings? Get some training so you’re totally comfortable talking about yourself and your products. You’ve been asked to speak at the local Rotary club, but the thought of public speaking makes you shake? Join Toastmasters, or just get out there and slay your dragons of fear. Feel overwhelmed at trying to keep your bookkeeping up-to-date? Spend the money and hire some help. There are very few things that can stop you from succeeding, unless you let them.

      2.4c Stay positive

      Stay away from negative people. You know the ones: They’re skeptical and disapproving of just about anything under the sun. They complain about everything yet they never do anything to change things. In subtle or not-so-subtle ways, they’ll get their message across: “Why are you being so foolish?” “Why don’t you get a real job?” “Must be because you can’t cut it in the corporate world!” They may resent and downplay your courage and success and suggest it’s just a matter of sheer luck that you are doing well. Cut these small-minded people out of your life. Save your breath and energy for those who support you because they love you. Keep the faith. Believe wholeheartedly that this will work and it likely will.

      2.4d Don’t bore people!

      Personal history is a fascinating field, and most people will love hearing about your work. But catch yourself if you find you’re talking too much about it. You will probably get a little obsessive. After all, it is fascinating, you’ve invested a great deal of time and effort, and you’re probably emotionally tied to it. It’s your baby! But … you know the stereotypical grandmother who pulls out 40 pictures of her grandchildren and tells you about every one of their dance recitals or hockey games? Or the bore at the party who goes on and on about the boss and coworkers you don’t even know? Don’t expect everyone to be enthralled with your new venture. People may not have the slightest interest in it, as impossible as that might seem to you. You might find even your closest friends don’t take your business seriously and treat it as another one of your hobbies or passing interests. Compartmentalize. You’ll soon get to know who you can talk “shop” with, and remember, it’s a two-way street. Show interest in other people’s businesses and they’ll probably do the same for you.

      3. Terms You Should Know

      In this book, I use “personal history,“ “memoir,” “biography,” and “life story” interchangeably as they all mean an account of one’s life or a segment of that life. They can refer to something written by the person himself or herself, or written by someone else about the person. Here are some definitions of a few terms with which you should be familiar.

      • Autobiography: A detailed, factual account of one’s life written by oneself; more likely to be about the person’s entire life; may or may not include reflection, opinions, or feelings.

      • Biography: A life story written by someone other than the subject.

      • Corporate/Business history: The history of a company, from its roots to present time. May include interviews with employees, leaders, customers, or people living in the community where the business operates.

      • Family history: The story of a family that may include several generations and many branches of the family tree. May be a written account, as in a book, with photographs, or a multimedia DVD. May include interviews with one or more family members.

      • Genealogist: A person СКАЧАТЬ