Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy, Book One. Данте Алигьери
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Название: Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy, Book One

Автор: Данте Алигьери

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежные стихи


isbn: 9781434446268


СКАЧАТЬ the source and cause of all

      Delectable things that may to man befall?”

      I answered, “Art thou then that Virgil, he

      From whom all grace of measured speech in me

      Derived? O glorious and far-guiding star!

      Now may the love-led studious hours and long

      In which I learnt how rich thy wonders are,

      Master and Author mine of Light and Song,

      Befriend me now, who knew thy voice, that few

      Yet hearken. All the name my work hath won

      Is thine of right, from whom I learned. To thee,

      Abashed, I grant it… Why the mounting sun

      No more I seek, ye scarce should ask, who see

      The beast that turned me, nor faint hope have I

      To force that passage if thine aid deny.”

      He answered, “Would ye leave this wild and live,

      Strange road is ours, for where the she-wolf lies

      Shall no man pass, except the path he tries

      Her craft entangle. No way fugitive

      Avoids the seeking of her greeds, that give

      Insatiate hunger, and such vice perverse

      As makes her leaner while she feeds, and worse

      Her craving. And the beasts with which she breeds,

      The noisome numerous beasts her lusts require,

      Bare all the desirable lands in which she feeds;

      Nor shall lewd feasts and lewder matings tire

      Until she woos, in evil hour for her,

      The wolfhound that shall rend her. His desire

      Is not for rapine, as the promptings stir

      Of her base heart; but wisdoms, and devoirs

      Of manhood, and love’s rule, his thoughts prefer.

      The Italian lowlands he shall reach and save,

      For which Camilla of old, the virgin brave,

      Turnus and Nisus died in strife. His chase

      He shall not cease, nor any cowering-place

      Her fear shall find her, till he drive her back,

      From city to city exiled, from wrack to wrack

      Slain out of life, to find the native hell

      Whence envy loosed her.

      For thyself were well

      To follow where I lead, and thou shalt see

      The spirits in pain, and hear the hopeless woe,

      The unending cries, of those whose only plea

      Is judgment, that the second death to be

      Fall quickly. Further shalt thou climb, and go

      To those who burn, but in their pain content

      With hope of pardon; still beyond, more high,

      Holier than opens to such souls as I,

      The Heavens uprear; but if thou wilt, is one

      Worthier, and she shall guide thee there, where none

      Who did the Lord of those fair realms deny

      May enter. There in his city He dwells, and there

      Rules and pervades in every part, and calls

      His chosen ever within the sacred walls.

      O happiest, they!”

      I answered, “By that God

      Thou didst not know, I do thine aid entreat,

      And guidance, that beyond the ills I meet

      I safety find, within the Sacred Gate

      That Peter guards, and those sad souls to see

      Who look with longing for their end to be.”

      Then he moved forward, and behind I trod.

      CANTO II

      THE day was falling, and the darkening air

      Released earth’s creatures from their toils, while I,

      I only, faced the bitter road and bare

      My Master led. I only, must defy

      The powers of pity, and the night to be.

      So thought I, but the things I came to see,

      Which memory holds, could never thought forecast.

      O Muses high! O Genius, first and last!

      Memories intense! Your utmost powers combine

      To meet this need. For never theme as mine

      Strained vainly, where your loftiest nobleness

      Must fail to be sufficient.

      First I said,

      Fearing, to him who through the darkness led,

      “O poet, ere the arduous path ye press

      Too far, look in me, if the worth there be

      To make this transit. Æneas once, I know,

      Went down in life, and crossed the infernal sea;

      And if the Lord of All Things Lost Below

      Allowed it, reason seems, to those who see

      The enduring greatness of his destiny,

      Who in the Empyrean Heaven elect was called

      Sire of the Eternal City, that throned and walled

      Made Empire of the world beyond, to be

      The Holy Place at last, by God’s decree,

      Where СКАЧАТЬ