The Canongate Burns. Robert Burns
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Название: The Canongate Burns

Автор: Robert Burns

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Языкознание

Серия: Canongate Classics

isbn: 9781847674456


СКАЧАТЬ Shandean proclivities for eccentric forward motion wholly unconducive to making a prosperous, if not a poetic, life.

       A Dream

      First printed in the Kilmarnock edition, 1786.

       Thoughts, words, and deeds, the Statute blames with reason;

       But surely Dreams were ne’er indicted Treason.

      On reading, in the public papers, the Laureate’s Ode with the other parade of June 4th, 1786, the Author was no sooner dropt asleep, than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee; and, in his dreaming fancy, made the following Address: —

      GUID-MORNIN to your MAJESTY!

      May Heaven augment your blisses,

      On ev’ry new Birth-day ye see,

      A humble Poet wishes! (changed from Bardie in 1793)

      5 My Bardship here, at your Levee,

      On sic a day as this is, such

      Is sure an uncouth sight to see,

      Amang thae Birth-day dresses among they

      Sae fine this day. so

      10 I see ye’re complimented thrang, busily

      By monie a lord an’ lady; many

      ‘God Save the King’ ’s a cuckoo sang song

      That’s unco easy said ay: mighty

      The Poets, too, a venal gang,

      15 Wi’ rhymes weel-turn’d an’ ready, well-

      Wad gar you trow ye ne’er do wrang, would make, think, wrong

      But ay unerring steady,

      On sic a day. such

      For me! before a Monarch’s face,

      20 Ev’n there I winna flatter; will not

      For neither Pension, Post, nor Place,

      Am I your humble debtor:

      So, nae reflection on YOUR GRACE, no

      Your Kingship to bespatter;

      25 There’s monie waur been o’ the Race, many worse

      And aiblins ane been better maybe one

      Than You this day.

      ’Tis very true, my sovereign King,

      My skill may weel be doubted; well

      30 But Facts are chiels that winna ding, fellows, will not be upset

      And downa be disputed: cannot

      Your royal nest, beneath Your wing,

      Is e’en right reft and clouted, torn & patched

      And now the third part o’ the string,

      35 An’ less, will gang about it go

      Than did ae day. one

      Far be’t frae me that I aspire from

      To blame your Legislation,

      Or say, ye wisdom want, or fire

      40 To rule this mighty nation:

      But faith! I muckle doubt, my SIRE, much

      Ye’ve trusted ’Ministration

      To chaps wha in a barn or byre who

      Wad better fill’d their station,

      45 Than courts yon day.

      And now Ye’ve gien auld Britain peace, given old

      Her broken shins to plaister; plaster

      Your sair taxation does her fleece, sore

      Till she has scarce a tester: sixpence

      50 For me, thank God, my life’s a lease, a tenant farm lease

      Nae bargain wearin faster, no

      Or faith! I fear, that, wi’ the geese,

      I shortly boost to pasture must

      I’ the craft some day.

      55 I’m no mistrusting Willie Pit,

      When taxes he enlarges,

      (An’ Will’s a true guid fallow’s get, good, breed

      A Name not Envy spairges), bespatters

      That he intends to pay your debt,

      60 An’ lessen a’ your charges;

      But, God sake! let nae saving fit no

      Abridge your bonie Barges handsome

      An’ Boats this day.

      Adieu, my LIEGE! may Freedom geck sport

      65 Beneath your high protection;

      An’ may Ye rax Corruption’s neck,

      And gie her for dissection! give

      But since I’m here I’ll no neglect,

      In loyal, true affection,

      70 To pay your QUEEN, wi’ due respect,

      My fealty an’ subjection

      This great Birth-day.

      Hail, Majesty most Excellent!

      While Nobles strive to please Ye,

      75 Will Ye accept a Compliment,

      A simple Bardie gies Ye? gives

      Thae bonie Bairntime, Heav’n has lent, that pretty brood

      Still higher may they heeze Ye hoist

      In bliss, till Fate some day is sent,

      80 For ever to release Ye

      Frae Care that day. from

      For you, СКАЧАТЬ