Start & Run a Coffee Bar. Tom Matzen
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Название: Start & Run a Coffee Bar

Автор: Tom Matzen

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Экономика

Серия: Start & Run Business Series

isbn: 9781770408029


СКАЧАТЬ Should I buy an existing business?

      Buying an existing business can save you the time, effort, and expertise necessary to find a good site, plan and build the coffee bar, and then develop a client base. If the business you are considering purchasing is profitable, you may find you can start earning a profit immediately.

      Keep in mind, though, that you will end up paying for someone else’s time, effort, and expertise through the purchase price of the business. This is where you must weigh the trade-off. Ultimately, you will need to decide which option will net you the best return.

      Make sure you thoroughly research any business that you are interested in buying. Find out about the marketing systems being implemented. Spend a lot of time in the coffee bar — watch traffic patterns, count customers, look for what is being done well. Look for areas you could improve and estimate how that would influence sales.

      In determining areas you would improve, it may help to think of yourself as a customer in the business. What would you look for? A better atmosphere? Better service? Better products? Better marketing? And if these things were improved, would it make you want to come back and bring friends? How much more money would you spend if these improvements were made? Keep in mind that even a 25 percent increase in the average amount a customer spends can result in thousands of extra dollars per year in pure profit.

      When considering whether to buy an existing business, remember that it is difficult to change customers’ perception of a business once that perception is ingrained. If an existing business has developed a bad reputation in the community, you may be fighting an uphill battle trying to win customers back.

      3.3 Should I start my business from scratch?

      Starting a business from scratch has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that you have more flexibility than you would if you bought a franchise or bought an existing business. You won’t be locked into the location, lease, and contracts that are already in place. It will also be easier for you to incorporate your own coffee bar design, and introduce your own menu.

      On the other hand, starting from scratch means you don’t get the benefits or support a franchise can offer, or those that come with a successful, established business.

      One of the most important factors in any business is a marketable location. If the location of an existing business isn’t suitable, or the franchisor is not able to find you a good site, you’ll end up paying the price for a poor location. Finding a good location and beginning from scratch can sometimes be the best option.

      Do as much research as you can to explore these three alternatives. A good business consultant will also be able to help you determine the best option for your situation.

      4. Customer Profiles: Finding Your Target Market

      In the past, the coffee market was flooded with inferior, blended-type coffees packaged in instant coffee cans. As a result, coffee drinkers didn’t have much to compare their morning cup of coffee to. Today, however, coffee lovers have become much more sophisticated. As consumers become better educated about the coffee choices they have, they gravitate toward better taste, flavor, and aroma.

      According to a report by the Small Business Development Center (, coffee bar patrons are younger, more affluent and educated, and are 22 percent more likely to be aged 18–24. They are also 65 percent more likely to have an annual household income of $100,000 and above. Coffee shop patrons are 28 percent more likely than the average American adult to be single and 70 percent more likely to have a post graduate degree. The average age of specialty coffee drinkers is 43. Occasional latte drinkers are in the higher average income of $76,000, and similarly, cappuccino and espresso drinkers reflect an average income of $60,000.

      According to the National Coffee Association, seniors drink more coffee away from home while 18- to 24-year-olds drink more coffee at home. Seniors are discovering gourmet coffee more and more as the overall percentage of coffee drinkers over the age of 60 jumped from nine percent in 2003 to 13 percent in 2004. Adults aged 55–64 are 28 percent more likely than young adults to consume coffee away from home. Overall, at home consumption has risen from 44 percent in 2002 to 60 percent in 2004 which may be a result of the slowing US economy.

      Over 60 percent of coffee is consumed at breakfast in the United States. Eleven percent of adults who drink coffee away from home say that they only purchase coffee in a coffeehouse, while 66 percent of adults who drink coffee away from home say they usually purchase it at a coffeehouse. Forty-two percent of adults aged 18–34 purchases their coffee at a coffee bar.

      From 2000 to 2005, the 55–64 age group will grow 24 percent which is nearly twice the amount the 45–54 age group will grow. The population of 25–45 year-olds is declining; so coffee drinking will be currently common among the elderly with some participation from the next generation.

      It is also important to recognize the importance of the younger crowd. Major coffee chains have added products with more flavors, sugars and creams to make their drink selections more appealing to the younger generation. As that younger crowd grows up, their love of coffee and habit of visiting the local coffee bar moves along with them.

      In terms of motivators, studies have shown that women indicate that drinking coffee is a good way to relax whereas men indicate that coffee helps them “get the job done.”

      Knowing your customer profile will help you better meet your customers’ needs. For example, if your typical customer visits after dinner for a latte and slice of cheesecake, you will want to ensure that you have a wide selection of appealing desserts. If you are near a high school and your typical customers consist of students visiting after school, you will want to ensure that you have smaller, lower-priced snack items that help fill that post-learning need for calories!

      But how do you determine your customer profile? You already know who the typical coffee customer is. The next step is to fine-tune this knowledge through the research you do in the area you plan to open up shop.

      Is your location near an office tower? If so, your customers will probably be mid-life professionals looking for a jump start to their day and a grab-and-go breakfast. Is the coffee bar in a residential area? You will probably see more parents with children stopping in during the day to purchase beans for home use. Are you near a fitness facility? Your customer profile will be partly made up of health-conscious, possibly weight-conscious people looking for an after-workout caffeine boost or a low-fat carbohydrate replacement.

      Make sure you spend the time now getting to know who your customers are going to be, and incorporate this information into your business plan (whether you plan to present your business plan to a private investor or financial institution or not.) The more detailed your customer profile, the more successful you will be. Let’s look at an example.

      Assume you are near a college in an environmentally conscious community. You know that your customer profile will be made up partly of young students who will want to relax and also spend time studying in your coffee bar. Based on your general knowledge of post-secondary curriculums, you realize that because of the diverse schedules of the students, you will likely have a constant flow throughout the day.

      Armed with this information, you will be able to make decisions about your coffee bar’s atmosphere and design elements. Given that your community cares about the environment, you may want to display a line of informative posters about current environmental topics. You are in a better position to make decisions about everything in your coffee bar, from the staff uniform to your product lines. And, of course, because you know who your target СКАЧАТЬ