Inspirations From the Bench. Kelly MDiv Scott
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Название: Inspirations From the Bench

Автор: Kelly MDiv Scott

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9781456606183


СКАЧАТЬ plan of action for most graduations is for the Valedictorian to speak and give the commencement address, but our Valedictorian was not interested, so I volunteered or was volunteered, I can’t remember which. The night was beautiful and I got up to give the first real talk of my life. It was exciting and nerve racking, but I remember that everyone was pleased as I said these words:

      “Our graduation: A time for leaving behind, a time for taking with. A time of joy, a time of sorrow. Our high school days are over now, we are moving on to, I’m not sure if bigger and better things, but different things. People are going to be telling us that it is a rough world out there and that we are going to have to make decisions. That it is cold and impersonal and we are going to have to make adjustments. That we will be hurt and even stepped on. Maybe though, what we have gotten here can be used to make the world a little kinder and gentler for us and others. An education comes in two parts: What a person learns in the classroom and what we have learned in over-all student life. Problems come through daily interaction, but we handled most problems and have grown closer to one another in the process. We are experiencing a feeling here tonight of togetherness, and soon that being together will be gone, but that feeling will never die.

      I hope as each of us travels on in life we can reach the level of success where we can see the invisible and do the impossible, but much more important is that we must be true to ourselves. I have a poem that says it clearer than I can.

      The Man in the Glass –Anonymous

      When you get what you want in your struggles for

      self, and the world makes you king for a day.

      Just go to a mirror and look at yourself, and see

      what that man has to say.

      For it isn’t your father or mother or wife whose

      judgment you must pass.

      But the fellow whose verdict counts most in life is

      the one staring back from the glass.

      Some people think you are a straight shooter

      chum, and call you a wonderful guy.

      But the man in the glass say’s you’re only a bum, if

      you can’t look him straight in the eye.

      He’s the fellow to please–never mind all the rest.

      For he’s with you clear up to the end and you’ve

      passed your most dangerous difficult task if the

      man in the glass is your friend.

      You may fool the whole world down the pathway

      of life, and get pats on your back as you pass.

      But the final reward will be heartache and tears, if

      you’ve cheated the man in the glass.

      Be always true to yourself and no matter what happens your life will always be a success.

      I went on to thank the multitude of people who deserved thanks and then ended with this:

      We have been luckier than many, many people throughout the world. Although we have many times raised our voices and complained, our problems are a lot smaller than many peoples. Again, a poem says it better than I.

      Oh God, Forgive Me When I Whine –Red Foley

      Today upon a bus I saw a Lovely maiden with

      golden hair. I envied her, she seemed so happy

      and oh, I wished I were so fair. When suddenly

      she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the

      aisle. She had one foot and wore a crutch, but

      as she passed she smiled.

      Oh God, forgive me when I whine, I have two feet

      the world is mine.

      And when I stopped to buy some food, the lad

      who served me had such charm, he seemed to

      radiate good cheer, his manner was so kind and


      I said, “It’s nice to deal with you; such courtesy I

      seldom find.” He turned and said “oh thank you

      sir” and then I saw that he was blind.

      Oh God, forgive me when I whine; I have two

      eyes, the world is mine.

      And when I was walking down the street I saw a

      child with eyes of blue. He stood and watched

      the others play. It seemed he knew not what to

      do. I said, “Why don’t you join the others?”

      But he looked ahead without a word, and then I

      knew he could not hear.

      Oh God forgive me when I whine; I have two ears

      the world is mine.

      With feet to take me where I must, with eyes to

      see the sunset glow, with ears to hear what I

      must know.

      I’m blessed indeed–this world is mine. Oh God

      forgive me when I whine.

      I wish to you the graduating class the best wherever you go. If I can leave you with one final thought implanted in your mind, let it be this: Give the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.”

      With that, I was a graduate looking towards college and my brother, Casey, was stronger than ever living the college life and very much alive!

      The idea of never giving up and to be really Alive—Attitude, Laughter, Innovation, Victory, and Energy also focuses a person so they can turn good into great and hope into reality. This is what Spirit & Sport, the facility, will do in the lives of both young and old. Each person has been gifted in so many ways, use those talents and gifts to improve yourself and reach out to help others so you can be truly ALIVE at any age!

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