The socialization period gives you crucial weeks at home in which to ensure your puppy has many different positive experiences. If your puppy is shy—and many are—take special care that they aren’t overwhelmed. You can use play or food to try and turn situations into a positive experience (more on this in chapter 3). Give your puppy choices, encourage them to interact, but don’t force it if they don’t want to. Even if your puppy is shy, giving them a choice will let them come out on their own when they are ready—and that’s exactly when the experience will be good for them.
Many humane societies and SPCAs have guidelines on how to choose a puppy, so it is worth looking online to find a guide from an organization you like. Some of them, like the RSPCA in the UK, also make a contract available that can be used when buying a puppy. Amongst other things, the contract will include something about what happens to the puppy if things don’t work out; a good breeder or rescue will take the puppy back. Putting the time in to do your research now will help you find the right pet for you and ensure that your puppy had a good start in life.
WHEN WE FIRST adopted Ghost, I was surprised that some people reacted very negatively to the fact he came from a shelter, even though right there in front of them was a stunningly beautiful—and well-behaved—dog. One man even told me that for sure Ghost would bite me. (Just so you know, he never did!) Aside from how rude these people were, they also were wrong: a shelter dog can be a good choice.
Research shows one of the things that often motivates people to choose a rescue dog is to save a life; not only do you give the dog you’re adopting a new home, but you make space in the shelter or rescue for another at-risk or abandoned dog to wait for a new home.
I asked Dr. Sam Gaines of the RSPCA what advice she would give to people who are adopting a dog. She told me about the RSPCA’s pre-adoption booklet, which includes information about what to do during the dog’s first few weeks, including the importance of setting ground rules and having everyone in the house be consistent. At the same time, she says, people should pay attention to what they are told about the specific dog they are adopting.
Gaines said, “Put aside any preconceived ideas about the dog and how it looks, and I guess to a certain extent what breed it might be. Put that aside and instead think about who’s the individual dog that you’ve just adopted.” She added that it’s important to work with the information you’ve been given. For example, “‘This is what we’ve observed in that dog over the period of time that they’ve been with us; this is what their personality is like, things that they like to do’ rather than assuming ‘Well, he’s a Labrador so he’s bound to be really friendly and he’s bound to love playing with a ball and he’s going to be really safe with my family.’ Moving away from that and thinking about ‘this is his individual behavior and welfare needs and this is the species’ behavior and welfare needs.’”
Be realistic about the dog you’re getting
Just like when you get a puppy, it’s a good idea to think about the commitment you are prepared to make to the dog. Dogs arrive at shelters for all kinds of reasons, such as when their owner has become sick, passed away, or been unable to find pet-friendly rental housing. But if the shelter tells you the dog has a behavior problem, it’s important to consider whether you are the right person for that dog.
Dr. Carlo Siracusa is a veterinary behaviorist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. As well as teaching vet students and seeing clients, he conducts research on the outcomes of dogs with behavior problems. He said, “Keep in mind that in many cases if you see that the dog looks like a very nervous dog—if he has a history, for example, of behavior problems, it’s not that the dog was not trained; it’s that that is the personality of the dog. So if you think you cannot deal with a dog like this or if it’s not a dog that you want—like our clients say ‘this is not the way we imagined the relationship with my dog’—then maybe you should not get that dog. There are people that are probably more experienced, that have already dealt with a more aggressive dog, with an anxious dog, with a dog with serious separation anxiety, and they feel that they can do it. Then that’s okay. But do not think that because you love the dog that you will find a trainer that will do magic and will fix the problem.”
A 2015 study of people who had adopted a shelter dog about four months prior found 96 percent said their new dog had adapted well or very well to their new home and 71 percent said the dog met their expectations: most of the dogs were friendly to visitors to the home and most never exhibited any of a list of problem behaviors.20 Although 72 percent of respondents said there was a behavior they would like their dog to change—the most common being destructive behavior, fear, barking too much, and pulling on-leash—just over three-quarters of the people in this study said they would adopt from a shelter again.
Another study of people who adopted shelter dogs, published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science, reported that 65 percent were very satisfied with their new dog’s behavior, and less than 4 percent were dissatisfied. On average, people rated their satisfaction with the dog as 4.8 out of 5. This study also reported that 53 percent of the dogs had a behavior problem, most commonly pulling on-leash, chewing or scratching furniture, or inappropriate toileting.21 These results suggest that people realize they may need to teach their dog to fit into their household, and that many behavior issues are not particularly serious.
I don’t know of a corresponding study that records how satisfied people are after bringing home a new puppy, but every dog needs to be taught how to be in your home. In the next chapter, we’ll look at how dogs learn.
•Consider whether you have the time, finances, and right home environment for a dog. Do you have time to exercise, groom, and play with them? If you will be out of the house for a long time on some days, can you make suitable arrangements, such as with a dog walker? Are you willing to learn about what the dog needs? You may like to babysit a friend’s dog for a while to get some experience with taking care of a dog.
•Research the physical and behavioral health of the breed(s) you are interested in. Make a note of any genetic tests recommended for the breed, and always ask about them. If a breed has a tendency towards health problems, you may want to choose the breeder carefully, take out insurance, budget for higher veterinary bills, or even choose a different breed. If you’re getting a mixed breed to avoid hereditary issues, ensure the other breed(s) don’t have the same issues (e.g., a cross of two brachycephalic breeds is still likely to be brachycephalic).
•Remember there are many breeds to choose from. If a particular breed’s tendency to inherited health issues makes you think twice, reflect on what attracted you to that breed. If you wanted a small dog, research other small breeds. If you wanted a dog that doesn’t need much exercise, consider appropriate breeds of all sizes (or maybe an older shelter dog would be right for you). If you are thinking of having children in a few years, pick a breed that is described as friendly—and make special efforts to ensure the puppy has nice experiences with children during the sensitive period (see chapter 8).
•Take advantage of the pre-purchase consultations offered by some veterinarians and dog trainers to help you think СКАЧАТЬ