A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English. Robert D. O'Brian
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Название: A Comparative Vocabulary Study Guide: Spanish to English

Автор: Robert D. O'Brian

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781939748492


СКАЧАТЬ expandable

      AMPLIACIÓN, expansion, extension, enlargement

      AMPLIFICACIÓN, amplification

      AMPLITUD, roominess, spaciousness

      AMPUTACIÓN, amputation

      AMULETO, amulet

      ANAGRAMA, anagram

      ANALGÉSICO, analgesic

      ANÁLISIS, analysis

      ANALISTA, analyst

      ANALÍTICO (A) (adj), analytical, analytic

      ANALÓGICO (A), analogical

      ANALOGÍA, analogy, similarity

      ANÁLOGO (A), analogous, similar; analogue

      ANATEMA, anathema; detested, rejected

      ANATOMÍA, anatomy

      ANATÓMICO (A), anatomical

      ANCESTRO, ancestor, predecessor, precursor

      ANCHOA, anchovy

      ÁNCORA, anchor

      ANDROIDE, android

      ANÉCDOTA, anecdote, short story

      ANECDÓTICO, anecdotal; trivial, superficial

      ANÉMICO (A), anemic

      ANEXIÓN, annexation

      ANEXO (A), connected, attached, enclosed; enclosure

      ANFIBIO (A), amphibious, amphibian

      ÁNFORA, amphora

      ANGLÓFILO (A), anglophile

      ANGLÓFOBO (A), anglophobe

      ÁNGULO, angle (MAT)

      ANGULOSO (A), angular, sharp

      ANIMACIÓN, liveliness, activity, animation

      ANIMOSIDAD, animosity, ill will, antagonism, acrimony

      ANIMOSO (A), spirited, lively

      ANISETE, anisette

      ANIVERSARIO, anniversary

      ÁNODO, anode

      ANOMALÍA, anomaly, irregularity, oddity

      ANÓMALO (A), anomalous, irregular, abnormal

      ANÓNIMO, anonymous, unknown, undeclared

      ANORMAL, abnormal; silly, cretinous

      ANORMALIDAD, abnormality, strange, unnatural

      ANOTACIÓN, note, entry, annotation

      ANSIOSO (A), impatient, anxious, worried, eager

      ANTAGÓNICO (A), antagonistic, hostile, combative, opposing, contrary, averse; inhospitable

      ANTAGONISMO, antagonism, animosity, enmity, rancor

      ANTAGONISTA, opponent, antagonist, rival, enemy

      ANTECÁMARA, antechamber, anteroom

      ANTECEDENTE, preceding, history, background; antecedent (MAT); previous, former, prior

      ANTECESOR (A), predecessor, ancestor

      ANTEDILUVIANO, antediluvian

      ANTENA, antenna

      ANTERIORIDAD, beforehand, prior, anterior

      ANTERIORMENTE (adv), previously, before

      ANTES (adj), before

      ANTIBIÓTICO, antibiotic

      ANTICIPACIÓN, to be early, timely

      ANTICIPADAMENTE, in advance, beforehand

      ANTICIPADO, early; advance payment

      ANTICIPO, foretaste, advance

      ANTICOAGULANTE, anticoagulant

      ANTICONGELANTE, antifreeze

      ANTICONSTITUCIONAL, unconstitutional

      ANTICORROSIVO (A), anticorrosive

      ANTICRISTO, Antichrist

      ANTIDEPRESIVO (A), antidepressant

      ANTÍDOTO, antidote

      ANTIESTÉTICO (A), unsightly, ugly

      ANTÍGENO, antigen

      ANTIGUO (A), old, vintage, antique; ancient

      ANTÍLOPE, antelope

      ANTINATURAL, unnatural

      ANTIPATÍA, antipathy, dislike, aversion

      ANTIPÁTICO, unpleasant, disagreeable

      ANTISÉPTICO (A) (adj), antiseptic

      ANTÍTESIS, antithesis, opposite, contrasting, conflicting

      ANTOLOGÍA, anthology

      ANTÓNIMO (A), antonym

      ANTORCHA, torch

      ANTRACITA, anthracite

      ÁNTRAX, anthrax

      ANUAL, annual, yearly

      ANUALMENTE, annually, yearly

      ANVERSO, obverse, front side; counterpart

      APARENTE, apparent, visible

      APARENTEMENTE, apparently, seemingly

      APARTADO (A), away from, remote, isolated; unsociable

      APARTAMENTO, apartment

      APARTAMIENTO, separation, seclusion, isolation

      APARTE, apart, separate, away, aside

      APASIONADO (A), passionate, enthusiastic

      APASIONANTE, exciting, thrilling

      APATÍA, apathy, indifference, lassitude, languor