Psychic Children. Susan Gale
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Название: Psychic Children

Автор: Susan Gale

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Секс и семейная психология


isbn: 9780876049365


СКАЧАТЬ comments. During the long stays at hospitals, Patricia always took Faith in her wheelchair for morning and afternoon strolls outside, so that Faith could experience the healing and beauty of nature.

      Faith, as sick and weak as she often was, nevertheless continually smiled and smiled. Patricia let her mind go into an altered state to know what was needed, since Faith couldn’t communicate verbally to say what was wrong. Autism was the official label given to Faith by the medical community, and Patricia allowed this. Yet she still felt that some divine plan for her daughter was at work, coming through her dear Jesus. Patricia was convinced that if she had the faith to wait and listen, the answers would eventually come.

      Previously, while living at the school, Faith had been taught a process known as Facilitated Communication, or FC. This procedure, brought to the school by a speech teacher, involved a facilitator lightly holding Faith’s wrist so that she could place her index finger on the letters of a computer keyboard, one after another, in order to communicate in typewritten words. Once Faith began to learn and practice the communication process, she relished the time spent with her facilitator. When Faith moved back into her mother’s home space, Patricia arranged for Faith’s facilitator at that time, Sarah, to come spend time with Faith, first at a local school and later at Patricia’s home. Faith was now able to communicate with the world and its people.

      In the autumn of 2002, the break that Patricia had been seeking for years finally came. Through a local doctor, Faith was given three things: a name for her chronic difficulty (Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome, or CVS), a recommended doctor who was highly knowledgeable about the syndrome and could help with it (Dr. David Fleisher in Columbia, Missouri), and a combination of medications that could help alleviate the symptoms. For the first time in Faith’s nineteen years of life, the violent vomiting that had hospitalized her over and over again was in remission. She was also able to stop taking all the other drugs—eight or more—whose side effects had previously served to debilitate her functioning.

      Just at this time, too, Patricia suggested that Faith and Sarah begin to explore Faith’s mission in her present life. The combined results were astounding. Without the constant vomiting, Faith could concentrate on important inner thoughts and concepts. Having Sarah come to Faith’s home meant that Faith felt safe and comfortable both with her longtime facilitator and in her own personal environment. Focusing on Faith’s mission in life added an even greater depth to the weekly sessions.

      All of these factors allowed Faith to look more deeply within herself and to bring out the wisdom that she found there. Inspired by questions that Patricia and Sarah asked, Faith began to type page after page of information—messages that she says are her life’s mission and her gift to the world. Here are some of her communications:

      “I would like it said that people are blocked by living—hurried up, and consuming things of no value. Everyone thinks that is life. Real life is from a point within that radiates out to the world.

      “The experience of that point within is full of serenity and assurance that I am loved, that I have a role to play in this world. I am not an outsider. I am a part of the whole of life. I bring my gifts to the world, too. And this point within is like another heaven on earth. It is home. It has beautiful colors and whirling movements. It is so beautiful.

      “This is the center of the real Self. It is the best place to be. If you can live from that place, you will be Love’s messenger.

      “You stay in that place by saying you want to do it. You keep saying that no matter what, this is where I want to live and I will not allow circumstances to take me from this place. It is a gift to other people, too. Yes, to stand up for your own soul is to stand up for everyone else’s soul, too.

      “I know that whatever happens, I will stay in this state of love. That is what I tell people—that is what they need to do. They need to stay in the state of love.

      “When my mother prays, I see her praying in my heart. There is a cord connecting my heart to hers. It is almost at times like a mirror. When she prays, I am praying, too. I am praying for the same things: my health, her living many years so I can be with her, being grateful for blessings, getting us through the night (because we have had some very tough nights when neither slept because I was so sick). We pray for peace and that we are good people, that we help to bring some love to the shattered world—a world on fire from fear and hatred based in ignorance.

      “I do believe I chose to come here autistic. I believe it is a cooperation between myself and God. I am wanting to say God sees me as a messenger. Yes, He devised a plan to give me freedom so I could find freedom inside myself. So rather than finding freedom from the outside, I find it within myself. That is the plan—a very good one. It’s us and God—us and God as a team.

      “My autism is no accident. It is the only way I can function. I have finely tuned connections that being normal would hide. I could not be normal and manage what I know. The world would kill it off. By being autistic, I can protect my knowledge in the autism and use it when it is needed. Mom and Sarah are my lights on this path because they believe.

      “I died twice in the hospital. I came back to be with Mom, to love her, to give her my wisdom until the time comes that we are apart, but we are never that far apart. She has loved me beyond measure. I am here to give that love back to her and to others who have throughout my destiny loved me. I have words to say, to give, to teach. To bring some wisdom is my mission. I was not ready to go. The world needs my laughter.

      “There are ways of communicating with others from the heart. Here’s the scoop. You have to believe—that’s all. You have to be open. You have to slow down and hear—so slow down and listen!

      “When I send a message to someone, I picture them in my mind—I have an image of them. I talk to them from my soul’s voice and send the message with love. But this procedure of sending messages and vibes can only happen when the receiver believes in it and when there is pure love.

      “When people send each other messages—like my friends in that picture [the Yale University Facilitation Group]—it is like their thoughts come to me on lines of love energy. I hear their messages in my heart, and I send back messages to them in the same way.

      “I have been thinking about friends in this life who are taking time to be in a place to teach the way to go. I, too, am a friend on the path who can help others.

      “Who is my support? I think my support is a higher power. I am Love, too. I speak Love and I live Love.

      “Sarah is here to go full circle, to help me and Mom to gel our spiritual findings, to fulfill our mission.”

      Thus Faith, as one of the psychic children of the world, is indeed fulfilling her mission by giving messages of love and truth to all who are open to hear them and act upon them.

      Part Two


      James Twyman and a World Grid of Psychic Children

      In 1994 James Twyman became known internationally as the “peace troubadour” when he set to music the peace prayers from all the major religions of the world. Since that time, Twyman has given peace concerts around the globe, singing these peace prayers along with many other original songs. Twyman СКАЧАТЬ