Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo
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Название: Mini Burmese Dictionary

Автор: Aung Kyaw Phyo

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях

Серия: Tuttle Mini Dictionary

isbn: 9781462914418


СКАЧАТЬ zaung N အက်ိဳးေဆာင္ broker; agent

      akyout tayarr N အေၾကာက္တရား fear

      akyownn win V အက်ဳံး၀င္ be inclusive

      akywann tawin ADJ အကြ်မ္းတ၀င္ familiar with; intimate with

      akyway N အေၾကြ change; coins

      akywayy N အေၾကြး debt

      akywayy sat V အေၾကြးဆပ္ pay off a debt

      akywayy taungg V အေၾကြးေတာင္း ask someone to give back borrowed money

      akywayy tin V အေၾကြးတင္ be in debt; owe

      akywinn N အၾကြင္း remainder

      akywinn akyan N အၾကြင္းအက်န္ remains; leftovers

      akywinn maet ADV အၾကြင္းမဲ့ totally; absolutely

      alae N အလယ္ center; middle

      alagarr ADV အလကား 1 free of charge; freely 2 without reason

      alan N အလံ flag

      alat N အလတ္ 1 medium size 2 fair quality 3 middle child

      alate N အလိပ္ roll; bale

      alaungg N အေလာင္း corpse; body

      alaungg asarr N အေလာင္းအစား gambling; betting

      alayt akyint N အေလ့အက်င့္ practice; training; habit

      alayy N အေလး 1 (piece of metal) weight 2 things that are heavy

      alayy gyeain N အေလးခ်ိန္ weight

      alayy htarr V အေလးထား respect; give special consideration

      alayy pyook V အေလးျပဳ salute; bow

      alinn yaung N အလင္းေရာင္ light

      alite N အလိုက္ 1 sth thrown in to make up the difference when exchanging goods or properties of unequal values 2 melody of a song

      alo N အလို wish; desire; need; want

      aloat N အလုပ္ activity; task; business; work; job

      aloat htoat V အလုပ္ထုတ္ dismiss from job; fire

      aloat khwin N အလုပ္ခြင္ workplace; worksite

      aloat kyann N အလုပ္ၾကမ္း manual labor; hard labor

      aloat let maet ADJ အလုပ္လက္မဲ့ unemployed

      aloat pyoat V အလုပ္ျပဳတ္ get fired; get dismissed

      aloat shin N အလုပ္ရွင္ employer

      aloat shoat ADJ အလုပ္ရႈပ္္ busy

      aloat sinn V အလုပ္ဆင္း 1 go to work 2 leave work

      aloat thamarr N အလုပ္သမား employee; worker

      aloat thin N အလုပ္သင္ trainee; apprentice; intern

      alolo ADV အလိုလို naturally; automatically; spontaneously

      alon ADV အလြန္ so; very

      alont alon ADV အလြန္ ့အလြန္ 1 excessively; unduly 2 extremely

      alo sheet V အလုိရွိ want

      alownn N အလုံး ball; globe; sphere

      alut ADJ အလြတ္ empty; blank

      alwann N အလြမ္း longing; yearning; sorrow

      an V အန္ vomit; throw up

      an dayae N အႏၱရာယ္ danger

      angae N အငယ္ the younger one

      angan N အငန္ saltiness; salty food

      angat N အငတ္ 1 hunger (for food); thirst (for a drink) 2 starving person

      angat bay N အငတ္ေဘး famine; starvation

      an gite V အံကိုက္ fit tightly

      angite meet V အငိုက္မိ be taken by surprise

      angwayt N အေငြ ့ vapor; fumes

      angwayt pyan V အေငြ ့ျပန္ evaporate

      anook my N အဏုျမဴ atom; nuclear

      anook myu bownn N အဏုျမဴဗုံး nuclear bomb

      ant arr thint V အံ့အားသင့္ be surprised; be astonished

      ant aww V အ့ံၾသ be amazed

      an thwarr N အံသြား molar

      anyar tharr N အညာသား person from upcountry

      anyeainn zarr ADJ အၿငိမ္းစား retired

      anyeaint N အၿငိမ့္ traditional performance with singing, dancing and comedy

      anyi ADV အညီ equally; in line with; in accordance with

      anyinn akhown N အျငင္းအခုန္ argument; dispute

      anyinn than ADJ အျငင္းသန္ argumentative

      anyo amell N အညိဳအမည္း black and blue bruises

      anyont N အညြန္ ့ sprout; tendril

      anyont khoo V အညြန္ ့ခူး exploit others