not get a fair price. Nevertheless, at the urging of his family he accepted the offer. He was to depart within two days. He said tearful good-byes to his many friends and was asleep when a rumbling noise in the distance awakened him. He had no idea what the noise was, but realized that it was getting louder. Then he understood. He was hearing profanities spoken with anger in the Russian language. There were many. This was not an argument between a few angry men, this was a march of many and they were coming in his direction. This was a riot. This is how the pogroms would start. He rushed to the living room to blow out a candle that served as a night light. Perhaps they would pass me up, he thought, if they see no light here, but it was all to no avail. A bright light filled the room accompanied by a large explosion that knocked Moritz to the floor—a firebomb. Thick black smoke filled the room through which the light of the flames danced. He started choking and gasping for breath. He fell to the ground and crawled, his nose close to the floor hoping for breathable oxygen, but there was none. He retched, further intensifying his increasing shortness of breath. He attempted to crawl toward the door, but he could not get his arms and legs to move. Flames surrounded him, oxygen starvation overcame him and the surrounding blackness and the dancing lights accentuated. He felt a sudden calmness and a floating sensation just before everything turned pitch black. The fire raged out of control.
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