Название: Abba's Own
Автор: David R. Lumsden
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Религия: прочее
isbn: 9781925939071
Theology is a “study of God and His relationship to the world. It is also defined as a study of religious faith, practice, and experience.”² Faith, practice, and experience need to be in line with love for God’s commands, (Ps 119: 77), on eternal life for it to provide a sound theology and a basis for a Christian philosophy. God expects humankind to confess sin, to be forgiven by God, and be cleansed from all unrighteousness, (1 Jn 1: 9). Cleansing is the negative side of confession.³ Then there is the positive side of disclosure, which is to confess or agree with God about Jesus. Biblical faith does not depend on our actions and work, but yielding to God’s Way and Word, a gift through faith in Jesus, (Gal 3: 26).
Needing to reach a world gone wild and filled with diverse religious viewpoints is not an option. Ministers of reconciliation are true Christians filled with the Holy Spirit, willing to take God at His Word, to believe Him, agree with Him, since He is God, Sovereign, Almighty, and the Faithful One. He is True and Trustworthy. He and His Word are the Christian’s absolute authority. There is none other. God has designed His Plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son. He has communicated His plan through His Word with high precision and clarity through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Trustworthiness in God’s Word is warranted; therefore, humankind can have no excuse not to have believed Him this side of eternity, when they stand before Him in Judgment Day. He expects that humanity will have reverenced His Son?⁴ How many people know and understand the salvation of God before they attempt to present their human-made philosophy to an innocent seeker in this wild world, diverse in its alternative religious viewpoints, which claim to be true, but are a lie. If a man presents an non-biblical philosophy, he denies God and His deity. The enemy goes to any extent to deceive people into believing anything but God’s Word. Jesus says not to let anyone fool you, (Matt 24: 4; Luk 21: 8). Strange teachings appear before a vulnerable audience when the TV programmers, for The CHEW cooking program, present that Cher says all one needs is a right attitude. Satan presents a smorgasbord of false teaching worldwide to make people believe and taste lies. Celebrity teaching on attitude does not save a person. Jesus, alone, saves.
A good attitude toward God is good if it is a result of the new birth. Spiritual leaders in a world of rising interest in spirituality may be pointing a seeker straight to Gehenna if they do not know and believe the truth. Have they been discipled, or have they been willing to be discipled, as a newborn follower of Jesus Christ, so that what they teach another is solid biblical Christian spirituality (or are they part of the falling away of 2 Tim 4: 2-5)? Are they taught to share the true message of Jesus Christ; who He is, what He has done to secure salvation for humankind, and will do for a seeker upon believing on Him? What the Pentecostal-charismatic or the neo-charismatic (Alpha Course)⁵ is teaching the seeker is non-biblical. Have they been taught how to understand the use of questions to enter a seeker’s personal space to lead that person to faith in Jesus Christ or do they depend upon their experience and non-biblically-based philosophy to lead that person to believe in what is no more than a non-biblical, religious philosophy? Do they know what God wants us to believe and do in a life yielded to Him? Do they have the assurance of their salvation and that God knows them, this side of eternity ready for Judgment Day in the future? Do they have a daily Bible study and prayer routine, themselves? Do they take God’s Word literally and believe God with their whole heart? Are they true Spirit-led shepherds, confident and trustworthy, called to preach and teach God’s truth? Do they take God and His Word as true and trustworthy? (See Appendix F: Qualifications of a Witness in ‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Follow-up, Witnessing, Follow-up, Discipleship - Qualifications of a Soul-Winner, and the Relevant Church for Finding Jesus and Christian Growth), or, do they do what a pastor tells them to do, ‘Leave your Bible at home!’? Our subject rejoices over souls won to Christ, but especially, over some who have been discipled and now are following the Lord in obedience to His call and great commission. (More to follow in Chapter 5: Qualitative Collection of Data.)
During the practice of soul-winning, this author has had all kinds of people cross his path to discuss religion. Even though the author is Protestant, biblical, conservative, evangelical, he wears a ‘clerical collar’ because it attracts people of a liberal, liberal-protestant or other religious groups because they believe he is one, who will pray with them. They come to talk, ask questions, or even trust what is said (as led by the Holy Spirit), and some pray to receive Christ for the first time, or some are encouraged to continue in Christ. In many cases, this author observes that many pastors are ill-equipped for spiritual warfare, soul-winning or preaching Jesus, and follow-through in giving an altar call from the pulpit. Some pastors have admitted to the author that they do not know how to explain the Gospel to another person to lead that person to faith in Jesus Christ. There are many churches in this city that sing a few songs, read prayers from a book, and preach liturgy or some philosophy gleaned from their studies, or someone else’s sermon to make listeners feel comfortable for the coming week(s), rather than present Jesus Christ, after much prayer in preparation and the delivery. At the end when they give an ‘altar call’ for people, who have been prepared by the Holy Spirit to rise to come forward to receive Jesus. A preacher must believe the Holy Spirit does His work on a seeker’s soul, so the seeker will hear and receive God’s Word. Upon receiving the Word, God through Jesus Christ changes their lives forever, by making them complete in Jesus by His Spirit given unto them at salvation. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, (Rom 10: 17). Together the new convert and the preacher rejoice and give God the glory through grace by faith. Many seekers miss opportunities when preachers are not providing seekers with that opportunity to receive Christ by giving an ‘altar call.’ One pastor said that he did not want to call people to receive Christ, because if his church grew, he would not be able to handle the workload. Today, that church once was considered a fundamental evangelical church but has now closed its doors, and the pastor has taken a secular job.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a proven historical fact. The resurrection occurred at a specific time at a specific place, and many witnesses saw Jesus. With such historical proof, why do people not believe God for His account of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? It only makes sense. It is historically true. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of the Christian faith, but many in the world deny the fact of the resurrection. Jesus says that He is the Resurrection and the Life; that whoever believes in Him will never die, (Jn 11: 25-26). In soul-winning, this author finds that there are many (including priests and pastors) that say they believe in Jesus, but do not believe that He is the Son of God. To some, He is not the Christ. To some He was not dead, buried, and was raised bodily from the dead by the Holy Spirit for our justification, that He appeared before many witnesses, ascended into Heaven, where He intercedes on our behalf. To others, they say His body was stolen from the grave. They believe they need to work for their salvation. (See Appendix L: Misunderstanding Phil 2: 12). Many deny Christ His rightful glory. Note also, Jesus continues His miracles of healing today. Some argue that miracles are a thing of the past, even though thousands of people in this church age are being healed. (See Appendix E: Continuation vs Cessation of Miracles). Jesus heals today from His throne in Heaven through His Spirit whom He sent into the world at the beginning of the church at Pentecost (fact). God sends the Holy Spirit into the heart of every new-born believer, immediately upon believing on Jesus for salvation and thus becoming a child of God. God says in the Scriptures to them, “Ye are of God, my little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world,” (1 Jn 4: 4). Liberals panic when they are confronted with having a personal experience with Jesus Christ. They light up if anyone talks to them about social action. Liberals put God second and man first. Members of the Pentecostal or the Catholic charismatic movements are more interested in the number of people that speak in tongues, rather than new converts added to the church, living God-honoring lives. They present a non-biblical gospel. (Note the true means of salvation in the following texts: Jn 1:12; 3:3; 3: 16; Acts 2: 21, 47b; 16: 31; Rom 8: 15; Gal 4: 6; Eph 2:8-9; 1 Jn 1: 9; 5: 1-2; 4: 4; СКАЧАТЬ