The Abyss. James Bèyor
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Название: The Abyss

Автор: James Bèyor

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Философия


isbn: 9781456626815


СКАЧАТЬ would the symbols judging judge be without the subordinate roles like the thug police who are trained to be suspicious? The robot-soldier is beset with the task of tactical enemy destruction. Who or what is the real enemy? All the AI fabricated blame JOBS are neatly tied to the so-called “social” workers who promote the hamster wheel model of social good - processing humans with labels. The living truth does not comply with any man-made encoded assignments. So what truth do you think is your truth? What do we mean? Your so-called truth is most likely not yours at all. Your truth is a copy, a facsimile of the so-called truth of your father and your father’s father. Copy truth came from slavery and a kowtow existence.

      The busy little man was taught in grade school how to be a good little consumer, to play the odds and win the right to blame. The little man has no point of view, no power in his voice but knows how to cheer for the winners. Man is taught to be a player of roles, obedient to the AI rules. The bio-energy is being sucked out of all human beings by the icon converts, the binary symbols remembering taskmasters using AI icon empowerment.

      As bio-fear and invasive fear intimidation swallows him, man dances to the symbolic beat of the redemption realm that has its false values raised conditionally high. Imperial Rome failed and her tortured edicts are in us and must be purged once and for all time if we are to survive. What is intolerable is that man accepts the role of beast of burden and willingly becomes Atlas with the world on his shoulders, breaking his back with the weight. Shrug, little man, just shrug!

      JOURNAL 501


      That “monkey on your back burden” accounts for 80% of man’s artificial neurosis-fear. Being a bit part actor, the icon man with symbols makes up the rank and file unreal and is the thug entity that actually ends up ruling over us. The 3,000 year-old symbols conversion made man act according to the pretend symbols he created. He dressed the part. This is a serious biological hazard due to genetic evolution and a neural sabotage realm, duplicated generation after generation. Variance, according to the biblical Christ, would stop the curse of “copy” behavior replication. You now have the understanding of what is necessary to expose AI fabrication.

      Blame became a working commercial product back in the days of Imperial Rome, and the largest preemptive psychological commodity, trickery, blame’s iconic redemption promise sold back to the desperate minions as human misery. What is desperation worth? Does man sell promise as the way out of misery, then make a JOB to fit the false label cure to which the symbolic-minded quickly adapt there-to and there-with? Does not most of society merely live by the model of what he or she was schooled and tooled to say and do? If you are getting this, little man, you will not remain a little man for long.

      That is why there is no such thing as actual real life “social rehabilitation.” It is the job of the icon converts to inform higher authorities, to report on player tag status affectation and condemnation level effects. For redemption, bad players must pay fines to the good icon gamers. All payment for good is for and to garner their permission. The good players receive the right to remain hidden within the game if they allow and support label profiling. It is, for the most part, a secret organization. Don’t tell or else. The game is very expensive and includes mandatory habitual function. The little man has been a slave for so long he seems immune to repetitive sin and allegiance evil, but he is not. The time has come and is now. The GUN and the FLAG are symbols of what, Fear or Freedom? Can you have one without the other? In bio-fact you have no personally accountable human will as long as these symbols rule over you.

      Imagine that all you have is the next artificial vote for the so-called “new” string of ritual politicians who are all selling you the same symbols and word motives. Icon vendors are protected by what and who and for what purpose long-term? The sale of the smoke and mirrors game is called the law. Legalism is big business in the fear-based slave trade. Laws use bio-fear for subjugation and rule, the basis of all Biblical Evil. If the legion agree, is it still Evil? The agreement process is the sinner’s latent hate-group haven.

      If you are taught to hate others, that is a human violation. Instinctual knowing, with which the central voice and the passive energy streams are endowed, naturally moves us to be, moves us to feel and to doubt what we must. As a society we learn “hive-hate.” Evil is the terminal bulk abstract for all artificial resultant end character roles, acts and binary ear/eye conning slavery. One choice and one path are the equivalent of having no will but are considered normal because it is accepted that that’s all that’s available. Freedom is for authorized use only. Years of slave training preclude cohesive intent and the evolution of corporal sin and evil. The head is only an empty box that holds our symbolic words and labels. Question the bit part players and remedial pawns who statuette the game board for highly paid choreographed roles.

      So, does god punish us? The artificial god status assigned to words punishes us every day. Idol worship turns man against man and man against himself. Man punishes himself; god does not need to. It is self-accomplished bio-genetically. Man was not born to live in a symbols terminus environment. The genetic thread affects the organic being of the metaphysical bio-seeding and its evolution. Men and women are superior dimensional creatures trapped in a copious field of pretending which renders a backlash sub-reality. So the deceivers are deceived and remain trapped. Terminal governing causes all men to con-vert, to serve the symbol and enjoy the rewards. Do we not bow down to be given the credentialed right to the job, to judge and place a lesser label on others and to control the labels we are all coerced to wear? What is rank and file but a domino syndrome?

      How many strings are being pulled by the icon convert puppet-masters whose sole job it is to support the machinery of the false god with large sums of money? This results in the ongoing bilking of the habitual fear-full tax-payer to pay for all the false AI protection by rote jobs. The payment is made to the symbolic them, the “masters” in the blame game. The entity we feel as terminal evil. How many pretending people wear masks that they purchased at the educational or empowerment market place? Mica 7:6 infers that a man’s enemies will be in his household. In Matthew 10:21, “Brother will betray brother to the death and father to his child who will rebel against his parents and be put to death.” Matthew 10:34 – 36 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Simply stated, icon worship is a biological induced spell. Fear made to look like an enemy.

      What is the enemy within our household and within us? With what do we obey and betray and rebel against but the symbolic idols: words. One meaning gives rise to the murder of other meanings. The artifactual savior, the indelible Christ, warned us against the worship of idols and not those statues carved in alabaster, gold or wood. What about crosses or a wedding band or a police uniform as icons of worship? A ring on your left finger gets you what and gave what meaning to you? If you put on or take off your icon how are you changed? How do you value the stuff in your head? Is your head a token of its content? Do you judge those who worship idols that are not the idols valued by you? By law, only one choice exists and we are taught to accept that way and expect no other way. Do we understand the inherent problems with trying to evolve out of that pretending? The all or nothing fakery is the only way to make it to the next level of coercive profiteering.

      We can buy a piece of paper of implied expertise, and authority is granted by promising to repeat agreed protocol jargons over and over again. Paper marriages, paper love, paper rules, paper credentials, paper truth, paper laws. Look at the chart on page 101 and wake up to a new inner you!

      How badly do you need a ring or a title or a credential to make you think you are this or that? The symbol crucifies what you worship. If you can strip yourself of all symbolic want, you have a chance at an organic bio-energy data reconciliation pardon in this life. How many thousands of icons are we taught to worship in the name of word СКАЧАТЬ