Street Rider's Guide. David L. Hough
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Название: Street Rider's Guide

Автор: David L. Hough

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Сделай Сам


isbn: 9781620081723


СКАЧАТЬ really paid off. You’re injuries are limited to bruises. You’re wondering why the bike toppled over so quickly. The pavement edge is only 3 or 4 inches high.

      Remember that two-wheelers are balanced by steering the front wheel to position the contact patches beneath the center of mass. When your front tire contacted the raised edge at a narrow angle, it was steered along the edge rather than over it. When you couldn’t steer the front wheel, you couldn’t keep the bike balanced. Because of the way raised edges trap the front wheel, they are often called “edge traps.”

      When you need to get the bike up and over a raised edge, steer away and then come back toward the edge at a greater angle, preferably 45 degrees or more. Add a little throttle to help drive the tire up and over, and then straighten out. It’s the same way you would bounce up onto a curb.


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