Hespers Wizard. Dante B. Kun
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Название: Hespers Wizard

Автор: Dante B. Kun

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежные стихи


isbn: 9781649691439


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      As the Keeper keeps keeping, they spin and they prance.

      All new wizard magic comes from here,

      By passing through the walls of fear.

      Daring dreams are pulled by Dragon trance,

      And the ancient secrets within fairy-fire dance.

      Magic within one must gather and grow,

      And thus learn all the things a wise wizard should know.

      Inside the unopened book there are ancient answers to see,

      One just has to go where earthly mind cannot be.

      Great Bracken has found it, from within yet without,

      Awesome power he’s grown as he’s roamed about.

      His nine darkest wizards have gone deep as well,

      Yet even they will not go where he loves to dwell.

      Flavious sighs deep as he reads the score,

      He will have to act fast to balance up Bracken’s war.

      To unbalance the sacred scales is the only true sin,

      Forcing The Keeper to fly where he’s never been.

      He must now find a young wizard,

      And a blue dragon brave.

      He must do battle with Great Bracken,

      And the world he must save.

      The ancient Tome of Mystery,

      In Bracken’s claws just cannot be.

      For Bracken has no respect for living things,

      Nor the gift of life warm sunlight brings.

      Many things yet unseen Bracken then would know,

      He would command volcanic winds to blow,

      He could shake the earth, move every known sea,

      And never again would the known world be.

      After destruction Bracken would create anew,

      Any kind of cruel world he wanted to.

      His brand of darkness would replace all light,

      Twisted bracken would rule with unbalanced might.

      Great Bracken has knowledge of the unopened book,

      For he’s grown strong enough to sneak a look,

      His focused mind can scribe without a pen,

      For he’s went farther than most have been.

      Great Brackens crystal is a glossy black,

      Within his secret space he’s grown the knack,

      Inside a purple flame dark words transmit,

      And Great Bracken has a place they fit.

      A great book with a cover of midnight blue,

      All bound in cord a multi-hue.

      In magick colors never seen in light,

      Bracken binds his spells, preparing to fight.

      Flavius sighs deep as he reads Brackens book,

      In sacred link his emerald eyes never had to look,

      For he is the Keeper of all sacred word,

      Bracken’s attempt at control is most absurd.

      For the multiverse is not designed for control,

      Discernment and Acceptance rule the day.

      Cooperation and respect always grow a strong soul,

      And fierce love is the only true way.

      Some struggles you may pick, some you cannot,

      Flavious sees the cruel path of Brackens lost plot.

      His fierce link is made, a lightning bolt!

      All true Dragons awake to the Keeper’s jolt.

      The link connects to all parties concerned,

      And Bracken see’s all he has not yet learned.

      The Keeper knows the need for truth spoken to power,

      The Keeper respects honesty within those who won't cower.

      Hesper meets Flavius in link, and shook to her core,

      She first feels the ancient power of true Dragon lore.

      Brave Nyber Khan is frozen in place,

      It’s the first time he’s seen Hespers Elven face.

      He sees her lost castle of rare purple stone,

      Her tragic bed of saffron and lace,

      How a cruel changeling spell cursed her to be alone,

      And cruelly ripped her from her true sacred space.

      His bold heart is smitten with bright elven love,

      He glows from within like sun from above.

      Hesper’s heart sings as she feels it all,

      She thanks The Keeper and wonders at his call.

      Bracken is caught unawares in this lightning bolt link,

      So he shields his mind to try and think.

      Inside a deep underground cavern he wisely stays for the day,

      Summoning his nine wizards he shows them his way.

      Bracken opens his book allowing all nine to link within,

      For all nine must go farther than they’ve ever been.

      The Keeper now fly’s and the sacred scales are amiss,

      Yet greedy Bracken still craves a fine elven girls kiss.

      So he commits even stronger for his heart’s twisted desire,

      And all who stand and oppose him will face magick fire.

      Yet the wise Keeper always knows what he needs to do,

      Before new time began was the last time that he flew.

      So Flavius focuses upon an ancient castle of obsidian stone,

      Towards a little blue dragon no longer alone,

      Towards СКАЧАТЬ