Start & Run a Home-Based Food Business. Mimi Shotland Fix
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Название: Start & Run a Home-Based Food Business

Автор: Mimi Shotland Fix

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Экономика

Серия: Start & Run Business Series

isbn: 9781770407329


СКАЧАТЬ wedding showers.

      There’s a cookie business in Minneapolis that began by offering only oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Owned by Anne and Dennis Tank, Tank Goodness delivers warm cookies in a Mini Cooper. On several levels they set themselves apart — still-warm cookies baked in a home kitchen and delivered in a cute vehicle. They have a charming website, which can be found following the link listed in the Resources section.

      7.1 Develop a few specialties

      Become very good at making a few things instead of average at making a wide variety. A woman I knew in Georgia had a solid business with regular customers. She made basic cakes and sweet breads, and a few cookies and brownies. As she showed me her order form, she said, “I do these things and I do them very, very well. My customers can always count on getting the same excellent cake each time they order. And I can count on them to keep ordering.” Go for perfection; be better at making what you make than anyone else.

      If your food quality, service, price, and convenience are better than that of other businesses, you are off to a great start. Perhaps that’s all you need to make money. But business can entail more than just the basics. You don’t need to resort to gimmickry to have a successful business, but creating something uniquely yours can give you a tremendous edge.

      8. Researching the Market

      Before you can decide on a product, you may need to do market research. Market research is a logical, objective, and thorough method of collecting data to analyze your target market. It’s used to understand your competition and your business potential. In other words, you need to research what people are buying and find potential products that would be a good fit for your market.

      Your market research should cover a variety of stores, farmers’ markets, and online vendors. Keep a small notebook handy as you visit these places. Watch what people are buying and eating. Look at the pricing and packaging. You will need to answer the following questions:

      • How much do these items cost?

      • What kinds of labels are used?

      • Does the packaging enhance or detract from the product?

      Remember to take notes or use a recording device so you don’t forget the details. Don’t worry about the store manager seeing you. If a clerk asks if you need help, mumble that you need time to look for a gift. Purchase anything that looks intriguing or that you can learn from. When I do market research I always buy a product if I want to taste the flavor, understand the texture, or want to thoroughly inspect the label and package.

      Do a web search and bookmark sites that have interesting or helpful information. Look through newspapers and magazines for articles and advertisements. Pick up menus, flyers, and brochures; keep them in a central place for easy reference, such as in a file folder or desk drawer. Keep copies of the information you find. Later, when you’re ready to design a flyer or brochure, you’ll have samples from area businesses from which to draw ideas.

      Ask people for feedback when they sample your products, but be aware that the information you gather might not be truthful. Rely on your eyes and instinct, and watch people when they give you their opinions. For whatever reason, maybe it’s just human nature, but people often tell you what they think you want to hear. If possible, seek individuals whose opinions you trust and who will be honest with you.

      Trade magazines are another source of valuable information. These magazines are sometimes free to customers who own a business, or are about to start a business. Baking Buyer and Modern Baking keep track of trends, have great ideas, and provide supplier ads with websites and toll-free phone numbers for requesting additional information. Over the years I’ve found industry suppliers to be exceptionally helpful in my market research.

      Having a great recipe or choosing a trendy category of food does not give you a guaranteed best-selling item. Customers can be fickle, times can change, and cupcakes can follow croissants into oblivion. Always stay current with the newest trends.

       Pumpkin Loaf

       Yield: 3 medium (7 x 3) loaves

      • 3 cups sugar

      • 1 cup vegetable oil

      • 4 large eggs

      • 1 (15–16 oz) can pumpkin

      • 2/3 cup water, cider, juice, or wine

      • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

      • 2 teaspoons baking soda

      • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

      • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

      • 1 teaspoon nutmeg

      • 1/2 teaspoon allspice

      • Optional: 1 cup raisins

      Preheat oven to 350°F and grease 3 medium (7 x 3) loaf pans.

      In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, oil, eggs, pumpkin, and liquid.

      In a 4-cup measure, lightly spoon in the flour then add the baking soda, salt, and spices. Stir, then add to the liquid ingredients and mix thoroughly. Add raisins, if using.

      Spoon this thin batter into your pans and bake 35 to 50 minutes, until the tops are firm to the touch and leave no finger imprint.

      Cool before wrapping. These keep for one week at room temperature, three weeks in the fridge, and six months frozen.

      Also makes excellent muffins.


      Preparing a Business Plan

      A business plan is what moves your idea from a daydream to a realistic vision for the future. It will help you define your goals and outline what you need to do to achieve them. There are many facets of starting a business, so the real value in creating a business plan is that it forces you to research new, unfamiliar areas. You’ll discover your strengths and weaknesses and learn about issues and details you had not previously considered. Finally, you will gain an understanding of the day-to-day reality of operating a perishable food business.

      A business plan will also show others that you are serious about your ambitions. A detailed plan communicates your ideas and provides potential financiers with answers. From friends and family to potential backers and suppliers who will be extending you credit, people will respect that your business is based on a rational, thoughtful approach. If you have enough capital to invest in your own business, the plan can help you make the correct choices before putting your savings into a costly new business.

      Great ideas come when we’re sitting around chatting with others. When you are writing your business plan, talk with family and friends in both formal and informal brainstorming sessions. These sessions can be useful for solving specific problems and for getting creative ideas in business planning. Make lists, including СКАЧАТЬ