Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. II: Strength. M.D. A. Miro
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Название: Warrior Poet Wisdom Vol. II: Strength

Автор: M.D. A. Miro

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Зарубежные стихи


isbn: 9781456605728





      Vol. II: Strength

      By Miro

      Copyright © 2011 by Miro

      Cover design & photo by Miro & Luana Mercy

      Book design by Miro

      Author portrait in Portrait by Kathleen Ann Staley

      Author photo by Kim Nielsen

      All rights reserved.

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Warrior Poet Wisdom

      Visit my website at www.warriorpoetwisdom.com

      First Edition

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0572-8

      For you.


      Welcome back, warriors! You know the drill. One poem for every day of the month. If the month has more days than poems, those are extras. Be patient and work on them day by day. It’s a small step in re-training your mind, and small steps are always the most effective when taking on big goals. Always remember: Anything is possible with enough time and pressure.



      Warrior’s Prayer

      The common routine

      When one goes to pray

      Is to get down on knees

      And in one spot stay

      Clasp hands together

      Keep eyes closed tight

      In an attempt

      To not see the plight

      That may work just fine

      If you wish to give praise

      But most don’t give prayer

      Until darkest days

      And when the storm comes

      I’ve found it works best

      To not just curl up

      And beg to be blessed

      And that’s a main problem

      With people who follow

      If you beg for a break

      Then your prayers are just hollow

      The point’s not to live

      The easiest life

      It’s to build up the strength

      To endure the strife

      When hardships befall

      Don’t beg for an end

      Get up while you pray

      For the strength to transcend

      Open your eyes

      As you ask for resolve

      And accept that motion

      Is the key to evolve

      Although this concept

      To a few may appall

      A prayer on your knees

      Will do no good at all

      It’s been my experience

      When times are their worst

      The best start to prayer

      Is to get up first

      One foot then the other

      Keep myself moving

      To God above

      And to myself proving

      I’m not looking for lenience

      I’m not begging for pity

      I know parts of life

      Are not going to be pretty

      I pray to the Father

      For strength added on

      To what’s already in me

      To my own employed brawn

      Upgrade my power

      And my fortitude, raise

      Enhance my patience

      Amid all the craze

      In the book of Isaiah

      Forty-one: ten

      “I will strengthen and help you”

      The Lord said, amen

      But strength will not do you

      Much good at all

      If you’re hidden away

      Curled up in a ball

      The warrior’s way

      Is to charge with no fear

      And the warrior’s prayer

      Is made in high gear