Название: Toward a Deeper Meditation
Автор: John Van Auken
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Здоровье
isbn: 9780876048764
To be sure, there should be rather that expectant attitude of the body … for unless there is the expectancy, unless there is hope, the mind’s outlook becomes a drag, a drug on one that is being attacked from within by the various diseases of a physical body.
Cayce often hyphenated the word disease in an effort to convey the real source of disease as being a dis-ease in the system, physically and mentally. When a being is at ease with itself, health is usually present. But health cannot be maintained long when something within a person is uneasy, or at dis-ease. Notice also that Cayce continues to emphasize the importance of the right mental attitude: being hopeful and expectant.
Doubt was also on Cayce’s list of don’ts, as we see in this next instruction:
Do not become morose. Do not doubt the abilities of those influences in the spiritual life to meet the needs of the body physically, mentally, spiritually, and we will revivify these things.
Nothing save self stands in the way of the entity making or becoming a channel of blessings to many! For the entity may be assured, for the entity will find, nothing in heaven or hell or earth may separate thee from the knowledge and the use of the I AM Presence within, save selfishness—or self!
This is a hard one to accept. Few of us take full responsibility for our circumstances in life and in health. But it sure appears that Cayce is listing “self” as the only limitation to success.
This next Cayce comment reminds me of my parents’ admonitions to “pull yourself together” or “get hold of yourself.” Mind over circumstances, whether they are physical, emotional, or mental, is a powerful tool toward changing the prevailing condition. Here Cayce reminds us, in this excerpt from a previously mentioned reading, that we shouldn’t use discouraging remarks when we or others are struggling to overcome a condition.
Hence mind over matter is not to be lightly spoken of, nor is there any disparaging remark to be made as to the ability of the body-physical to be revivified, resuscitated, spiritualized such that there is no reaction that may not be revivified.
The Cayce records are filled with the admonition to “live what you know to be true and right.” Our actions must reflect our deepest beliefs and values. If they do, then the Life Force can flow through us without getting meshed in a web of hypocrisy, contradiction, and disharmony. Cayce often identified incoordination of the two nervous systems as one of the major causes of illness, equating it with the two parts of ourselves (inner and outer) being at war with one another. Here he calls for us to hold to a simple truth:
For He hath shown the way—not by some mysterious fluid, not by some unusual vibration, but by the simple method of living that which is life itself. Think no evil; hear no evil. And as the Truth flows as a stream of life through the Mind in all its phases or aspects, and purifies same, so will it purify and revivify and rejuvenate the body. For once this effacement urge is overcome, then may there begin the rejuvenation.
In this case, and with many of us today, we actually seem to get in a self-destructive mode, or as Cayce said, an “effacement urge.” Who can save us from ourselves? All the outer applications can’t overcome the desires of the ruler of the house. First, one must stop effacing oneself or destroying oneself, for whatever reason we may think justified. Then, self can be transformed.
Mind is the master.
Paradoxically, this powerful statement is frequently offset by a “nevertheless” statement, such as this one: “Yet, physical conditions need the [therapeutic] activity that may regenerate or revivify the abilities for reproduction of self through the afflicted or disturbed areas of the body.” (2529-1)
One can only conclude that the mind is the master, yet we also need therapeutic applications to help along the regenerative process.
It may appear long, but—keep that attitude of being the channel through which more love of the divine nature may be given, even as ye would be shown that towards the ways and manners for the helpfulness in the material physical body.
Cayce often encouraged those who were in the worst situations to get out of their self-absorption with their problems by simply looking around for someone else who needed help, and helping them—with no thought of reward. Something in the spirit of helpfulness has a magical effect upon the helper.
In this next case, we see someone who is suppressing herself, either from guilt, self-consciousness, anxiety, or fear. Since every living thing has an inner drive to express life, suppression is against the flow of life and must therefore be transformed in order for life to flow and health to return. He encourages her to get interested in something, as well as to keep up with the therapy.
The destruction of the blood forces [is] by suppression of self in a mental manner. Hence, the necessity of directing and interesting self in a fad, or even a fancy, and keeping self interested in same, as well as correcting the physical conditions.
As we have seen, the mind and the mental attitude play major roles in the healing and health maintenance process.
Finally, Cayce gives the best attitude to hold for maintaining youth and youthful influences:
Let age only ripen thee. For one is ever as young as the heart and the purpose. Keep sweet. Keep friendly. Keep Loving, if ye would keep young.
Unique to Cayce’s vision is the idea that seekers of healing and health must attune themselves to the Divine within every cell of their bodies in order to fully realize the perfected condition. It’s like a pattern, a code, and a vibration that possesses life in its ideal condition. It is continual and healthy. When we attune to it, we begin to imbue ourselves with this perfected life pattern or state of being.
It will require that there be such an attitude in mind, in purpose, in hope, and in relationships to others, that each cell of the body may be attuned to the divine within. Each cell must become expectant, that there may be the renewing, the revivifying of the relationships that the soul-entity bears to Creative Forces.
3511-1 (my italics)
Thus there may be a revivifying, a resuscitating, and a creating of an environment such that the body-mind, with its spiritual concepts and its spiritual understanding, may arouse the whole of the body-forces to their better functionings.
1620-1 (my italics)
For the body mentally, in its spiritual attributes for the physical self, may hold much in this manner—as the applications are made, osteopathically, electrically—not for things to be gotten through with, but see, feel, know that these are channels and measures through which the divine may operate for effective activity in this body!”
1299-1 (my bold)
In this next case, we see that some problems are so big, so deep, so painfully possessing СКАЧАТЬ