Wellspring. Karen Moore
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Название: Wellspring

Автор: Karen Moore

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781426744488


СКАЧАТЬ in justice and true holiness.

      —Ephesians 4:23-24

      Most of us take it as a compliment when someone tells us we look like a parent or a favorite relative. We want to reflect the people we love in a positive way. How wonderful when we reflect the likeness of our Father, the God who made us in his own image.

      How do we do that? What can we do so that others will see his mannerisms in our walk and talk, see his glow in our faces? One of the keys to changing our image is right here in this verse. It says that we must renew our thinking; we must renew our minds by God's Spirit.

      When you're excited about life and the way you look, you also have a tendency to dress differently. In fact, you may be motivated to buy a new outfit to reflect the new you. You're more apt to want to look appealing to people in every way because you're happy about the way you look.

      It's a great day to clothe yourself in God's image, to wear his smile for all those who see you, and share his heart with each one you meet. Change your thoughts, change your clothes, and create a style all your own . . . one that reflects your love for your Father.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I do want to look and act and be more like you. Help me think about you in such a way that I naturally reflect you in the things I do. Help others see your face any time they look at me. Amen.

      January 26

      Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

       Some people have ruined their faith because they refused to listen to their conscience.

      —1 Timothy 1:19

      We live in an era where people often act without any trace of conscience. Moral guidelines are given only a perfunctory look, and virtue is no longer espoused as a thing worthy of our attention.

      Whatever happened to having a conscience? Jiminy Cricket taught some of us that it was good to let your conscience be your guide. Add to that the idea that the Holy Spirit taps into our conscious selves and tries to offer clear and clean direction. We're not alone here but we act as though we are. We act as though the things we do have no consequence and whether we please God or not is simply not on the radar.

      First Timothy warns us that we can actually ruin our faith, perhaps even lose our faith, when we aren't willing to listen to God. The still small voice speaks to us, and it serves us well to listen. Today is a new day and no matter how closely you were listening yesterday, make it your intention to do so now. See what the spirit of God wants you to know and feel the direction being offered for your soul. Listen carefully because it will do your heart a lot of good.

      In the Flow

       Lord, help me tune into my conscience, trusting and believing that you are working to help me live according to your will and purpose. Amen.

      January 27

      The Race of God's Grace

       I also observed under the sun that the race doesn't always go to the swift, nor the battle to the mighty, nor food to the wise, nor wealth to the intelligent, nor favor to the knowledgeable.

      —Ecclesiastes 9:11

      The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us that the sun shines on everybody and it doesn't necessarily just shine on the people who deserve it. When we prepare for a race, a new job, or an opportunity that puts us out in front of others, we may forget one thing. We may forget how much our ego is also invested in the outcome. We may even start to become people who believe life owes us and that we're entitled to the good stuff.

      What we're entitled to is God's grace, given freely, no matter who we are. Others may get ahead of us, but it could be by accident as the passage suggests, or it could be by design. After all, the Creator of the universe has every tool at his disposal for good or ill. He can bring out the rain and the sun whenever he chooses.

      Today, as you examine your effort at the things you do, don't worry about who else might win at the game you are playing. Just trust and believe that it's important for you to be the best you can possibly be. Your Heavenly Father knows why.

      In the Flow

       Lord, help me stop comparing myself to others, and be willing to bring only my best to you no matter what. Amen.

      January 28

      You Look Marvelous!

       Don't try to make yourselves beautiful on the outside, with stylish hair or by wearing gold jewelry or fine clothes. Instead, make yourselves beautiful on the inside, in your hearts, with the enduring quality of a gentle, peaceful spirit. This type of beauty is very precious in God's eyes.

      —1 Peter 3:3-4

      If God were to create a magazine with all the beautiful people in it, who would we see there? More than likely we'd see the images of people like Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. We'd see the caretakers, the peacemakers, the givers and the generous. We'd see the ones who knew what beauty really was as it emanated from within. We'd see those who have gone before us with peaceful hearts and kind souls.

      You're precious to God. You're beautiful too. As you walk through today, imagine yourself on the front cover of his magazine. You're already in his book. May your heart leap with joy at the very thought.

      In the Flow

       Lord, sometimes I forget what beauty really is. I'm grateful that you see me and love me just as I am. Amen.

      January 29

      Watching Out for the Other Guy

       Everything is permitted, but everything isn't beneficial. Everything is permitted, but everything doesn't build others up. No one should look out for their own advantage, but they should look out for each other.

      —1 Corinthians 10:23-24

      We're inclined to think that we can do whatever we want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. That may not be a bad rule of thumb, but it doesn't help us become more caring for others. Paul's comments to the Corinthians were aimed at getting them to be more mindful of one another, to make it a practice to watch out for the other guy.

      We all appreciate it when someone takes us under her or his wing and takes care of something we need, offering us a helping hand, a gift of food or a place to stay. The outcome is that both people benefit, the giver and the receiver.

      As you go about your life today, pay attention to those in your care, who need what you do for them, who benefit from your attention. The more you offer them a hand, the more God will bless your efforts. He sees your heart and applauds the good things that you do.

      In СКАЧАТЬ