The Red House Mystery and Other Novels. A. A. Milne
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Название: The Red House Mystery and Other Novels

Автор: A. A. Milne

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456614010


СКАЧАТЬ worth having a sack specially sent round for it. To keep it company I collected an assortment of clothes. It pained me to break up my wardrobe in this way, but I wanted the bidding for my opera-hat to be brisk, and a few preliminary suits would warm the public up. Altogether it was a goodly pile when it was done. The opera-hat perched on the top, half of it only at work.

      * * * * *

      To-day I received from Mr. Bennett a cheque, a catalogue and an account. The catalogue was marked "Lots 172-179." Somehow I felt that my opera hat would be Lot 176. I turned to it in the account.

      "_Lot 176--Six shillings_"

      "It did well," I said. "Perhaps in my heart of hearts I hoped for seven and sixpence, but six shillings--yes, it was a good hat."

      And then I turned to the catalogue.

      "_Lot 176_--Frock coat and vest, dress coat and vest, ditto, pair of trousers and opera hat."

      "_And opera hat._" Well, well. At least it had the position of honour at the end. My opera hat was starred.


      [~Note~.--_There are only six plots allowed to us who are not professionals. Here they are. When you have read them, then you will know all about amateur theatricals._]


      _The scene is an apartment in the mansion of Sir Thomas Farthingale. There is no need to describe the furniture in it, as rehearsals will gradually show what is wanted. A picture or two of previous Sir Thomas's might be seen on the walls, if you have an artistic friend who could arrange this; but it is a mistake to hang up your own ancestors, as some of your guests may recognise them, and thus pierce beneath the vraisemblance of the scene._

      _The period is that of Cromwell--sixteen something._

      _The costumes are, as far as possible, of the same period._

      Mistress Dorothy Farthingale _is seated in the middle of the stage, reading a letter and occasionally sighing_.

      _Enter_ My Lord Carey.

      ~Carey.~ Mistress Dorothy alone! Truly Fortune smiles upon me.

      ~Dorothy~ (_hiding the letter quickly_). An she smiles, my lord, I needs must frown.

      ~Carey~ (_used to this sort of thing and no longer put off by it_). Nay, give me but one smile, sweet mistress. (_She sighs heavily._) You sigh! Is't for me?

      ~Dorothy~ (_feeling that the sooner he and the audience understand the situation the better_). I sigh for another, my lord, who is absent.

      ~Carey~ (_annoyed_). Zounds, and zounds again! A pest upon the fellow! (_He strides up and down the room, keeping out of the way of his sword as much as possible._) Would that I might pink the pesky knave!

      ~Dorothy~ (_turning upon him a look of hate_). Would that you might have the chance, my lord, so it were in fair fighting. Methinks Roger's sword-arm will not have lost its cunning in the wars.

      ~Carey~. A traitor to fight against his King.

      ~Dorothy~. He fights for what he thinks is right. (_She takes out his letter and kisses it._)

      ~Carey~ (_observing the action_). You have a letter from him!

      ~Dorothy~ (_hastily concealing it and turning pale_). How know you that?

      ~Carey~. Give it to me! (_She shrieks and rises._) By heavens, madam, I will have it! (_He struggles with her and seizes it._)

      _Enter_ Sir Thomas.

      ~Sir Thomas~. Odds life, my lord, what means this?

      ~Carey~ (_straightening himself_). It means, Sir Thomas, that you harbour a rebel within your walls. Master Roger Dale, traitor, corresponds secretly with your daughter.

      (_Who, I forgot to say, has swooned._)

      ~Sir Thomas~ (_sternly_). Give me the letter. Ay, 'tis Roger's hand, I know it well. (_He reads the letter, which is full of thoughtful metaphors about love, aloud to the audience. Suddenly his eyebrows go up and down to express surprise. He seizes_ Lord Carey _by the arm_.) Ha! Listen! "To-morrow when the sun is upon the western window of the gallery, I will be with thee." The villain!

      ~Carey~ (_who does not know the house very well_). When is that?

      ~Sir Thomas~. Why, 'tis now, for I have but recently passed through the gallery and did mark the sun.

      ~Carey~ (_fiercely_). In the name of the King, Sir Thomas, I call upon you to arrest this traitor.

      ~Sir Thomas~ (_sighing_). I loved the boy well, yet----

      (_He shrugs his shoulders expressively and goes out with_ Lord Carey _to collect sufficient force for the arrest._)

      _Enter_ Roger _by secret door R._

      ~Roger.~ My love!

      ~Dorothy~ (_opening her eyes_). Roger!

      ~Roger.~ At last!

      (_For the moment they talk in short sentences like this. Then_ Dorothy _puts her hand to her brow as if she is remembering something horrible._)

      ~Dorothy.~ Roger! Now I remember! It is not safe for you to stay!

      ~Roger~ (_very brave_). Am I a puling child to be afraid?

      ~Dorothy.~ My Lord Carey is here. He has read your letter.

      ~Roger.~ The black-livered dog! Would I had him at my sword's point to teach him manners.

      (_He puts his hand to his heart and staggers into a chair._)

      ~Dorothy.~ Oh, you are wounded!

      ~Roger.~ Faugh, 'tis but a scratch. Am I a puling----

      (_He faints. She binds up his ankle._)

      _Enter_ Lord Carey _with two soldiers._

      ~Carey.~ Arrest this traitor! (_Roger is led away by the soldiers._)

      ~Dorothy~ (_stretching out her hands to him_). Roger! (_She sinks into a chair._)

      ~Carey~ (_choosing quite the wrong moment for a proposal_). Dorothy, I love you! Think no more of this traitor, for he will surely СКАЧАТЬ