Precious Memories. Lynn Stannard
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Название: Precious Memories

Автор: Lynn Stannard

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Юмористические стихи


isbn: 9781619338708


СКАЧАТЬ Tony took him bowling. Later, when they returned home, the conspirators whisked him upstairs to change into his duckie shirt. His eyebrows went way up, but he went along with the gag

      Some of our friends joined the fun with creative ideas of their own. One couple came dressed in bib overalls and sneakers. A woman wore a short dress with a petticoat, and in her hair a big red ribbon. She even carried a huge red lollipop. I remember a man wearing a beanie with a propeller.

      We had a hilarious time. We played games, like the pinata set up in the backyard. Dick blew out candles and opened his presents.

      The highlight of the party happened while people were just standing around in the family room talking with each other. Pat and John secretly reached into the pockets of their bib overalls and pulled out a frog and a toad. They quietly set their hoppers down on the floor of the family room and then yelled, “Hey! Don’t step on Freddie, my frog.” “What happened to Timmy Toad?”

      The last straw was when someone asked, “Where’s Michael? I can’t find my mouse.”

      At these words, one of the women absolutely freaked out and tried to climb the built-in bookcases next to the fireplace. It took quite a long time to settle her down, while all the critters were being collected and returned to their respective pockets.

      All too soon it was time to go home. It was a hilarious and unforgettable experience.

      Thank a Vet

      A course on landscaping would help Dick redesign our arrangement of shrubs and gardens. With quite a bit of experience, Steve had offered to teach such a course, and Dick signed up for it. As an incentive for people to attend, Steve held a drawing of names of those signing up: he would come to the winner’s home and give some specific landscape ideas. My husband won the drawing!

      When Steve came to our house, we visited a little to get to know each other. He happened to mention that he was a veteran. I didn’t think about it too much at the time, but a few days later, the thought came to mind to thank him for the price he paid for me and my family.

      So, the next time he came to our house, Dick and I were visiting with him in our sunroom. As the two men headed for the door to the garden, I interrupted them and said, “Steve, before you go outside, I’d just like to say thank you for the price you paid for my family and me by serving in the Armed Forces. Thank you.”

      He stared at me. Then he started to cry. He rushed toward me and hugged me. He actually sobbed. When he composed himself, he stood back and said, “Nobody has said thank you to me. Nobody. You are the only one.”

      My husband and I were both surprised at how much those words touched his heart. They were just a few simple words to say that spoke to such a deep need in his heart.

      Months later.

      Another opportunity came up. At our summer camp, our telephone number happens to be one digit off from the VA clinic. Once every three or four weeks, we would get a wrong number asking for the VA. I would just say, “I’m sorry, but you have the wrong number. This is a private residence.”

      I must be really dense. Recently, the memory of what I had said to Steve as a vet, and how it had affected him, came back to my mind. I decided that the next time someone called our number looking for the VA clinic, I would say, “Thank you.” The call came. Before letting the caller know he had the wrong number, I asked him if he was a vet. When he said yes, I replied, “Thank you for paying the price of serving in the military to protect my family and me.” He paused and slowly said, “You’re welcome.” Then I gave him the correct number and said, “God bless you.” I felt waves of love and warmth myself as I blessed this dear man. It didn’t cost me anything, but I hope and trust it made him feel really good.

      Prayer for Our Troops (From an email request)

      Lord, hold our troops (men and women) in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.

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