Indonesian Gold. Kerry B Collison
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Название: Indonesian Gold

Автор: Kerry B Collison

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781877006098


СКАЧАТЬ Indonesian prospects, wishing to cash in when this escalated, as he believed it would, once production commenced at the larger Kalimantan sites being operated by multi-nationals.

      Kremenchug looked over in Stewart Campbell’s direction. Although the envy he felt was not evident in his Slavic, expressionless face, nevertheless, it was there. Unconsciously, his hand ran over the gray, thinning scalp that once boasted a thick crop of black hair, his thoughts roaming as he heard Baird’s voice drone on. There had been no real confrontation with the American, Campbell – Kremenchug’s annoyance occasioned by the younger man’s ‘watchdog’ mentality, with respect to foreign prospecting activities in Indonesia. That, and the fact Campbell had been negative when assessing a number of gold concessions Kremenchug had offered to one of the American’s clients. The deal had fallen through, with Alexander Kremenchug taking Campbell’s recommendations as a personal attack on his integrity. Subsequently, whenever the two crossed paths their exchanges were generally brief, but polite; Kremenchug’s comments behind the other man’s back, caustic, and often vitriolic. He signaled a waitress by raising his now empty glass.

      ‘Gin and tonic, Tuan?’ she asked, smiling warmly. Kremenchug nodded, twirling his index finger in the air to indicate a round.

      ‘No, leave me out, Alex,’ Fielding interrupted Baird’s monologue. ‘Still have a lot to do here.’

      ‘Just these two, then,’ Kremenchug pointed at his associate’s empty tumbler, then settled back to listen to Baird’s glowing report supporting the concession’s viability to produce tonnes of gold.


      Kremenchug was confident that Baird’s presentation would be convincing. The men were jointly responsible for delivering the government-approved concession. Under a prior arrangement, reached before inviting Fielding to Jakarta, they had agreed to equally split whatever vendors’ shareholding might be negotiated in the proposed Kalimantan gold exploration company. Fielding had jumped at the offer to visit, Kremenchug’s confidence that the company would be floated on the Canadian Exchange growing as Fielding warmed to the concession’s potential.

      All three men would receive a substantial allocation of fully paid vendors’ shares in the Canadian company. Obviously, these shares would be placed in escrow, as required by law. Kremenchug had already established dialogue with Scott Walters, a Vancouver-based promoter cum financier. Walters had been receptive to providing whatever mezzanine capital might be required to take the deal public, as Indonesia had recently become ‘flavor of the month’ with Calgary and Vancouver stockbrokers. The list of Canadian mining companies vying for Indonesian properties was extensive, the huge volume of shares traded encouraging non-Canadian interests to establish new or subsidiary interests there.

      Walters’ offer to provide initial funding had been conditional, requiring Fielding to place his name on the concession as senior geologist, his stamp of approval sufficient to guarantee a successful capital raising. Although Christopher Fielding’s private life had all but left the man broken, his reputation as a geologist remained intact. As a sweetener, both Kremenchug and Baird had suggested that Fielding take a position on the new company’s board. They, in turn, would not seek any directorships, content to wait until their shares could be traded once the escrow period had expired – at which time they would sell and move on.

      Baird and Fielding continued to discuss the merits of the concession throughout their lunch of chili crab, steamed prawns, rice and deep-fried grouper, Kremenchug content to listen, sipping his way through a constant flow of gin tonics before the geologists concluded their meeting. Fielding dipped the fingers of both hands in a lemonscented bowl of water, dried his hands, picked up the documents then nodded in affirmation.

      ‘Well, I’m in,’ he smiled weakly. The Cathay Pacific flight from Vancouver to Jakarta via Hong Kong had taken more than twenty hours, the jetlag beginning to show.

      Kremenchug was ecstatic, his alcohol-charged response overenthusiastic, attracting the attention of other Mina guests.

      ‘That’s great news!’ he gushed. ‘You won’t regret coming in with us, Chris.’ He snapped his fingers summoning a waiter and, when the young man approached, ordered in a voice for all to hear. ‘Get us a bottle of Moet Chandon!’

      The champagne arrived, the inexperienced waiter’s attempts to uncork the bottle ending with Kremenchug grabbing the wine impatiently, dismissing the embarrassed waiter and completing the task himself. With the champagne poured, he raised his glass. ‘To the Kalimantan venture,’ he offered the toast. Fielding and Baird raised their glasses together, their celebratory gesture not lost on those around.

      ‘And to precious, precious gold,’ Baird added, somewhat relieved and surprised that Fielding had accepted his evaluations so readily.

      Their spirits lifted, all three men relaxed, the tone of their conversation tempered with newfound camaraderie as they exchanged stories, Kremenchug throwing in an occasional joke as the accumulative effects of alcohol took hold. Kremenchug peered over at Stewart Campbell’s table, flashed an insincere smile, waved, then after some hesitation rose and sauntered over to where the Americans were sitting.

      ‘Stewart!’ he started, a glass in one hand, the other extended. ‘Come and join us?’

      Caught off guard, Campbell looked to Samuels for assistance while Kremenchug pumped his hand. ‘We were about to leave,’ Campbell offered, somewhat lamely.

      ‘No, don’t go yet.’ Kremenchug had taken Campbell’s guest’s hand, expecting to be introduced. ‘Come over and meet Chris Fielding. I’m Alex Kremenchug,’ and after a pause, ‘and you would be?’

      His annoyance well disguised, Campbell smiled and introduced Phil Samuels. Kremenchug was visibly impressed. ‘Ah!’ he exclaimed. ‘Baron Mining, no doubt? The heavies have finally arrived!’ with which he turned, took hold of the man’s arm and led him across to where Baird and Fielding were again engrossed in conversation. Campbell followed, gesturing for the maitre d’ to bring their check. Chairs were hastily added to the table, the geologists rising to their feet as Kremenchug introduced the Americans. ‘You already know Eric?’ Stewart nodded. ‘And this is Chris Fielding,’ Kremenchug turned to Campbell’s client and completed the formalities. ‘Now, gentlemen, please join us for a glass of champagne?’ He then realized that the bottle had been drained and called for another, whilst indicating that his guests should be seated.

      ‘Alex, another time if you don’t mind,’ Campbell stepped in. ‘We have appointments to keep.’

      ‘Nonsense,’ Kremenchug was insistent, ‘sit down for a few minutes and help us celebrate.’

      ‘Celebrate?’ Campbell responded. Although not keen to be dragged into a session with these men, his curiosity got the better of him. ‘What’s the occasion?’

      ‘Sit down, and join us first,’ Kremenchug persisted. Campbell looked at the time and reluctantly accepted.

      ‘Just one,’ he warned, nodding to Samuels. They waited uncomfortably until the champagne was delivered to the table and uncorked.

      ‘To our senior geologist,’ Kremenchug announced, indicating Christopher Fielding, enjoying the look spreading across Campbell’s face. ‘And to gold mining in Kalimantan,’ with which Kremenchug drained and refilled his glass in one motion.

      Although pressed for time, Campbell appeared gracious. ‘Congratulations seem in order,’ he offered. Then, directing his question to Baird, asked, ‘What areas are you holding?’