Berlin. Michael Mirolla
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Название: Berlin

Автор: Michael Mirolla

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781935248484


СКАЧАТЬ Yes, it was possible he was hiding somewhere on the grounds. But it would be hard to check those until morning.

      Ryle didn’t think Chiavetta had the ability to understand the mechanism of escape but, in light of what had happened earlier in the day, he told the orderly he’d better give Chiavetta’s description to the police right away. “My poor Chiavetta has never posed a threat to anyone but himself,” Ryle said, thinking out loud. “But it wouldn’t do to have someone like him roaming the streets. Now would it? The good citizens might do him some harm.”

      After the orderly had left and the whiz was led back to his own socket-free room, Ryle sat down and, with quite a bit of nervous anticipation, opened Friday.doc, the first of the recovered files, under a sub-directory labeled Berlin.nov.

      The opening screen of the document was titled: Berlin: A Novel in Three Parts, by Giulio A. Chiavetta, Freelance Circus Performer. Ryle began to scroll the document, reading as he went along.

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