The Oil That Heals. William A. McGarey M.D.
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Название: The Oil That Heals

Автор: William A. McGarey M.D.

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780876046692


СКАЧАТЬ if she was going to die, it was right there that she wanted to do it.

      To ease her pain and discomfort, I instructed her daughter to place a castor oil pack on the abdomen without heat, but to keep it in place constantly. And the patient was to take ice chips to keep her hydrated.

      The following day, she was feeling better and her abdomen was not quite as distended. Also, she had started to smile and joke once again. The next day she started having a few liquid stools and her distention was nearly gone. I gave her a suppository and she had a large, nearly normal bowel movement. The obvious diagnosis was a severe intestinal obstruction caused by a fecal impaction.

      When I visited her on the third day, she was up in a chair, watching her favorite television programs. All systems were working and she had delayed her time of departure from this plane.

      How did the castor oil pack act to make such a radical change in direction in this woman’s state of health? I would say that she had, prior to her illness, established a degree of homeostasis—a state of stability in her internal physiological environment, which for her spelled health.

      Then something happened—probably having to do with her nutrition, which caused the fecal impaction to take place. That much we can understand. But when she worsened, what was it about the oil that loosened up the impaction and turned things around? Did the castor oil soak through to the intestinal tract? Was it a vibratory activity in the castor oil, after soaking through, or did it work as vibration without soaking through?

      Because of the nature of this dimension in which all of us reside, we know that everything is in vibration. All substances in this physical environment are composed of atoms or subatomic particles. These are in constant motion and are one form of energy. All substances, then, whether they be living or not, give off vibrations which, given time and more research, will eventually be measured and shown to be uniquely specific in their own nature. Thus, castor oil will have a different vibratory force than peanut oil, for instance.

      Is it really vibration, then, that carries the healing nature of the castor oil into the body to launch a new approach, a new situation, a new balance inside the structure and functioning of the body so that healing does, in fact, come about? Whatever brought about the change, by the time three days had passed the woman octogenarian had regained her sense of humor, was chatting with her daughter again, and was watching her television. And she was eating normally again. She had regained that state of homeostasis that, for her, added up to health.

      It might be illustrated, like most events which occur in this dimension, on a graph showing happenings in time. (See Figure 1.)

      The Cayce readings had much to say about vibration, and it appears from their perspective that the vibratory influence did bring about the change in the instance of the intestinal obstruction:

      Electricity or vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call God. Not that God is an electric light or an electric machine, but that vibration that is creative is of that same energy as life itself. (2828-4)

      . . . everything in motion, everything that has taken on materiality as to become expressive in any kingdom in the material world, is by the vibrations that are the motions—or those positive and negative influences that make for that differentiation that man has called matter in its various stages of evolution into material things. For . . . all vibration must eventually, as it materializes into matter, pass though a stage of evolution and out. (699-1)

      Then, to find the correct vibration for elements that are lacking in their sustaining forces for a living organism, in such a way and manner as for same to be assimilated by, or become effective in, a living organism . . . is to be able to change that environ of that physical organism as to be creative and evoluting in its activity in that system. (5576-1)

      If one were to change the internal environment of the body (the physiology) so that it became creative, wouldn’t one really expect a movement, then, toward health and away from disease? The mystery of the body certainly is not yet fully understood, but it continues to be exciting as one searches, as one stops long enough to smell the dandelions.

      In our work at the A.R.E. Clinic, it was our routine, when a pregnant woman started to have any kind of difficulty to apply a castor oil pack to her abdomen. If there was any sign of threatened spontaneous abortion, we would have the mother go to bed, elevate the foot of the bed, and put a pack on—without the heating pad—and often she would then carry the pregnancy on to term.

      When a pregnant woman who had a history of miscarriages would come to the clinic, the castor oil pack would be the primary and immediate therapy. There are teenagers and young adults walking around throughout the Phoenix area who may not have made it to birthing had it not been for the use of the castor oil packs. And mothers who used the packs noted also that there were few stretch marks, if indeed any appeared.

      Because of my extensive writing about my work with the Cayce material and castor oil over the past twenty years, many users of the Cayce suggestions write me about their experiences. One forty-year-old man volunteered his story about intermittent pain that he had suffered since he was eighteen. It was irritating, but not disabling. After reading about the use of castor oil in other conditions, he decided to try it. The pain was in the center of each wrist. He applied a pack to each wrist all night long for three consecutive nights. When he wrote to me—more than three months after his treatment, he said he had had the pain “since I was eighteen years old, and I’m now forty—and the pain has not returned since I used the packs.” He added that he had experienced some pain in his upper arm. Using the packs also cleared up that pain with no recurrence.

      I’m sure there were reasons for the occurrence of the pain in this man’s case and he would need to become aware of what really lay behind his pain episode. It was obvious, however, that this man had a castor oil consciousness.

      We have used castor oil on the body in a variety of locations, and the doctors who have been on the staff of the Clinic have become strong advocates for its use, as have many of our patients and correspondents.

      Before he retired, Dr. Ray Bjork sent me this report: “I have been seeing a man who complains of tinnitus, a ringing in the ears. Acupuncture has helped only mildly so far. But he had a keratotic (wart-like) lesion on his forearm and wanted to know if he should see a skin specialist as he wondered if it might be cancerous. I told him I felt it was benign but gave him a dermatologist’s address. Before he left the office, I applied a Band-Aid® with drops of castor oil on it and told him to apply one drop twice a day.

      “It ended up that he did not go to the specialist, and the lesion sloughed off in just a couple of weeks.”

      Chapter Six

      Therapists Are Born, Not Made

      When individuals with no medical training find out about very simple therapies that are harmless but very interesting and have a history of being helpful, some become fascinated. They want to know “What happens if . . . ?” These are therapists who are born that way. I suspect that they have had past lives helping other humans through physical or mental difficulties.

      When I was in Virginia Beach several years ago, an A.R.E. member told me about a friend of hers who must have been one of these “born-again” therapists. She worked at a supermarket checkout counter, but loved the use of castor oil СКАЧАТЬ